‹ Prequel: Autumn's Monologue.
Sequel: Nothing Like You.

Hold Me Down

Stop And Stare.

I couldn’t help but sit down on his other side and pull him into my arms. Sure he’s sixteen but he’s always going to be that lost little boy that came to me so long ago. He rested his head on my shoulder as Frank rubbed his back.

“I tried to just stop what I felt, but that’s easier said than done. I couldn’t stand the sight of her with anyone else…even to the point of her spending time with her girl friends.”

He let out a huge sigh and nuzzled his face into my chest.

“I thought that telling her I didn’t feel the same would be what she wanted. Seriously, who wants me, everyone at school calls me fucking emo and let’s face it, Lil’s pretty much a preppy girl. I’m the only person at school that doesn’t fit in with her group of friends.”

I glanced over at Frank who gave me a small smile as he continued to rub Tuck’s back.

“They’re always asking her why the fuck she’s friends with a freak like me and she just stares at them before she either walks away or grabs my hand and drags me away. I can’t believe I just ran off like that.”

I kissed his forehead.

“She never gives them a reason as to why she’s friends with me. I’ve never asked her why she’s still friends with me…why am I such a fucking girl about this?”

“Because you’re in love with her…Tuck, you two have been friends for eleven years. Nothing is going to come between that, only if you two let something come between your friendship, something will.”

“But Frankie, I can’t just blurt out that I’m in love with her!”

There was a knock at the door, Frankie moved to get it. I heard a slight chuckle from him as he answerd.

“Hello Lily!”

He used an overly loud voice to make her presence known. Tucker scrambled off of me and smoothed his shirt.

“We’re all in the living room, come on in.”

They took the few steps from the doorway into the living room. She stood there, tentatively as she glanced around before finally looking at Tucker.

“Can we talk?”

He shot up and moved to right in front of her and took her to his room. Once the door was closed Frankie and I could only wait—and wait we did.

“You know, they remind me of Gee and Ray.”


He just nodded and smiled.

“Seriously, it’s like they’re too afraid to admit that they have feelings for each other so they don’t. Ray was afraid of Gee literally at first, but then once they got to know each other it was beyond evident that they had developed feelings for each other too.”

I just glanced at him then down the hall. We could hear muffled yells coming from his room.

“What do you say we just let them at whatever it is they’re doing because I know you and you’ll get so wrapped up in them that you’ll forget all about little me.”

One of his hands was brought up to cup my cheek, turning my head to face him. He gently brought his lips to my own in a playful kiss. He deepened the kiss in a split second causing me to forget everything—even to breathe—that’s what he does to me, even after all this time. We ended up in a heated make out session on our couch—aware yet not—even though our son and his friend were just a doorway and a few steps away from us. Sometime later we were interrupted with a loud gasp.

Frank and I broke apart and stared over at the two of them. Lily’s seen us peck before, but she’s never really seen more than that, we try not to do more than just a quick kiss in front of anyone.

“Seriously, why can’t you two keep your hands off of each other?”

“Aww, Tucker your dad’s love each other and still show it! Leave them alone; now walk me home before my mother blows a gasket that I’m not home yet.”

As soon as the door was shut Frank continued his attack on my mouth, moving down my neck and finally discarding the shirt he’d been trying to remove for the past half-hour.
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sorry, this isn't the best of things...

my mind's been distracted lately...i apologize for not giving up to par updates for you guys!