Status: Hope you're still reading

She Had the Most Amazing Smile

Brand New

John woke up to the annoying sound of his alarm clock. Normally he would punch the snooze button to shut it quiet but it was different this morning, he sat up, stretched and yawned and then he calmly pushed the snooze button. Before he got off bed, he thanked God for waking him up. He went to the bathroom and took a shower, slipped into a new pair of jeans, a new baseball shirt and put his converse on, he hadn't changed his outfit in awhile because he was too depressed to get out of the house, but today was a brand new day for John, he felt...... happy

After he got all groomed up he grabbed his phone and opened the group message that he didn't bother reading for a lot of weeks, he typed a new message that said "Hey, you dudes up for practice today?" and someone replied instantly, unsurprisingly Jared, he said "I'm game! Yo guys come on" and then Garrett replied "I'll be there!! See ya freakz later" and after that Pat said something "Yaaaayy!! My house at 1pm" and lastly Kennedy replied "I think I'll be a little late BUT I'LL BE THERE"

John went down and joined his family for breakfast
"John! You're up!" his mom said, she seemed happy to see her son okay, she wasn't that oblivious, she knew that John was going through something tough and did her best to convince her husband to understand
"Yeah, it's nice to see you not being a lazy ass" his father said
"Good morning, dad" John smiled calmly
"Any plans today?" his mom smiled, trying to make the tension cool down
"Yes mom! I'm going to Pat's house today, band practice"
"Have you finished your application forms already?" his dad yet again hissed
"Yes, dad" John sighed, he didn't really want to go to college, he wanted to play music for a living but he was damn sure his father would forbid him, they haven't played a show in a long time and it was because John was never present for band practice so the four had to decline every gig offer. John did feel guilty about this but he chooses not to let it get to him
"Jay" his mom looked at her husband with the 'Stop it'
"Okay fine" Mr. O'Callaghan said as he stood up "I'm glad you're doing better John. Just know that whatever that was that you were going through, it will pass"
"Thanks dad" John said right before his dad closed the door

John left for Pat's house after cleaning the table, everyone except for Kennedy was there when he arrived
"And there he is" Jared grinned
"Yayy" Pat cheered
"Look good, man" Garrett smiled and Jared stood up from the couch
"John's my boy, he's strong eh John?" Jared said
"Yeah" John laughed, he sure did missed goofing off with his friends
"Come here you bastard" Jared chuckled and hugged John
"Oh are we having a group hug?" Pat asked
"Wait no Pat--" John tried to stop the kid but he couldn't Pat was already running towards them and jumped on John's back and hang onto Jared
"It is a group hug!" Garret laughed as he stood up and hugged Jared's back. Yes it's weird indeed but that's just how they were
"What's going on here" someone said and then Pat fell from John back and pulled John by accident so John fell with him, John accidentally pulled Jared so he fell too and of course so did Garrett "What kind of gayness is this?" Kennedy laughed
"You missed the world's greatest group hug!" Pat chimed as he stood up quickly as the others were still groaning in pain "Come on guys! We have a lot to practice"
"Damn Pat why did you have to jump on my back" John whined as he stretched his aching back
"Oh don't act like you didn't had fun in the group hug" Pat smiled, he was always so happy and sappy
"I must admit that was kinda fun" John smiled
"It is" Jared groaned
"Touche" Garrett nodded
"I'd hate to break up the group hug party but we have a lot to practice" Kennedy laughed as he pulled his guitar out of its bag
"Well, you wouldn't be saying that if you were here earlier" Jared said as he slung his guitar strap on and the others were preparing
"I'm sorry, I had to drop off by Elle's and check on her and her mom" Kennedy apologized, and Jared held his breath and looked at John when Kennedy wasn't looking, he saw his friend's reaction, which was no reaction "Thanks for accompanying her to the hospital that night, John"
"It's all good" John smiled, Jared observed him more and he did mean that smile and that statement, Garrett was also nervous on the inside, he was afraid John would act douchey again
"Glad you're back" Kenny smiled "That fever of yours took a lot of time"
"Yes" John nodded slowly not sure of what Kenny was saying and looked at Jared who smiled nervously at him, the others told Kenny that John had a fever that's why he couldn't practice, John just smiled at Jared and laughed lightly "I'm glad I'm doing better too, Kenny. Now.... shall we?"
"WE SHALL" Pat cheered and everyone gave him a questioning look "Well I missed this" Pat pouted
"We all did" Garrett agreed
"So did I" John smiled
"Okay, one two three four" Pat queued and the guitars started playing and John sang lively. To make it all short.... it was a great practice


