‹ Prequel: Autumn's Monologue.
Sequel: Nothing Like You.

Hold Me Down

It's short, but it's something!

“Mr. Way, why aren’t you alphabetizing the books like you normally do? Has something gotten into you?”

“For the last time, go find your counter and do not leave it till eight thirty or so help you.”

With her widened eyes she scurried away leaving me to the organized chaos that was my area to unpack today.

“Excuse me! Excuse me! I need some assistance.”

I heard that lame excuse for a girl offer her assistance.

“No you’re pathetic I’ve heard…Mikey?!”

I grinned to myself, I knew that voice. I felt two arms and a chest collide with my body as I was pulled into a fierce hug.

“Bert! How are you?”

He just grinned at me; I could tell he had some exciting news.


“What are you doing home early?”

I placed my hand on my hip and glared at the boy in front of me.

“I should be asking you that, why aren’t you still at school?”

I could see the guilt in his eyes.

“What did you do Tucker?”

We both heard the door open and close as we heard Frank yell a hello through the apartment. He stopped in the entranceway of our living room as he took in the sight of Tucker and I.

“What’s going on?”

Tucker slumped onto the couch as his cheeks tinged pink.

I felt Frank wrap his arms around my waist as he pecked my cheek and rested his head on my shoulder. Tuck let out a huge sigh before he finally brought his eyes to meet ours.

“Some guy was talking to Lily and I didn’t like it so I got really jealous when she let him hold her and yeah…”

I heard Frank’s soft giggle as he let go of me and went and sat down next to Tucker.

“You never really got over that did you?”

Tucker shook his head.

“I thought I’d do what she asked me to and that everything would turn out perfectly and how it was, it’s not.”

“She told you there was someone else that held her interest at the moment, did she not?”

He nodded. I realized they had already talked about Tucker and Lily’s situation—I knew little about what was going on. When had they talked about this without me? It hurt a little to know they talked about something so important in Tuck’s life but it made me happy to know they were actually getting this involved.

For the longest time Tuck wouldn’t trust Frank with anything more than just his days at school. He told me once that Frank wasn’t like me, he wasn’t automatically drawn to him, and for the longest time he was jealous of him.

He was jealous that someone else held my heart in such a way and that he thought Frank was trying to steal me away from Tucker. It took Tuck a long time to realize I loved them both, yet in such different ways.

“Did you hit him?”

They both just looked at me, not sure why I just outburst like that. It makes sense to me; he’s jealous, of course he’s going to do something about it. He got that from Frank and Bert. They were always the ones that if things got heated, especially over me, they’d do something to the other.

“I didn’t want to, I tried really hard not to but she just, he’s not like me at all! He’s one of those stupid football players too!”

I couldn’t help but smile down at him, Frank was holding back laughter as we took in the frazzled sight of our sixteen year old son.