Status: Hope you're still reading

She Had the Most Amazing Smile

Just Another Day

Elle Marshall grew up in a lovely neighborhood in Tempe, Arizona. She has braces, loves music, art, skateboarding, photography and a lot more, she’s a senior, works for the school paper, not that smart but not that stupid, she has her own friends who like the same things, she’s comfortable although depressed most of time. Her parents are separated, she never met her dad and her mom’s dating this guy named David. Just to make it all short. Elle Marshall was just another ordinary girl.
On the other hand, John O’Callaghan is just as normal as Elle. He likes music, plays the guitar, writes poetry (although he doesn’t tell anyone), he likes to hang out with his best friends, likes to look at girls and he sings in a band, he is also a senior, plays for the baseball team, the teachers despise him because of his ‘humor’. He has a complete family and to sum it all up.. John O’Callaghan was just another ordinary guy.
It was a Tuesday morning, just another morning for students, you go to school feeling lazy since it’s the second day of the week and you just can’t wait for the weekend. Although if you’re in Mr. Popper’s class you have to make sure you go to school 2x early since the old chemistry teacher has punctuality issues, once you’re late for his class you just earned yourself 2hours of detention. Unfortunately for Elle, her alarm clock didn’t ring at the right time, it woke her up 30 minutes late.

“Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygod this isn’t happening” she whispered to herself as she brushed her teeth while taking a quick shower. She combed her hair while she put on her clothes and went rushing downstairs where David and her mom Ciara were eating breakfast
“Good morning, honey” her mom greeted
“Morning mom” she greeted as she grabbed an apple from the fruit basket “Bye mom love you” she said as she kissed her mom at the forehead
“Aren’t you gonna eat breakfast?” her mom called out
“No ma, thank you though” she shouted as she ran out the door.
She ran to school, she didn’t even wait at the bus stop. Technically, she still has 30minutes left but if you have a class with Mr. Popper, you are required to be there 30minutes early.
The same thing was happening to John, although he wasn't giving a shit about it. He doesn't like chemistry or Mr. Popper anyway so why should he give a fuss about it?
John was walking calmly to school and on his way he got a text from his friend Jared saying
“Dude, where the hell are you? Popper’s gonna be here any minute” John laughed at this text
“Walking to school. Shit dude, I don’t care about Popper, he can’t fail me anyway, my grades are pretty good” he replied
“But dude, today’s the day we pick lab partners! Who’s gonna be your lab partner? Who’s gonna be my lab partner. Dude I need you here pronto” Jared replied and as John read this, his heart skipped a beat and he felt nervous “Shit” he whispered loudly to himself and he ran as fast as he could. Elle on the other hand just arrived at school, she ran to her locker and took out her chemistry stuff then she ran to the chemistry room but unfortunately, Popper’s already there looking at her with his famous ‘you’re in trouble’ grin
“What a pleasant surprise Ms. Marshall. Just so you know I require my student to be here at exactly 7:30 am” Mr. Popper said “And according to my watch , it’s 7:48”
“I’m really sorry Mr. Popper but please, I’m not that late and..” she defended but Popper cut her off
“Detention” he said
“Didn’t you hear me? I said” he started “DETENTION!!” he shouted
“Woah there Mr. Popper, no need to shout. I know” John laughed
“Oh and I am not so surprised that you’re late Mr. O’Callaghan” Mr. Popper raised an eyebrow as he turned to his least favorite student.
“Yeah. Me too” John nodded and the whole class laughed lightly including Elle
“And what’s so funny?!” Mr. Popper shouted even louder, it made the whole class shut up “I don’t like you, O’Callaghan. You know that? Don’t you?” Mr. Popper said angrily as he stepped near John
“I know that, Sir” John nodded calmly
“Detention” Mr. Popper said as he gritted his teeth and John nodded “Now the two of you, Marshall and O’Callaghan, since you’re both late you are now lab partners. Are we clear?” and the two nodded “Now take your seats!” and so they did.
As John passed by Jared, Jared secretly gave a small paper to him. After John and Elle sat at the back of the room he read Jared’s note, it said ‘Hey dude, couldn’t wait for you any longer, Popper told us to pick our partners and he said we’re only allowed to pick among the people present. The old douchebag’s dog must’ve died, he’s extra fucking mean today. So I paired up with Peter. Sorry dude” John sighed and crumpled the paper. John never listened to Mr. Popper when he discussed, he was just thinking about plans for his future and band stuff. But then he remembered that there was a girl sitting beside him who is now his lab partner. Jared and John were always lab partners and their record is now broken.
“Hey” John whispered to Elle, they were never close, they just had a few classes together
“Hi” she whispered back but neither of them were looking at each other since Popper will call their attention again and he will send them to the principal’s office due to ‘Interruption of class discussion’
“Sorry Popper shouted at your face awhile ago. He’s an old cock” John said
“Yeah I know. He sucks” she smiled “But thanks for kinda saving me awhile ago. His breath stinks and I could’ve died”
“Haha, yeah everything about him stinks. Hey so I know we’re not close and all but I think we have no choice but to be close since we’re lab partners now” John said
“Yeah. Okay” she said. The boring discussion went on and on, John would take down notes every once in a while and Elle wrote everything down although John noticed she wasn’t really listening. He looked a little at the blonde, petite girl beside him and saw her staring at his friends’ direction, he looked a little more closely at Elle and saw her staring at his friend Kennedy.
“Holy shit” John laughed silently which interrupted Elle from her little world
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” she asked
“You like him?” John asked
“What are you talking about?”
“Kennedy? You like Kennedy?” he asked again
“What? No” she defended but he kept on laughing and laughing “John, shut up or you’re gonna get us in trouble”
“Haha, yeah right” he snickered. John kept on snickering all throughout chemistry period and Elle did her best to ignore him and lucky for her Popper didn’t hear John.
After the bell rang everyone stood up and Popper dismissed them
“You’re a dick, John” Elle rolled her eyes and walked away as fast as she could, she walked with her friends to their next class. John remained seated at his chair and he was still snickering as his friends Jared, Peter, Halvo and Kennedy walked towards him
“What are you laughing at?” Halvo asked
“I have a new lab partner. Popper bitch broke the record. That old douche” John laughed
“Wait, you pissed Elle off didn’t you?” Kennedy asked and John laughed even more since Kennedy asked the question and he thinks Elle likes Kenny
“Yeah, I did” he nodded
“Say sorry to her” Jared said
“Dude..” John tried to talk
“No dude, seriously. Say sorry to her. She’s a lady, man” Peter added
“Okay okay” John sighed and stopped laughing “We have detention later and I’ll apologize”
“Good, now off to the next class” Jared laughed as he pulled his friend off his seat.