Right afer practice, Kennedy said his goodbyes and left since he promised Elle and her mom that he'd be spending the day with them and surprisingly, John did not mumble anything under his voice or even roll his eyes, he didn't do anything. After Kennedy left the four decided to go out for smoothies.

As they sat on the shop sipping their smoothies quietly, Jared decided to break the silence
"You seem to handle things with Kenny pretty well awhile ago"
"Yeah, great acting John! You deserve a free refill!" Pat chimed
"What? I wasn't acting" John said "I just don't really care anymore, man"
"Are you just saying that? You know we're not gonna judge you right?" Garrett said
"Yes I know you guys aren't gonna judge me and yes I'm serious about that. You know, I just realized that I just have to move on, crying over it won't make her fall for me right?"
"Right" Jared nodded "But moving on isn't that easy bro"
"I've been in my room for three weeks, man. One more week and that's a month"
"That's pretty long" Pat said after counting the days in his head
"See?" John smiled
"I trust you, man" Jared said
"Trust me" John smiled

As John was walking home he bumped into Cristine, not literally but.... you get it. She was taking her dog for a walk

"Hey!" Cristine smiled
"Hi!" John smiled back "So.... what's up?"
"Nothing much just.... taking my dog, Whale, for a walk" she said
"You named your dog Whale?" John laughed
"I know I know, it's weird" she giggled hiding her face a bit "But I like it"
"Oh no, it's not weird at all, well maybe a little but it's unique" John smiled
"Yeah! And I like it too" he laughed as he crouched down "Can I pet him"
"Sure! He doesn't bite"
"Hey Whale, you have the cutest name ever" John said, changing his voice a little bit as if he was talking to a baby, which made Cristine laugh "What?"
"Nice baby voice, O'Callaghan" she laughed
"I take that as a compliment" he laughed
"Well good cause you should"
"It was nice seeing you again" John smiled
"Yeah" she nodded and for seconds they were just staring at each other the staring broke off when Whale barked at a cat passing by across the street "Yes it was nice.. uh, seeing you" Cristine stuttered as she continued
"Yeah" John nodded slowly he didn't know why he hasn't walked away yet but he felt really awkward standing in front of her "We should hang sometimes"
"Oh, okay" she smiled
"Yeah! Do you still have my number though? I think we exchanged one time during the Seniors' last party" John asked
"Yeah, I never delete anyone's number so, it's still probably here"
"I'll text you" John smiled as he walked away but he was still facing her way "Or call"
"Okay" she smiled
"See ya soon" John smiled and so did she.

John had a big smile on his face as he walked home. When he got home, he kissed his mom and went up to his room and caught himself smiling.

He finally asked a girl out after his fling with Elle, he was feeling proud of himself.... he felt brand new.

Although he remembered something.......

........ Cristine was Jared's date for prom. Although the little conversation and "We should hang out" thing was harmless, he felt guilty and he felt as if he was breaking a code in the bro code.......


The next day as John felt nervous as he walked to Pat's house. He still felt guilty about asking Cristine to hang out, although he knew it was a harmless invitation, he still feared that Jared would get mad at him.

