Status: Leave me love

God Help the Outcasts

The Voyage

“This is going to be so great!” Michael squealed and Monte shot him daggers. “Mike shut up before you get us caught and fucking dig. Michael sighed and followed his older brother’s orders. He didn’t mean to frustrate Monte, but he was excited about traveling to America to start a new life, even if it was illegally. Their Mother had raised them to be as American as possible to make the transition much smoother. They had a contact set up that would give them visa’s to make sure they looked as legit as possible, and everything seemed to be going smoothly. The pair just had to dig 100 more feet underground and then make it to the city without being caught.

“I’m sorry Michael, I just don’t want this to get ruined we’ve risked too much and gotten too far.” Monte smiled and whispered Michael nodded and the two pushed on working harder than ever knowing they were close. They stopped when they hit a water pipe that read Property of the city of El Centro California. The two looked at each other and their smiles had grown. They had finally made if far enough in Boarder control wouldn’t find them. Monte stuck the shovel’s handle up making a small hole to see what was above them. After having to use both his and Michael’s strength to get through a small amount of rock they were exactly where the map said they should. A small clearing just outside of town, the two quickly dug their way up and then filled the hole before anyone could see them.

“Now what Monte it’s the middle of the night?” Michael sat down wiping his brow as Monte looked around thinking. “Mom gave us each $50 in American right?” Michael nodded although it wasn’t the truth. Their mother gave Michael a little bit more, not because she was picking favorites, but Monte was bad with money. “We’ll get a cheap Motel then stay the night clean up make it to LA and our contact tomorrow.” Mike nodded and grabbed both of their bags and shook his head when Monte reached for his. “I got it bro.”

Looking for a motel was easy, but finding one for what Monte thought they could afford wasn’t easy. “Fuck, why is everything so expensive?” Monte huffed exhausted. Michael shifted slightly and looked up to see the sign for a beat up motel just outside of the next city. “One more try Monte, what can it hurt.” Monte wouldn’t have given up anyway he refused to let his little brother sleep out in the cold anymore, not that California is cold, but it was the principle of the matter. Monte walked up to the desk, and the girl at the counter looked up and smiled. “You boys must work in the mines.” They looked at each other and laughed trying not to sound nervous. “Well used to, we had to quit today.” She frowned slightly “Sorry to hear that, but I’m sure better things will come to you.” They thanked her and began questioning rates. “A suit with one bed is $200 per night, and a suit with two beds is $350 per night.” “That’s quite a bit more than we have.” Monte sighed and the girl looked troubled. “Well hold on my family runs the Motel let me ask my papa if he’ll let me cut you a deal.” They smiled and thanked her, and she ran off to come back a few moments later with an older gentleman.

“Papa these are the boys I was talking about.” The old man looked them over. “I don’t know Sally, these two seem like trouble.” She sighed. “Papa please it’s only one night they just need somewhere to stay for the night so they can go see their dying grandmother. The two boys caught on quickly to what she was doing and played along. “Yes sir we had to quit our jobs down at the mines to go up and see her before it’s too late, it’s her last wish.” Michael pleaded with the man The Man smiled at Mike and then looked at Monte and smirked. “You don’t show too much Concern boy.” Monte thought a moment and looked at his brother with a soft smile. “I’m just trying to stay strong for him, after all he is my baby brother, and he looks up to me you know?”
At this point Monte was 22, and Michael was 19, however he looked a few years younger than that. Sally’s father nodded understanding. “Alright boys I’ll let you have any room you want, but you have to clean it yourselves and help the muses in the garden in the morning. “Thank you sir it means a great deal to us.” He waved them off and Sally showed them to her favorite room. After a shower and a little bit of food from whatever fast food place was open down the road Michael slipped out and went up the counter where Sally still sat watch, “Still up?” she asked and smiled at him. “I wanted to thank you for your help. I really hope we can repay you one day.” She smiled and laughed. “Well I turn 18 in November.” She winked, causing Michael to laugh. “I’ll take you out then, how about that?” She smiled widely. “It’s a date Mr?” “Money, Michael Money.” “Your name is as handsome as your face.” She teased. He wrinkled his nose and kissed her cheek. “I’ll be 20 in December by the way.” He laughed as he left to go back to his room.

He pushed the door open softly to see his brother crashed out on one of the beds, snoring softly. Michael pulled the blanket over him “Sleep well big brother.” He whispered and kissed his forehead, receiving a small smile from the sleeping mass. He crawled into his own bed, and fell asleep soon after, to happy dreams of what he hoped their new life would be like. Unaware of what tomorrow would really bring.
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Love me? I love you...