“Hey, what was it like sitting next to O’Callaghan?” Cristine asked Elle
“Hey dude. I saw him snickering and you looked pretty pissed awhile ago. What happened?” asked Haley. Cristine and Haley are Elle’s closest friends, the three have been together ever since.
“Ugh, that imbecile” Elle grunted “Guys, he knows” Elle whispered
“Knows what?” Haley asked
“Knows that I like Kennedy” Elle whispered so quietly, no one could hear her
“No way!” Cristine gasped
“Sshh. Yes” Elle nodded
“How?” Haley asked
“I don’t know. I think he’s a mind reader or something” Elle rolled her eyes “I think he saw me staring at him”
“Dude, how many times do we have to tell you? If you’re gonna stare at Kenny, make sure no one notices you” Cristine laughed. Elle is not good at staring, never have and never will. Elle had a crush on Kennedy for the longest time, she started liking him when they were in 6th grade when he accidentally bumped into her in the hallway and dropped her books, Kennedy picked them up for her and said “I’m sorry, are you okay” and Elle couldn’t speak because Kennedy took her breath away so she just nodded, ever since that day Elle had a crush on Kennedy, whenever they would pass by each other Kenny would smile at her and she’d smile back calmly but deep down inside the butterflies are killing her.
“It doesn’t matter anymore. I’m not talking to John ever again” Elle pouted
“Good luck with that. He’s your lab partner” Haley laughed and Elle sighed hoping John wouldn’t tell Kennedy. Elle is a shy girl, she doesn’t like to recite in class, she doesn’t ask questions even though she’s so curious and she can never talk to a teacher alone.
John spent the day normally, laughing and joking with his friends, talking about band stuff, writing poetry in his head and other stuff, but John couldn’t stop thinking of his new lab partner, he felt guilty for pissing her off, he thought about it and he realized that his friends were right, she’s a lady and she didn’t deserve his shit and plus they’re not even close. So John decided to talk and apologize to her later in detention and shut his mouth about Elle having a crush on Kennedy.
The last period was almost over, students couldn’t wait to go home or hang out with friends, but Elle felt nervous because this is the first time she had detention, Elle doesn’t get in trouble, as in never and she’s not really excited for her first time in detention since John was gonna be there. The bell rang and she walked out of the classroom and met up with her friends like she usually does
“You ready for your first time in detention, Elle?” Cristine asked and Elle shook her head
“Aww, it’s not that bad. I’ve been in detention for like…. 3 times and it’s not that horrible” Haley smiled, she tried to make her friend feel better but it was no use
“Thanks” Elle smiled weakly “But it sucks because John’s gonna be there. I really hate him”
“Just ignore him” Cristine said and Elle nodded
“Well, good luck baby girl. We’ll chat with you later” Haley smiled and they gave their nervous friend a hug.
Elle walked nervously to the assigned classroom, she saw a bunch of student talking quietly, some were reading, some were doing their homework and some were sleeping. She wasn’t close to anyone in the room so she decided to sit at the back where she was alone. Popper was at the teacher’s table, checking test papers, not giving a shit about his students.
“Hey” John smiled as he sat beside Elle but she just ignored him. John noticed this and sighed “Listen” he began “I’m really sorry okay? I didn’t mean to tease you like that. You’re a lady and you’re nice and we’re not even close yet so you don’t deserve any of my shit. I’m really sorry, Elle” he said and Elle looked at him and nodded
“It’s okay” she smiled
“Really? Cool!” John cheered
“But don’t do it again”
“Never” John smiled. The two remained silent for minutes, they were just sitting there, doing absolutely nothing so John decided to break the silence
“Hey, can I ask you something? If it’s okay?” John spoke
“Yeah. What is it?” Elle smiled as she looked at him
“Do you like him?”
“Ugh John” she grunted
