I Need You, To Tell Me The Truth

Stand Up F*cking Tall

I was distracted walking down the street with my brother Mikey as we walked home.

"Gerard wouldn't it be cool if we could be in a band together?" he questioned me.

"That would be awesome, but your too much of a pansy for that," I replied with a laugh pushing him.

"Liar," he replied back. "Are you babysitting Adriana today?" he questioned.

"I don't know probably," I replied walking up the steps to our house.

"You know, people think its kind of wierd that you always go to her house, considering her brother isn't there anymore," he replied back. I stopped and pulled him back before he could go through the door.

"What do you mean?" I questioned him.

"I don't know...it's just...people are talking," he replied back. It took me a moment to process what exactly he was saying.

"You mean..." I trailed off a bit as he nodded "What the eff?! she's 9 years old, thats sick," I half yelled walking past him into the house.

"Gerard honey," I heard my mom call to me as soon as I walked in "Adriana's parents are going out tonight and were wondering if you would babysit,"

I looked over at Mikey as he looked back and shrugged going to his room.

"Um, actually I have plans already," I replied back feeling guilty that I had lied.

"Okay," I heard her reply, I sighed and walked to my room closing my door behind me.

I pulled out a fresh sheet of paper and started drawing. I looked at the drawing and figured it needed more.

In big letters across the top I wrote 'Our Lady Of Sorrows'.
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short chapter