Status: not nearly finished. ;)

Let's Set Our Hearts At Self-Destruct

Oh Darling, Just Take A Chance Please

Vic called Avery a few days later to set up their date. Neither one of them knew what to do, so they tossed ideas around for a few minutes before deciding to be really cheesy and go bowling. Avery had never been bowling before, but she decided to take a risk and go on an adventure. She conveniently left the date out of her conversation with Jaime whenever she finally talked to him. She was afraid of what he would say. She had just gotten Jaime back; she didn’t want to lose him to something this silly.

The thought of that made her sick. If she was worrying about losing Jaime, why was she even going on this date? What the hell was she thinking, agreeing to go out with his best friend? Avery quickly picked up her phone to call the man to cancel but before she unlocked the screen, it rang. It’s odd how things like that were always happening to her. When she finally got around to unlocking her phone, it was a text from Vic, saying that he was on his way to pick her up. With a smiley face.


She said with a grumble. She just could not win lately. Or ever, for that matter. The last time she remembered being really and truly happy was when she was friends with Jaime; the morning after her first party when she found his familiar face in an unknown world. And she ruined it. Like she ruined everything. And she was about to ruin it again.

The best she could do now was to go on this date, have the best time she could so she didn’t make Vic feel bad, and explain to Jaime that it was just an innocent friendship date. If that’s even what it was. She had no idea anymore. Everything about her life confused her now.

Avery threw her phone in her bag and looked at herself in the mirror. She could do this. She straightened her black shirt and sighed. What was she going to do with herself? Suddenly, she heard a knock at the door. That was quick. Biting her lip, she answered the door, the anxiety of the night overwhelming her. She opened the door to Vic with a big smile on his face. At least someone was confident.


She remarked, a smile slowly creeping up. His smile was contagious. All of his friend’s smiles were if she thought about it.


Vic questioned with a laugh. Avery opened the door wider, moving to the side to let him in.

“You! You look good. You make me look like a hobo.”

This made him laugh and shake his head as he walked in. He turned and looked at her, putting his finger on his chin as if he were thinking.

“Nah. You look great! You ready to go?”

“Yeah, let me just grab my stuff.”

She grabbed her bag and keys off the table and then they were off. On the way there, they talked about little things like how their week had been and what they were going to do that weekend. Vic never made her feel awkward and she admired him for that. He reminded her a lot of Jaime actually, which was quite fitting since they were best friends.

“I like your hat, by the way.”

Vic pulled her out of her thoughts, pointing at the mustard yellow beanie that graced her head. Avery’s hand rushed to the top of her head subconsciously as she looked at him. When she realized what he said, she smiled, giving a small thanks. She really had to stop thinking about Jaime. The night was not going to go well if all she could think about was how she was potentially destroying any chance of rebuilding their friendship.

“Fair warning, I’ve never been bowling before.”

Vic looked at her as if she just said she killed small children for a living.

“WHAT?! You’ve never been bowling before?!”

Avery looked at him, wide-eyed, shaking her head. They both laughed as they pulled up to the alley.

Vic was a very nice date, holding the door for her, even paying. Some girls didn’t like it when guys paid for some reason, but if someone was willing to spend their money on her, she was willing to let them. He made fun of her small feet when she asked for a smaller size shoe and helped her pick a bowling ball that was just right. One that wasn’t too big, but also carried enough weight to get the job done. Many dirty jokes were shared between them, as they did this, not being able to help themselves. Vic was glad that she could joke around with him like that and it not be awkward.

“So, is this how you do it?”

Avery asked with a sly smile, bending over as if to “granny-roll” it.

“Yeah, I mean.. if that’s confortable for you.”

Vic laughed, tilting his head to the side. Avery burst out laughing and stood up straight, licking her lips slightly.

“No really, how do you do this. I’m planning on kicking your ass.”

“Ah, young grasshopper. You’ve come to the right place. First lesson: spread your feet.”

He gently nudged his foot in between hers, separating them until they were shoulder width apart. He put his hand over hers, having her grip the ball, putting her fingers in the correct spaces. He placed his other hand on her hip, which startled her but she quickly brushed it off before he noticed. Vic guided her hand back and then forward, directing her to let go. They watched the ball roll down the lane and Vic’s other hand absently rested on her other hip. For once, she didn’t let it bother her. She was having fun and enjoying his company. She may have even liked it.

As they waited in anticipation, the ball finally crashed into the pins, knocking most of them down. They both shot their arms up in victory, laughing. Avery turned around and hugged him and he squeezed her back generously.