He entered the room where Pat, Garrett and Jared were

"Yo, O'Callabitch" Jared greeted as he pat John's back
"Hey" John smiled awkwardly, he didn't know how to tell Jared
"Kenny's not going today. Family day" Garrett informed and I nodded
"Anyway, you're just in time! Jared was about to tell us something" Pat cheered
"Oh really? I was going to say something too" John smiled nervously as he felt his heart pumping faster
"You go first then! Mine is better for sure" Jared grinned
"Oh... okay" John nodded as he sat on a couch "Uh.... hey Jared, remember Cristine?"
"Of course, I took her to prom and she's my seatmate during English" Jared said "What's with?"
"Uh....... don't get mad bro but. I uh.... I.... I asked her to hangout" John stuttered
"That's good! Great to see you hanging out with a new girl again" Jared smiled
"You're not mad?" John asked, wondering why Jared took it all easily
"Why would I be?"
"Well.... I thought you liked her?" John said
"Yeah.... As a friend" Jared laughed "I'm not mad. Why am I gonna be mad?"
"Well.... you asked her out to prom didn't you?"
"Oh!" Jared said "Well that was because I didn't have date and she didn't have a date and she's a really nice and funny girl to hangout with so I just thought I should go with a friend.... but I don't like her 'that' way" he explained
"Oh" John sighed in relief "That's a relief. I thought you were gonna beat me up after I told you"
"No! Not at all bro. You should totally hangout with her. She's fun to be with" Jared said "And besides.... that's what I was gonna tell you guys. I met a girl yesterday and damn.. I think there may be something there" Jared shared
"Really?" Pat chimed "What's her name?"
"Tessa.... Tessa Arias" Jared smiled, her name was music to his ears
"Where'd you meet her?" Garrett asked
"Yeah, man! Come on don't leave us hanging" John said excitedly, it wasn't usual for Jared to like someone.... to like someone 'that' way
"Well this is the embarrassing part. You see, when I'm bored, I go to the library and go to the cook books because I'm just always hungry.... And I met her there!" Jared explained
"So.... she's chubby too?" Pat asked innocently
"What? No!" Jared said as he threw a guitar pick at Pat "Are saying that I'm fat? She's not fat! She's hot and nice and wonderful! And beautiful!"
"I didn't say you're fat I said you're chubby. That's different" Pat defended
"Well.... I'm sorry then" Jared laughed "Okay anyway, she was there because she loves to cook and I was like 'Oh you should cook for me sometimes' and she was like 'I would be happy to do that' and I was like 'Really?' and she was like 'Yeah!' and I was like 'We should hangout sometimes' and she was like 'That would be great!' and I was like 'What's your number so I could just text you' and she gave it to me and then I asked her if she was hungry and she said she was a little bit because of all the food talk and so I invited her to McDonald's and she said she loves it there, I mean who doesn't love it there? And I payed for her food, man! I never pay for a girl's food! And I paid for her food!" Jared said all at once
"Wow.... you really like her" John laughed
"Oh you wouldn't know the feeling bro. You're a playboy" Jared said
"You know.... to be honest I'm not" John said "I just tell you that I play with girls so you would think I was a playboy"
"What?!" everyone said, they were all shocked
"The reason why my relationships doesn't last and why I'm the one who always breaks up with the girl is because I notice that they only date me to get closer to Kennedy" John laughed "That's the truth my friends"
"Man..... sorry about that" Garrett said
"No big deal" John laughed
"WAIT!" Pat said
"What?" Garrett asked
"How old is Tessa" he asked out of nowhere
"She's my age. Same as John. Same as Kenny" Jared smiled "She's too old for you, kid"
"No! I don't wanna ask her out" Pat shook his head "I want to be friends with her and call her mommabear"
"Why?" Jared asked in confusion "Mommabear? What the hell, Pat?"
"Well.... you look like a bear and I call you Papabear deep down inside. And that makes her mommabear"
"That doesn't make any sense" John shook his head
"Yes it does!" Pat frowned
"You're really weird, Pat" Garrett said
"Yeah you are" Jared agreed
"I am" Pat nodded
"But we love you to death, man" John smiled and then he tackled Pat and Garrett joined in the madness and of course so did Jared.
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HEY GUYS!!!! I'm still alive haha in case you forgot about this fic. So anyway, super sorry it took so long for me to update! Hope you're still here with me! More to come, humans!