Status: not nearly finished. ;)

Let's Set Our Hearts At Self-Destruct

The Look In Your Eyes Says Things I Don't Want To Know

After the pair had finally made up, Avery went up to apologize to Vic who oddly acted like nothing happened. They hung out for a while and messing about, joking at how Mike had stayed asleep despite her and Jaime’s fighting. Jaime however still felt awkward around the two and hung around for a bit before excusing himself to his own house. He knew they hadn’t slept together- he trusted Ava enough to believe her- but he didn’t know what he would do if they got together. It was his best friend and the girl he pined over for nine years give or take. Everything about it made him feel uncomfortable.

Mike finally woke up with a grumble, making Vic and Avery laugh from the living room quietly. He pulled his hat down to cover his eyes from the sun walking to where the noise was coming. This just made the pair laugh even more when they saw him. Avery wasn’t capable of speaking when Mike looked at them questioningly and Vic patted him on the back.

“You’ve got something on your face, bro.”

He ran his hand along his face, wiping some drool off before feeling a card stuck to his forehead, peeling it off. He grumbled again and threw it to the ground, stalking to his room to go back to sleep. They both laughed until they couldn’t breathe and Vic fell lightly onto her.


Avery said breathless from laughing and the sudden weight of the man’s body touching her. She still wasn’t sure if Vic liked her. She wasn’t sure if Jaime liked her. Avery just wasn’t sure about anything anymore.


He smiled at her and quickly pecked her forehead before getting up and sitting down next to her. That was they only bit of intimacy they had all day and it left her mind reeling. Boys were fucked up. No wonder she never had any boyfriends. When it was finally time for Avery to leave, he walked her to the door and smiled, saying that he would text her.

A few nights later Vic showed up at her work with the man she now knew as Tony, who had his arm draped around a girl. They looked happy together but something cynical inside her made her wonder if he had paid this girl to kiss him like he tried to pay her to kiss Jaime. As soon as Vic saw Avery, he sat down in front of her at the bar, slamming is hand on the counter.

“Barkeep, I demand- a drink!”

“With that kind of attitude, you’ll be lucky if I let you drink the water left for the cats in the alley.”

Avery smirked and set a glass in front of him, pouring him some whiskey.

“Why do you keep your cats in the alley?”

Vic asked, half serious, making her laugh.

“They’re not mine! So what’s up, buttercup?”

“Oh you know, just third-wheeling Tony and his date. Thought we’d go to a bar so I can get drunk and be extra annoying. I had NO idea you’d be here.”

Avery shook her head, laughing.

“Uh huh. Sure you didn’t.”

He chuckled, blushing slightly as he took a sip of his drink. He knew there was something between her and Jaime that everyone was refusing to talk about; but he couldn’t help but like her. And by the way Avery had been acting around him, she obviously didn’t care enough to stop flirting with him. Maybe the kiss had just been some weird random thing that happened between two strangers.

After that night, Vic and Avery started hanging out frequently. He would either go visit her at work or invite her over to hang out with him at his house. It made Avery feel nice to finally have someone to keep her company. Any time she felt lonely, he’d always be there to hang out with her. It was weird but she liked it. She was starting to get quite fond of him, but the thought of Jaime always stuck in her head. He hadn’t talked to her much since they became friends again, making her wonder why they had even made up in the first place if he was just going to ignore her. He came to the bar a few times, always making small talk but never really investing in the conversation. Little did she know, he was hurt that she was choosing one of his friends over him. Little did he know, Avery only saw her and Vic’s relationship as a friendship.

One night Vic sat at the bar nursing a beer, watching Avery work. He was really starting to like her; he was just trying to find the balls to do something about it.

“Y’know if you’re going to keep coming here, you might as well do something.”

Avery said with a laugh, tossing her rag at his face. He chuckled, catching it before beginning to wipe the bar off in front of him even though it was already clean.

“Wax on! Wax off!”

Vic shouted, pretending to be a karate master, making the rest of the bar patrons laugh. Avery smiled to herself at his silliness as she helped a customer. Surprisingly, Vic stayed until closing time and didn’t even get plastered. Mark had went home a few hours before because he hadn’t been feeling well and Vic helped Avery close up so it didn’t take as long. He was leaning against the counter watching her put the last chair up when he decided that it was now or never.

“So, I’ve been thinking, Avery. You and I should go on a date.”

Avery’s head shot up, a blush slowly covering her face. She really didn’t think Vic felt that way about her. Sure, they always flirted but she thought that it was just how Vic acted with everyone. She rubbed the back of her neck and bit her lip, looking at him.

“Uh.. yeah. Sure, why not.”

He grinned at her and held the door open for her, waited by her side as she locked up and even walked her to car. It made her nervous. This was all very… weird. Avery didn’t know what to make of it. She knew that Vic was Jaime’s friend and he might be a little hurt, but it was one date. How much harm could one date do? It wasn’t like they were going to sleep together. That thought and how Jaime reacted last time made her swallow, her thoughts thick with anxiety. She didn’t want him mad at her again. She didn’t like seeing him hurt or mad or crying. Maybe saying yes wasn’t such a good idea.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi. So I wrote this chapter and the next specifically for Amy because she left a nice comment and I thought I'd give it a shot. So here's looking at you, Amy. :)

Title Credit: We Are The In Crowd- Never Be What You Want