‹ Prequel: Autumn's Monologue.
Sequel: Nothing Like You.

Hold Me Down

Please Don't Walk Away.

“Mikes…do, do you want to know why I’m home?”

He had pulled away just slightly, enough to look me fully in the eye. I could only nod, still not wanting to say something stupid to botch this moment.

“I, I couldn’t take it…not being with you every night. Away from my family, my, my husband and my son, I couldn’t take it. I either wanted you with me, but knowing you’d never take Tucker out of school I knew I had to come home.”

I furrowed my brow—he gave up his dream for me?

“Frankie, you, you gave up your dream just to come home to me?”

He kissed my forehead and nodded.

“Mikey, love, being up on stage, having people cheer for me, clap for me, it was breathtaking, it really was. It was everything and more than what I had always dreamed it would be…but you and Tucker weren’t there on the sidelines or there in the crowd, you two are my everything and I know I’d never get to share this with the two of you and that hurt a little.”

He laced our fingers once more as he played with my hand as he continued to talk.

“I could never come off stage and pull you in my arms, even as gross and sweaty as I’d be, and kiss you like there was no tomorrow. I’d never get to bring Tucker out on stage to play with me, not like I had done the night after his birthday. Since that night it’s been harder and harder not to be with you two. I couldn’t do it anymore so I called up an old friend of mine and had him replace me.”

He smiled as if everything was perfect in his life—I felt a bit guilty. I felt him pull me to him and kiss my forehead once again.

“Don’t you go feeling guilty Mikes; I knew the choice I was making when I came home. Besides, if I want to play I’ve got two awesome guys at home I can play with, let alone Ray who plays some amazing guitar too. Now tell me, when did we become uncles?”
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so here's the scoop...i have the biggest apology for slacking on this story, let alone my other ones at the moment...which if you'd like to check those out by all means do so if you want to, it really doesn't bother me if you do or don't....i'm going on a haitus for this weekend. i've got a lot going on and i need the road trip/break that i'm getting this weekend. this will be the only update to any of my stories [and i ded to wendy because i did ask her which of my stories i should update before i go] till monday night/tuesday morning.

i might just tell my best friend that i'm in love with him this weekend too, we'll see how that goes as well.

again, sorry for the lack of updates for this story and i'm sorry if this is just a crappy filler type chapter, i've kind of lost a bit of inspiration for this story as well...the ending that i have in mind, i don't think you'll like much...which might come sooner than planned, but we'll see, maybe this weekend will be what i need to restart my writing boost again....we'll see.

lots of love and HUGS for all! thank so much for sticking through this story!! it means a lot, it really does! =]