Status: not nearly finished. ;)

Let's Set Our Hearts At Self-Destruct

I Dropped My Heart and She Broke It's Fall

The next few minutes were filled with kisses and laughter as the pair stood in the middle of the dimly lit storeroom. They both wanted this- more than anything. Jaime slid his hand up Avery’s side until it found hers and he locked their fingers together, removing her hand from his face. He pulled away from her and started to shuffle his way out of the room, dragging her with him. They had to get out of there. Now.

“My jacket!”

Avery shrieked with a giggle and stopped Jaime before making her way over to it. She gripped the rough fabric and swung it over her shoulder, smiling triumphantly at the man in front of her. The man in question closed the gap between them and pressed his lips to hers once more, not wanting to leave them for long.

“You’re so cute.”

Jaime mumbled against her lips before she finally pulled away. His favourite girl in the world tugged on his hand and they finally made their way out of the room, slapping at the wall until they found the switch to turn the light off. They stumbled through the bar, stopping occasionally to place soft kisses against each other’s skin. When they got to the door, Avery pulled away from him to turn off the light, only to be captured in his arms once again. The Hispanic man circled his arms around his pure Irish best friend and kissed the base of her neck.


He was finally going to get to have His Ava after all of these years. And she was going to like it- love it even! If she wasn’t already just as in love with him as he was with her, he was hoping that their night together would change that. From what he heard, no girl had ever complained before. Jaime was planning on giving Avery his best. He had to. She deserved the best of everything. Jaime believed with all his heart that he was created especially to be the best man for her. That’s why she had popped up back into his life again. Because whether she knew it or not, she couldn’t continue on or be happy without him. The thought made him giddy.

He placed a kiss on her shoulder and they started to make their way out of the door before reality hit him.


Avery skidded to a halt and turned around in his arms, her forehead squishing in a questioning stare.

“We can’t drive home. We’re drunk, Ava!”

She dropped her forehead to his chest and laughed slightly to herself.

“Oh… yeah. Well what are we supposed to do?”

“Call a taxi?”

“Oh yeah! Good idea. You’re so smart, Jaime.”

Jaime giggled and she passionately kissed him while cupping the back of his head before attempting to lock the door. Avery dropped the keys a few times, making Jaime laugh. When she finally got the key into the lock, she couldn’t make it budge. She shook her head and sighed deeply, backing away and giving up. Jaime shook his head as well and laughed. He tried to lock the door, also not making the key move. He grunted, making his girl laugh as she pulled out her phone to call a taxi. He removed the key and tried a different one, finally getting the door to lock.

Avery threw her hands up in the air triumphantly as Jaime flexed his muscles, grinning at her.

“It’s all in the wrists, darling.”

This made her laugh as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She nuzzled her nose against his before resting her head on his shoulder as they waited for their ride home. She loved Jaime’s company. He wanted her- more than anything else. It made Avery feel safe. She no longer felt anxious whenever Jaime was around. Not to mention, he was gorgeous. Growing up, Jaime had been the cutest person she knew. When they became friends, she had the biggest crush on him. But that’s all they ever were- friends. He had been her first kiss, but other than that, he never really showed any interest in her. It scared her, so Avery started finding other boys to fill her time, hoping ignoring him would bring him closer. Boy, did that plan backfire.

On their ride back to Avery’s house, Jaime couldn’t keep his hands off of her. He loved every minute of it. He had loved Avery since they day he met her. It never went away, ever. She was beautiful, the hottest girl in school and he thought she was all his. He gave the girl her first kiss, hoping that would do something. She had continued to act like his best friend though- thinking it was just a friendly thing he did to help her get it over with. Jaime had no idea if she liked him again, so he never did anything else about it. He continued to be her best friend, hoping one day she would see what was right in front of her. He would rather be her best friend than loose her forever because he made a fool of himself. She left shortly after, exploring new things with other boys, things that Jaime had only ever dreamed about experiencing with her. She left and she took his heart with her.

But now she was back in his arms and he could feel his heart growing stronger than ever.

When they got to Avery’s apartment complex, Jaime threw a few dollars at the driver and they quickly exited, anxious to get inside and have their way with each other. The couple practically skipped up the stairs and down the hall until they reached their destination. It took Avery three tries to open the door due to Jaime’s warm kisses down her neck sending her head into a tizzy. She almost forgot how to open a door.

As soon as they got in, jackets and shoes were discarded, the door was kicked shut and their bodies were once again melded together. Avery cupped Jaime’s face and his hands found her waist again, slightly pushing the fabric of her shirt up to rub the soft skin with his thumbs.

Kisses were shared and tongues met while their hands got acquainted with one another’s bodies. Soon, they couldn’t take it anymore and pulled apart, only to make their way into Ava’s room. Avery laid down on her bed, Jaime quickly following. He brushed her hair out of her face with the back of his fingertips and smiled down at her.


He could only make out her name before her mouth covered his. Her hands found the collar of his shirt and yanked on it, indicating that she wanted it off. Jaime was all too eager to help her with the task. He was acting like a teenage boy, but who wouldn’t if they were with the girl of their dreams. Avery’s shirt followed his to the floor and he pressed his chest to hers, desperate to feel the silkiness of her skin.

Avery removed her mouth from his to kiss his cheek, neck, and shoulder. When she arrived at his neck, she stopped for a moment to take in his hearty sent before continuing. Jaime’s mouth and hands gently explored the new found skin of her chest and abdomen; making her close her eyes and smile. He treated her with such care, something no man had ever done with her. It almost made her want to cry. She couldn’t do that though; it would ruin the moment. When Jaime got to a sensitive spot of her stomach, she giggled, looking down at him. His eyes met hers and he smiled, looking at her lovingly. It was quite possible that she could fall in love with this man. The thought scared her to death.

Jaime pulled the rest of her clothes off slowly and carefully, taking things slow. He didn’t want her to feel like she was just another fuck to him. She was far more than that. She was special. She was his. He kissed random spots along her body to make her laugh, like her ankle, the back of her knee, behind her ear, the side of her ribs, and the hollow of her throat. He was so in love with her he didn’t know what to do.

“I want to make love to you, Ava.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So sorry it's taken me so long to update. I haven't been feeling up to par and I'd rather wait it out than give you a shit chapter.

I hope you forgive me.

Title Credit:Set it off- Missing You