“I did it!”

“Not bad for your first time, grasshopper.”

They pulled away and she playfully slapped his arm. They played the rest of the game with Vic helping her most of the time so she didn’t make a total fool of herself. She even made a spare on her own. Every time she’d get a gutter ball, she’d pout, making Vic laugh at her.

“C’mon, you can buy me a victory drink.”

Vic put his arm around Avery as they walked over to the café. They ordered their drinks and a cheese pizza and when she went to grab her wallet to “buy his victory drink”, he laughed, practically smacking it out of her hand.

“I’m just kidding. This time.”

He winked at her and paid the teenager at the counter before they found a small table to sit at near their lane. While they ate, it was quiet- not awkward- as they enjoyed each other’s company.

“So… how are you and Jaime friends?”

Avery asked, trying to find some common ground. She forgot he didn’t know Avery knew Jaime before his birthday. Vic flinched slightly, remembering that he caught them kissing before swallowing and answering the question. It was just a misunderstanding. Their thoughts were clouded due to the alcohol. Besides, Avery chose him over Jaime; she was going on a date with only him, after all.

“Uhm, yeah. We met in a music appreciation class in college. We both share a love for the same music I guess. I met Tony at a guitar center and the three of us, along with my brother, got together and formed a band. We’re best friends.”

Avery smiled slightly at this and took a sip of her drink so her reaction didn’t seem weird. Jaime had always loved music, she was wondering if he was ever going to pursue a career in it. He always played guitar when she went over to his house and he was really good. He was really good at anything he set his mind to.

“You’re in a band? That’s so cool.”

He grinned and nodded. He was really proud of it and it made her feel really good. Jaime had always been really serious about music; it would be a shame if he were in a band with someone who thought it was a joke. For some reason, the more she hung out with Vic, the more she thought about their mutual friend. Avery missed Jaime more than she could fathom.

It was then that she decided that Vic and her couldn’t ever be more than friends. Jaime was more important. They had history and he was trying desperately to be her friend again. She couldn’t break his heart by dating one of his friends. She had to talk to him before word got out about this date. She had to set the record straight before he got upset. She had to find some way to tell Vic that they were never going to be more than just friends.

They finished their food and made their way back to Vic’s car. Like before, he held the door open for her and shut it behind her, giving her a moment before he got in on his side. Avery’s hands started shaking as she became more and more nervous. She had to talk to him. He was Vic; he would understand. He understood when she didn’t want to sleep with him; there was no reason he wouldn’t understand this. As he climbed in his seat and turned on the car, Avery turned to him.

“Hey, Vic. Can I talk to you about something?”

“Yeah of course!”

He glanced over at her for a moment before returning his eyes to the road, willing her to continue.

“I had a really great time tonight, and you’re really awesome..”


“But.. I really just want to be your friend. For now.”

Avery finally blurted out, closing her eyes. Vic just sighed, slightly feeling rejected. Had he just been friend-zoned?



“Well, that’s cool. I guess. I’d rather be your friend than be your nothing, Avery.”

He reached over and pulled her hat off, ruffling her hair. Avery laughed slightly, punching his arm. She was glad that he was always so understanding, but she still felt horrible for leading him on. She fixed her hat and crossed her arms, looking out the window until they got back to her apartment. Vic helped her out again and walked her to the door, ever the gentleman.

“Well, regardless of you dropping that bomb on me, I had a really great time tonight, Avery. I’m really glad I can be your friend.”

Vic laughed and hugged her, kissing her cheek. She thanked him and he waited until she was safely in her house before he left.

As soon as she saw his car drive off, her phone rang, indicating that she had a text message. Of course, it was a text from Vic. “So this means I have no chance in hell of getting in those pants, now does it, Miss Avery? ;D” Avery laughed and replied with a quick “In your dreams, lover-boy.” She made her way to her room and changed for bed before cuddling under her blankets. Despite being comfortable and warm, she had a lot on her mind and probably wouldn’t sleep well. Before turning off her light, Avery sent a much-needed text to Jaime. “Jaime, we really need to talk.” Right before she fell asleep, her phone rang.

“Yeah, we do.”
♠ ♠ ♠
And so comes the end to the lovely saga that is Vic and Avery. This is Jaime's story, after all. I hope you like it, Amy!

Title Credit: Plug In Stereo- Oh Darling (Ft. Cady Groves)

Let me know what you think!

The power couple will arise soon, I promise!