“No no no! I’m not teasing you or anything. I’m just curious” John defended “Do you?” he asked and Elle sighed, she thought about it first and decided to tell him the truth ‘It’s senior year, our last year. What could I lose?’ she thought
“Yes” she sighed
“Holy shit” John smiled “That is so cute”
“What’s so cute about an ugly brace face girl liking the cutest guy ever and she doesn’t even stand a chance” Elle sighed and looked away from him
“Hey now. Why are you so negative?” John asked
“Do you really think he would like someone like me” she laughed sarcastically as she looked at him again
“Well, yeah” John nodded “Kennedy doesn’t have a girlfriend. He likes someone cute and funny and smart and lastly he just wants someone who loves him y’know?”
“But I bet he’s courting someone or checking some cute chick out by now”
“No he’s not. That’s me not him” John laughed “But don’t get me wrong. I’m no perv”
“Does he talk about his love life or something?”
“No, he doesn’t do that. Kenny’s shy y’know? You’ll never know if he likes someone” John said
“Interesting” she nodded
“Wait, how did this whole crushing thing start anyway?” John asked “Care to share?”
“Well, it was 6th grade, he bumped into me in the hallway then my books fell then he picked it up for me and asked me if I’m okay then there” she said
“That’s it?” John snickered
“Hey, don’t be mean. I’m a shallow person” she laughed
“Hmm” John said as he was thinking then after seconds his eyes grew wide
“What?” she asked
“No fucking way?!” John said excitedly
“You’re that girl?”
“What girl?”
“The girl Kenny talked about”
“I don’t know. We’re not close. John pull your shit together” she laughed
“Well, since Kenny doesn’t share that much. We see to it that we remember every single story that he shares and I remember this one time, 6th grade, he told us about this girl who he bumped with in the hallway and he picked her books up. Holy shit, you’re the girl!!!!”
“Really? He said that” she blushed
“Eeeee, you’re blushing” John giggled as he pointed to her cheeks
“Am not” she giggled
“Yes!” John nodded “You are blushing. Shit, man I can’t believe this”
“Can’t believe what?”
“Jared, Halvo, Peter and I have been searching for that girl because she’s the only girl Kenny told us about so we thought ‘Dude, she must be special’” John explained “Kenny had a crush on you”
“Oh c’mon. Don’t be ridiculous. It could be any girl. He could’ve bumped into another girl too y’know?”
“Stop being so negative. I’ll just ask him” John said
“John, don’t you fucking dare”
“Relax. I won’t say that you have a crush on him”
“John” Elle whined
“Elle, pull your shit together” he ordered
“Don’t pull that shit on me, that’s my line” she laughed
“Elle, just relax okay? It’s senior year, our last year here in this shit hole. You’ve been liking this guy ever since 6th grade and you never told him. What if you’re the girl that he bumped into? What if he likes you back? Kennedy’s unpredictable, it’s now or never” he said
“You’re right” she sighed
“I’m right?” John asked unsure of what he said and she nodded
“Yeah, you are” she smiled and he laughed as he texted his friend
John: hey dude!
Kennedy: What’s up! How’s detention?
John: same old same old
Kennedy: Did you apologize to Elle?
John: Yeah, I did. Hey listen can I ask you something?
Kennedy: If you’re gonna borrow money then I say NO
John: it’s not that, dude. Seriously
Kennedy: What is it?
John: Remember when you told us about that girl you bumped into in the hallway? Do you still like her?
Kennedy: What the fuck dude, that was like a long long time ago haha:)) But yeah, I still do, why?
John: Dude, can you just please fucking tell me who she is?
Kennedy: I can’t fucking tell you! Why are you so curious anyway? haha
John: Well it’s senior year and I don’t know. Ask her out to prom D U H
Kennedy: I can’t
John: You pussy. We’ll help you, just tell me who she is
Kennedy: FINE OKAY
Kennedy: Elle Marshall okay? I like her, are you fucking happy now?
John: Holy shit, she’s here right now
Kennedy: Your plan better work.
John: Trust me bro
Kennedy: Ok. Hey, my mom’s calling me. Talk to you later
John: Later dude.

