Finding Forgiveness

Don't Leave Me

Kira's POV
Trying to juggle my relationship with Evgeni and keeping Misha happy was seriously getting to me. I couldn't deal with trying to keep my little one at bay with the idea of someone else having my attention. The fact that Evgenk was his biological father was irrelevant to him and he just wanted it to be us two.

"Misha, he wants to make it up to you. Can you please give him a chance," I begged him over dinner.
"No," he pouted.
"Mik," I sighed getting up not being able to deal with arguing with him anymore.

I tried to calm myself down, my head was pounding and I thought I was going to crack.

No matter how much I rubbed my eyes and massaged my temples the headache wouldn't go away. The light was killing my eyes and I was starting to freak out.

"Mik, mummy needs to go lay down, just finish your dinner and put your bowl in the sink," I thought my head was about to explode.

Evgeni's POV
"Evgeni something wrong with mummy," the little boy cried into the phone.
"Misha what is going on? What happened?" I began to panic.
"She fell, not wake up."
"Ok, Misha just stay calm I will be there in 2 minutes," I ran around my parents house trying to find my keys and a jacket.

I called an ambulance on my way and was there in not time running up the stairs to Kira's 4th floor apartment.
"Kira!" I saw the ambulance's officer attending to her as she laid on the lounge room floor.

"Daddy!" Misha came running to me and straight into my arms. He buried his face into my chest as I tried to calm him down.
"It's ok Misha, it's ok, mummy's going to be ok," I tucked his head under my chin.

I watched as they took her out on the stretcher. I was terrified, I didn't know what was going on and no one would tell me either.
"Are you his father?" one of the ambulance officers came up to me.
"Yes, yes I am his father," I pulled Misha tightly into my arms where he continued to cry wrapping his arms around me.

I didn't like that this was what it was going to take for him to open back up to me but I was happy he trusted me to keep him safe.

"How is she?" Kira's parents came rushing into the waiting room.
"I don't know," I held Misha tighter when he stirred at the sound of everyone's voices.
"It's ok buddy, go back to sleep," I soothed him.

"Daddy?" He spoke up as I ran my hand up and down his back.
"Yeah?" I made him look up at me.
"Don't leave me," his sad eyes too much to handle.
"I won't, I promise, I love you," I kissed his little forehead.
"I love you daddy," he rested his head back on my shoulder.

I looked up and everyone was smiling at me, "you will do great," Vika smiled rubbing my arm.

"Mr Malkin," a nurse called out from the big doors.
I went to hand Misha over to Ben but he wasn't going to let me go. He hung onto my neck as I carried him down the halls to Kira's room.

I opened the door and there she was, lying in the hospital bed looking completely worn out.
"Mummy," Misha wriggled from my arms and ran to her bedside.
"Hey buddy," she moved slowly but still managed to pull him into her side.
"Careful," I warned then both.

"How are you feeling?" I ran my hand through her hair.
"I am ok, just tired," she shut her eyes breifly.
"Do they know what's wrong?" I sat down on the edge of the bed and Misha crawled back into my lap.
"They said it was stress or something," she relaxed back into the pillows.
"We'll get some rest then," I lent down and kissed her forehead.

Kira's POV
My parents had been and gone and it was just us three left in the room. Misha has fallen back asleep on Evgeni's lap, his head buried in the crook of Evgeni's neck with his arms wrapped around him.

"He called me daddy," Evgeni spoke up looking at the sleeping boy in his arms.
"Really?" I was surprised but happy at the same time.
"I am not sure if it was because he is scared at the moment, but I guess it's improvement right?" He looked up with questioning eyes.
"Of course it is. Put it this way, yesterday he wouldn't let you touch him and now he is sleeping on you. Even if he is scared he is going to you for safety."

All the talking was getting too much and I was too tired to keep up.
"You need to get some sleep," he looked at me seriously.
"Can you stay with me," I begged trying to keep my eyes open.
"Yeah, right here," he motioned to the chair he was sitting in.
"No here, I can move over."
"You need to rest pr..."
"Please," I begged again.

He kept Misha held against him as he made his way over to my bed. I moved over enough for him to lay down where Misha sunk into the spot between us.
"I love you," he wrapped his arms around me and kissed me.
"I love you too."
"Mummy, daddy, shh," the little boy stirred between us.
"See," Evgeni smiled.
"Told you he would come around."
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Hey guys so my computer is down at the moment so I am currently using my phone so if there are grammar errors and spelling mistakes stick with me because it is almost impossible t edit on my iPhone.