Status: Hope you're still reading

She Had the Most Amazing Smile

First Date

Elle’s class after lunch is English, and she had that class with John. Elle went inside the classroom in time while John came in kinda late, as usual
“Hey, man. Do you mind if we switch seats?” John asked Elle’s seatmate, who agreed with John’s offer, since he was a cool guy and all “Thanks, dude” John smiled, even though he’s popular, he’s still nice
“Hey” Elle smiled
“Whaddup whaddup whaddup!” John greeted “So, I heard you have a big date later” John grinned as he wiggled his eyebrows
“Oh stop! It’s not that big. Just gonna... y'know, casually get some yogurt and seat at the same table with Kennedy Brock and probably gonna stare at his eyes for a long long time” she sighed
“I’m glad my plan is going great” John nodded in satisfaction
“Wait, that is your plan?” Elle asked
“Our plan to be exact. My friends and I had to push shy Kenny off his seat just to ask you out” John explained, and once again the two did not pay attention to Ms. Fey, it didn’t matter though, Miss. Fey was just assigning her students’ committee for prom, she’s in charge for prom this year.
“Thank you. Really, it mean a fucking lot” Elle smiled and John smiled back at her
“I told you this would work”
“Yeah, thanks for believing” she nodded
“Hey! Hope for the best! With best intentions” he smiled
“You know? I’m really glad you and I became lab partners. It’s like my whole life changed thanks to you. I owe you, John” she smiled
“Nah, just take care of Kenny for all of us. He’s a good guy and don’t hurt him”
“I won’t. I would never” she smiled but then her smile vanished, she suddenly got nervous and stared licking her braces
“What’s wrong?” John asked
“What? Nothing” she stuttered as she played with her braces again
“No, something’s wrong” he pointed out “You’re licking your braces! Are you nervous?” John smirked
“Ugh, yes” Elle rolled her eyes and slouched in her chair
“Hey now. Don’t be. Be confident and graceful and last but not least, just be yourself” John smile
“I don’t think I can do this” Elle took a deep breath
“Yes, you can” John nodded
“John, what if he doesn’t like me? What if he..” she said but he cut her off
“Those what ifs will kill you” John said calmly “Elle, you’ve been waiting for this moment since like.. forever! Don’t tell me you’re backing up now. That’s not the Elle I know”
“You hardly know me. We’ve been friends for only two days!”
“But I know a lot about you. I know that you roll your eyes when you’re pissed. I know that you lick your braces when you’re nervous and most of all, I know that Kenny will like because.. I mean, who wouldn’t?” he said
“Really? You really think I’m likable?” she asked with the cute smile on her face that John’s starting to like
“Yes” John nodded “Now don’t be all nervous now”
“But what if.. I get nervous when I’m already there?” she asked
“Then you call” John said as he wrote his number on a piece of paper “Here, call me if anything goes wrong” he said
“Here” Elle smiled as she did the same “So you’d know that I’m the one calling and not some obsessed girl” she smirked.
English went by, Ms. Fey assigned John and Elle to the same committee which is the props committee, they have to create props and submit it to Ms. Fey two weeks before prom, which is 3 weeks from now.
Classes ended and it was time to go home. Before Elle met up with Kennedy, she met up with her friends first
“I’m really nervous” she said as her voice shook
“Don’t be baby girl. We’re here” Haley smiled
“Yeah, just give us a call if anything goes wrong. Okay?” Cristine smiled
“Okay” she nodded nervously
“Relax” Haley smiled
“It’s your first date. Make it magical” Cristine added
“Okay” she nodded “Wish me luck!” she smiled as she hugged her friends
“Goodluck!” her friends called out in unison

