Status: Hello! I'm Moose and this is my first finished piece of writing. It's a small snippet from a much larger work but, well, that's not quite finished. Perhaps soon I will write it all out and I'll post it here on Mibba but for now I present to you, dear Reader, a pairing that is very dear to me.

Say Anything

Say Anything

Angry clouds hid the warm sun from view behind dismal, black and gray tufts, lulling the blonde into a sleepy kind of reverie. College life proved to be more than stimulating. It was downright stressful. Today, however, on this rainy and relaxing morning, Scot Chermont had other things to think about. Able to ponder by himself in the dorm room was a somewhat rare occasion. Mostly he and Kaleb had to share the living space seventy-five percent of the time, sometimes hanging out together but more often cramming for an exam or writing a paper in general silence. No, college didn't allow for much pondering on one's own personal life. Not for Scot at least. Now, however, sitting at his desk and watching the rivulets of water slide down the window, listening to the distant roll of thunder, he couldn't stop his thoughts from going in a certain dark skinned lycan's direction.

I wanna know your plans.
And how involved in them I am.

Was there any rhyme or reason in that man's head? He didn't seem to care one way or the other about feelings or love or... decency. The corner of his lips quirked up at that. Kaleb was hard to keep up with, but the man made his head spin in more good ways than bad. Sometimes he wondered if Kaleb was happy with the way he went from girl to girl. He worried about that look in his eyes, that vacant gaze he gave them and that kind of malicious joy when he saw his “flavor of the week” crumple into herself when she realized he'd used her. Did Kaleb Rodriguez have a heart? Surely, Scot was positive he did. It was just dependent on the person in order to make it apparent.
He remembered when he'd first met the man, how he'd taken care of Scot after he'd worked on Kia. The demon flu gave him one hell of a fever and some serious delusions as well, and he'd been in no shape to get himself home. He couldn't even remember where he'd lived at that particular moment. Kaleb had scooped him up, carried him to his room, and watched over him. After that point, it was hard not to like the man. They were practically inseparable from then on, bound by some unnamed emotion and a trust that was stronger than most would find.

You're what keeps me believing the world's not gone dead.
Strength in my bones put the words in my head.

It was funny, the way they operated around each other. Scot hadn't had a true best friend since he'd left the Siberian Temple and didn't take to friends incredibly well in the first place. Yet the very first time he and Kaleb met the bond was instant. That, however, proved to be just as detrimental as it could be nourishing. His thoughts went back to the time right before winter break, how even the mention of Scot going away to Ecuador had earned him a few hours being hog tied and then teased relentlessly. A blush came to his cheeks at the memory. Something came over the lycan, something fiendish and dark at the sight of the blonde man tied up and defenseless. Scot wasn't entirely sure what it was but it had made him quite scared and a little.. aroused. Maybe that's what had scared him so. He shook his head to clear it. Of course his mind had to travel to that time.
Kaleb had eventually let him go but insisted he drive him to the airport, the first of many Scot would visit. Watching Kaleb's angry, saddened expression from the departure hallway was a heart wrenching thing to behold. It made him a little confused as well. Didn't Kaleb know he would come back? Wherever Kaleb decided to stay would be where Scot would always return; it had been as such since they were small.

When they raise the landing gear
will your heart stay here?

Scot had decided then and there to show him, to make him understand. He'd ran through the crowd of people, not caring about their displeased remarks or their rude gestures, for one last goodbye before he left. His brain hadn't quite caught up with him as his body collided with Kaleb's. The situation called for something brash, something unexpected, something to be remembered. As he hooked his legs around the dark skinned man's waist, said man's hands catching him in the process with ease, he took his face in his hands and he kissed him, hard and with all the adrenaline and passion that thrummed through his body. Kaleb was still. It was as if the world had stopped and they were the only two in it. The lycan youth was indefinitely shocked but he didn't waste the opportunity. Wrapping his arms around the thin man, he reciprocated the kiss.

You're what keeps me believing the world's not gone dead,
Strength in my bones put the words in my head.
When they pour out to paper, it's all for you.

It told of loss and sadness whereas Scot's made promises of return and hope. All too soon the embrace was over, Scot unwinding his legs from the other, a prominent blush staining his cheeks. Yeah, Kaleb was going to miss that.

'Cuz that's what you do.

“I-it's an old um... custom.” Right, a custom. “I-In Siberia you should kiss the um.. the one who was kind enough to escort you to the airport.” Kaleb just smiled at him knowingly and nodded.

