‹ Prequel: Autumn's Monologue.
Sequel: Nothing Like You.

Hold Me Down

These Memories Take Me Away

As the crowded room finished the over joyous rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ Tucker blew out all of his sixteen candles. He grinned around the room of his family and friends as flashes went off around the room.

“Can I have my presents now?”

I laughed at him but started handing him the presents from his friends. He tore through paper and bags, eyes for only what was inside—we liked presents in this family.

“Annie! Thanks so much!”

He pulled her to his side and pecked her cheek; small blushes glowing on both of their faces as he moved onto his present from his Uncles Ray and Gee. He opened the large box, mouth gaping as he ripped one side of the wrapping paper off.

He gently put the box on the floor and scrambled out of his seat, tackling Ray and Gee in hugs with loud exclamations of thanks. He ran back to the box, removing the rest of the paper and my eyes widened at the name that lay on the outside of the box—Fender.

They had gotten him a guitar. I watched as he opened the box, pulling out the black case that held his fourth guitar. He opened the case and let out a squeal.

“It looks just like the one I saw in Frank’s old room when I first got here!”
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yes it's short but i hope you like it!