I Need You, To Tell Me The Truth

8 years continued

We were finally being able to have a break from all this touring. It was something I really needed. Mikey snored lightly as I drove down the street I was still familiar with. I slowed down as a police car drove up and parked next to a house that I remember. He got out and opened the back door letting out a girl who looked about 16 or 15 out of the back. I slammed on my breaks when she looked at me.

"What the fuck Gerard?!" I heard Mikey say as he was awake now.

"I remember those eyes," I replied to him. "Mikey thats Adriana!"

"Adriana?" he questioned looking through my window "Little Adriana?"

I continued to watch her as the police and her walked up to her door. She was so different, she wasn't the sweet innocent girl I used to babysit. The girl who I promised that I would be there for her always...until I broke that promise. I put the car in park and got out.

"Adriana?" I questioned them. The officer looked at me confused.

"Do you know her?" he questioned me.

Adriana just looked at me with her big brown eyes that were coated in black eye make up. I remember when those eyes were still scared and sad from the loss of her brother.

"Um, yea I used to baby sit her." I replied back.

She looked at me for a second longer then glared at me. "He's lying, I don't know who he is. I never had a babysitter," she replied then turned away.

That hurt more than it probably should of. The officer looked at me for a moment "Sir I think you should just leave," he replied back. I looked at her again and nodded walking away.

Getting back in the car I looked over again and saw her walk in, her mom didn't look to pleased.

"What happend?" Mikey questioned me.

"She refused me," I replied putting the car back in drive and drove off.

"What do you mean?" he questioned again.

"She glared at me and told him that she didn't know who I was," I replied driving down the street to our house.

"Ouch, could you really blame her though," he replied back.


"Well, you abandoned her," he replied again.

"I didn't mean to, but..." I trailed off not thinking of any other excuse.

I pulled into our drive way and got out. I was too tired to go and get our stuff out. And so was Mikey. Our mom was still awake when we walked in, she smiled and hugged us, giving us a kiss on the cheek.

Mikey went to his room after that and went to sleep.

Mom and I stayed up talking about the tour and about the album.

"Mom, whats wrong with Adriana?" I questioned her.

"Adriana? Trisha's daughter?" she questioned and I nodded. "Well, I can't say for sure, but that kid is more of a troublemaker than I would have thought she would be," she replied back.

"What do you mean?" I questioned again.

"Well, after you left for college, she started acting out. She used to come to our house and toilet paper it, she's been arrested 3 times already, I think she has a parole officer now. She takes anger management...and well....suicide counseling," she was explaining to me. As I heard all this I felt as if it was my fault, no...I knew it was my fault. If I hadn't have just left her she might have been better off. "Why do you wanna know?" she questioned.

"I just saw her...she got arrested again I think," I replied back. She sighed and shook her head. "I'm gonna go to bed now, I'll talk to you in the morning," I replied standing up and walking away.

"Gerard, I know what your thinking," I heard her call out, I stopped and turned around looking at her. "Its not your fault sweetie," she replied back. I nodded and walked away to my room.