
air bubble.

My heart raced as they took off, I could hear nothing but my heart beat almost coming out of my ears. My arm was disfigured, I could see two bodies in the distance, laying lifeless on the road. All I could do was scream.

My eyes were slowly closing again. I couldn't stay awake. I tried so hard.

I woke up in hospital with tubes all around me, 2 guys standing at the end of my bed, quietly arguing over something. Who were they? I was in a private room and my vision was becoming blurry. A doctor walked in. I started to slowly sit myself up, tubes coming out of my arms and my mouth, at least my arm was back in place. The doctor didn't even acknowledge the two guys in the room. Maybe it was just me.

"Lexia, can you hear me?" He asked me, shining a torch in my eyes. I groaned closing them. He sat down beside me and reached for my hand.

"Lexia, your friends, they were found dead, you were found barely breathing."

My hand fell away from his, I knew they were dead, the car collected them both. Why couldn't it have taken me too? The doctor noticed the tubes in my throat were getting in my way of talking. I pointed at them. I wanted to rip them out. I wanted to rip my heart out.

I'd lost my best friends. It was killing me not being able to talk. He removed the tube and placed it beside me. I stopped moving about, my eyes rimming with tears. I took in a few deep breaths.

"Kill." I started to say, he looked at me trying to figure out what I was saying.

"Kill me." I whispered, grabbing his jacket and pulling him to my face.

"Now." I said looking into his eyes. He grabbed his clipboard and got off my bed, he looked at me then raced out of my room. I thrashed my head back onto my pillow and yelled. I felt like a mental patient. I closed my eyes and images ran through my head, the logo on the doctors jacket; Greylands Psychiactric Ward. then came the worst of all of them. Nelle and Ness, side by side on the mortuary slab. Their eyes were open, Ice blue, like the colour of their skin.

I opened my eyes and started crying. I looked over next to me and found a sharp objects box. I ripped the lid off and reached in. So many needles, touched my skin, all at once. Infection was on it's way through my veins now. Why was I doing this? I didn't want to live the rest of my life locked up, having nightmares.

The car had ruined my life. The driver and passengers had ruined my life. I brought my hand out of the box and looked at my hand, I started to pick them out, all but one, Needles all over the floor. Why would they be keeping these things in a physc room? Had they done surgery on me? I looked at the metal tray a few inches from my bed, I leaned over, blood rushed from my finger. I picked the scalpel up.

I looked at it and looked at the tip, pointing it towards the roof, admiring it. The needle had been stuck in my arm, I pulled it back, filling it with air. The image of my best friend, dead on a slab in a cold room ran through my mind. The necklace she bought me. Still around my neck. Still around hers. I drove the scalpel into my flesh, the blood rising around it. I dragged it down my arm, zig zagging down my arm. I started to scream from the immense pain.

"There she goes, the third soul we needed to get. Her mortality is our power. When she dies we will rise again."

I threw it on the floor and watched the blood run down my arm, onto the bed sheets, soaking through them. The needle in my arm stayed in place. I layed down on my bed, I was in a state of mind. I pushed the air bubble that had formed in the needle down into my arm. Hours, Minutes, Seconds. I started to convulse. The air bubble was under my skin, finding it's deathly way into my blood stream.

Then it all stopped. My body went limp. I couldn't move, couldn't feel. Then the last step set in. My eyes closed.