“Mhm. Alright.” Not giving a shit about the people around them, and spurred on by Scot's bravery, he leaned in and gave the other one more kiss, this one demanding, possessive and quick. “Don't keep me waitin' long. Winter break's only a week and a half long. You stay gone longer than that n' I'll beat your ass.” Scot looked up at him and grinned, happy and still blushing. That was perhaps one of Kaleb's favorite looks on his Blondie. He nodded.

“I know.” They stayed like that for a moment, Kaleb silently willing Scot to stay and the other wanting to kiss him all over again. Scot turned on his heel and walked back down the hallway, not looking back. Kaleb had watched the back of his blonde head with a bit of amusement and anxiety. The other had felt the burning gaze bore into his back all the way to the plane. Had he been under the man's spell even before then?

Desire ran through his veins at the memory. It had come time for this reminiscing to end, he decided, before it got much too out of hand. It was then that the devil himself walked in, cinnamon bun lodged in his mouth and another wrapped in wax paper nestled in his hand. Scot smiled at the other as the sticky, sweet treat was tossed to him. Oh yes, Kaleb Rodriguez did indeed have a heart. He didn't share Miss Anne's famous cinnamon buns with just anyone. Scot had forgotten all about her delectable Wednesday pastry special while lost in his own thoughts.

“What're you doin' all cooped up in here? You know it's Wednesday, right?” Kaleb gave him a quirked brow, wondering what in the world would keep Blondie from their favorite campus treat.

“Uh, yeah, I just... got caught up in thinking I guess.” He shrugged and dug into the cinnamon bun as the other sat down on Scot's bunk, still giving him a confused look. “What?”

“You got this...” He takes a moment to study Scot's face. “Weird look on ya. Kind of dreamy and distant. Where you at, bro?” Scot blushed and shook his head.

“N-no where! I mean.. here!” He points to the cinnamon bun. “My whole being is encased into this cinnamon bun. Seriously, it's just that good.” Kaleb wasn't convinced and an evil smirk made it to his lips.

“You were thinkin' 'bout me, weren't ya?” The smirk transformed into a diabolical grin when Scot's face lit up. “'Course ya were. Don't even try to deny it.”

“I wasn't!”

“Really?” He gave the blonde an amused, disbelieving look and then took another bite of the cinnamon bun. “Alright,” he said, taking a moment to savor the delicious breakfast pastry.

“Remember what happened the last time you fibbed to me?” Scot's eyes widened. Oh yeah, he remembered. “Want it to happen again?” The other shook his head fervently and he gave the other a long look as he waited for the truth. When Scot continued to look everywhere else but at him he decided to take action. He blocked the blonde's only escape and scooped him up, letting the still wrapped cinnamon bun fall to the floor, and began to mercilessly tickle the shit out of the man. The tickling went on for a good ten minutes, a long ass time for the victim. Scot's laughter—which was rare—was infectious and soon even Kaleb was chuckling. Satisfied with the tears flowing down the sides of Scot's face and knowing his stomach was aching from laughter, Kaleb relented. He pinned the man's hands on either side of his head and grinned down at his prey.

“Ya gonna keep lyin' to me?” Scot shook his head and replied in between gasps of breath.

“Okay... okay. I was thinking of when I was leaving for South America.” Kaleb's displeasure was made very clear by the scrunched up look he gave the other.

“Why?” Scot shrugged.

“Just... one of those things that pops into one's head every once in a while.” The only thing Kaleb liked about any part of that winter break was the uncharacteristic kiss he'd gotten from his shaman.

He smirked at the memory.

“Sure it wasn't the kiss you were thinkin' 'bout?” Scot's blush answered before he did and Kaleb chuckled. “Gotta admit, I really liked that. Wanna do it again?”

“What do you mean 'do I want to do it again'? That-that was a.. a Siberian custom!” Kaleb shrugged, unabashed.

“Wanna do that “Siberian custom” again, then? We can pretend we're at an airport.” The grin he gave Scot was bordering on the verge of lecherous. Without waiting for the answer, Kaleb leaned in and kissed the other with all the possession and demand from that day, eliciting a small squeal from the other but also a bit of pressure from his lips. Scot's mind was in a whirlwind, having lost all order and control and the Rodriguez knew this scared, frustrated, and oddly enough excited him. It was a type of torture one could get used to. Oh yes, Kaleb did so love to torture that blonde of his.

You're what keeps me believing the world's not gone dead,
Strength in my bones put the words in my head.
When they pour out to paper, it's all for you.
'Cause that's what you do.