After the little conversation John had with Kennedy, he looked at Elle and grinned
“What the fuck? Stop doing that” she laughed as she smacked her palm onto John’s face
“Shit” John laughed as he slapped her hand away from his face
“So, what did he say?” she asked nervously
“Elle” John said with a disappointing tone
“Shit, I knew it. Who am I kidding” she sighed
“What the fuck? Why are you sad. HE LIKES YOUUUUU” John cheered
“WHAT?” she screamed
“HE LIKES YOUUUU” he howled as he gave her his phone
“Ohmygod. This is…. I’m so happy” she giggled as she read their conversation
“Marshall! O’Callaghan! Keep it down there” Mr. Popper shouted
“Scumbag” John whispered and she giggled quietly. The two remained silent and waited for Mr. Popper to dismiss then and when he did, the two walked out of the classroom together and walked home together
“I didn’t know you live near my house” Elle laughed
“Well, I didn’t know you live near my house” John snickered as he walked Elle home
“You know, you don’t have to walk me home” she said
“Of course I do! I need to protect you for Kennedy” he grinned
“Thank you, by the way. Your conversation with Kenny made my day” she smiled
“You’re welcome” he nodded “Tell you what, I’ll help you with him. Okay?”
“Okay” she smiled “Thanks” she smiled “Well, this is my house, thanks for everything, John” she smiled as she hugged him
“You’re welcome. I’ll see you tomorrow” John said as he hugged her back

John and Elle were never close, he had nothing to do with her, she had nothing to do with him. But that changed. And so did everything.
♠ ♠ ♠
Soo, wrote another fic! Hope you guys like it!! I'll try to update as fast as I can! Let's just hope school doesn't get in the way!:-)
Comment please and tell me what you think!:-)