‹ Prequel: Autumn's Monologue.
Sequel: Nothing Like You.

Hold Me Down

hear you me my friend

I felt his soft kisses everywhere, my cheeks, my jaw, my neck, my chest. It wasn't until he neared my collar bone that he used his teeth. I arched into him as he continued to attack my body with his mouth. His free hand was rubbing my hip before he slowly inched his hand towards my belt buckle.

I quickly took hold of his hand and removed it from it's present course of action. I didn't want anything sexual today, I was content with just being with him. I pleaded with my eyes as he met my own, confusion settled in his before he smiled down at me. He captured my mouth in a gentle yet fierce kiss.

He pulled away, sitting up on the couch before he pulled me onto his lap. He hands were now free to roam where they wanted. I lowered my mouth to his, letting our lips move as one as I felt his hands move up and down my back. I could feel everything he felt for me in his kiss and in his touch.

I suddenly broke apart and stared down at him. I wish I could use the proper words to describe just what the beautiful creature before me does to me, but I can't. There are no words that could do justice.

"What? You're just looking at me, it's actually kind of weird."

He smiled up at me before I playfully smirked at him.

"I was just thinking that I love you and you mean more to me than you'll ever know."

He smirked up at me.

"I knew it, you were going to get all sentimental on me; here I am, trying to seduce you and all you want to do is be all girly about your feelings."


"What do you mean that's not fair? That's completely understandable, why else do you--no, that's not what I said...fine."

Once I hung up the phone I had to let my other halves know what was going down.

"Frank, Tuck--Bert's going to be here in five minutes!"

I heard scrambling from the kitchen as they raced to their rooms to get ready in just five minutes. Tucker really needed a hair cut, his hair was getting ridiculously long. I took in his appearance as he shuffled back into the living room and plopping down on our over-sized arm chair.

"Why's he coming over so early, it's not even noon!?"

He rubbed his eyes and gave a big yawn, he just woke up twenty minutes ago. Frank came in and plopped himself on my lap and gave me a small kiss before he removed himself and leaning back on the couch, slowly willing himself to wake up.

I shrugged, I really didn't know why--maybe he needed company. A few minutes later I heard the impatient knock of my long time friend. I noticed he looked a little nervous about something. We entered the apartment and he sat down and looked around, giving Frank and Tuck small smiles as they entered the room.

We were one big dysfunctional family, but we are a family. He kept wringing his hands together; what he was going to say wasn't going to be easy for him or us. He finally turned towards me, took one of my hands in his and met my eyes.

"Mikey, I..."
♠ ♠ ♠
wow, i suck at updating...i have a semi-reasonable excuse, the internet was down for a few days at my house.

but the main reason for my lack of updates is the drama that is still being worked out at my place of employment. i dedicate this chapter to anyone who's been pushing me for an update for this story, i hope you like this one.

i do have a feeling this is coming to and end...but i have a plan in my mind, one i'm not sure if i'm going to stick with...i might try doing something of a third part, but i'll do it all in Tucker's pov. i'm still not sure if i want to toy with that or just end it in the next few chapters. how many are left i'm not quite sure myself, as i have none pre-written (which is also why it takes a while for me to update my stories, i run out of pre-written chapters).

thanks for sticking this one out, it means a lot and thanks so much for the comments!