Elle walked to the football field, where Kennedy told her to go to meet up. She saw the guy of her dreams sitting on the bleachers and when he saw her, he stood up and waved, she waved back and whispered a bunch of mantras to herself as Kennedy ran up to her
“Hey” Kennedy panted, trying to catch his breath
“You okay?” she asked, things were starting out well
“Yeah, glad you could make it” Kennedy smiled and she could see his laugh lines and once again it gave her butterflies “So shall we?” he said and she nodded. The two walked to the frozen yogurt store near their school, ordered the same thing and sat down
“So, how are you” Kennedy asked nervously, it wasn’t his first date but it was his first date with the girl of his dreams
“I’m well!” she nodded “You?”
“Same” he said “So, thanks for accepting my offer today”
“Well, thanks for asking me out” she laughed
“Are you kidding? I’ve been dying to ask you out!” Kennedy laughed
“Really?” she blushed as she nervously ate her yogurt “That’s flattering” she nodded
“Yeah? You look pretty today” Kennedy smiled “You look pretty everyday”
“Well, not so bad yourself” she laughed
“Aww, you look so cute when you laugh” he smiled as he tiled his head “Your braces and your eyes and your dimples. I never thought I would see you laugh in front of me”
“Well I never thought you’d joke around with me” she smiled
“To be honest.. I have the biggest crush on you” Kennedy laughed nervously
“Really?” Elle asked and he nodded
“I know it’s childish but.. had a crush on you ever since sixth grade when you..” he said
“Bumped into me in the hallway” she continued and he nodded “Yeah, same here”
“You had a crush on me?” Kennedy asked as he leaned forward to look at her closely, he rested his elbow on the table and rested his chin on his palm
“Yup” she laughed nervously “Pretty embarrassing”
“I should’ve just asked you out. Ugh I’m so stupid” Kennedy sighed
“Hey you’re not! We’re on a date now aren’t we” she smiled
“Yeah” he nodded “But, someone else could’ve asked you out and he could’ve totally won your heart”
“Nah, I wouldn’t even say yes” she said
“Why is that?”
“Cause he’s not you” she smiled
“I like you. So much” Kennedy said as he reached out his hand
“I like you too” she smiled as she gladly held his hand
“Elle, will you..” Kennedy said but he stopped
“Will I what?” she asked
“I’m so nervous” he whispered
“Don’t be” she smiled awkwardly, not even sure if she's saying the right words
“Will you please please please please, be my date for senior prom”
“Yes. I would gladly be your date” she smiled and he smiled and at that moment, everything seems perfect.

Kennedy walked Elle home, gave her a little kiss on the cheek
“I had a great time” Elle smiled
“Me too” Kennedy nodded “So, I’ll see you tomorrow? Okay?”
“Yeah. Totally”
“Call you later!” Kennedy smiled
Elle got in her house to see her mom cooking dinner
“Hi, honey!” her mom waved
“Hey mom!” she smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek
“How was your day?”
“It was.. magical” Elle sighed “I’ll be up at my room”
“Call you when dinner’s ready”
As soon as Elle walked in her room, she took out her phone from her pocket and called the person who made this magical day possible
“Hello?” he answered his phone
“John!!” she shouted
“Hey! How did it go?” he asked
“Great! It went great!!” she giggled
“Yeah, I know. Kennedy told me”
“He told you already?” she asked as she bit her finger nails
“Yup! He told me it was the best day of his life and that he gave you a kiss on the cheek! Mhmmm” John chuckled
“Yeah he did” she giggled
“I bet you’re blushing” John teased
“Am not!”
“Are too! You can’t lie to me” he laughed
“Well, maybe I am” she laughed “But seriously. Thanks, John!”
“No problemo” he laughed
“I’m glad I met you”
“I’m glad I met you too, Elle” he said
“Elle Dinner’s ready!” her mom called out from downstairs
“Hey John I need to go because..”
“Your mom said it’s dinner time. Yeah, I heard” he chuckled
“Bye, John!” she said
“Bye, Elle!” he cheered as he hung up.

The next day at school, everything was different for Elle, she wore a big smile on her face and she smiled at everyone.
“You look extremely happy today, what happened yesterday?” Haley smiled
“Yeah, spill the dets” Cristine nodded
“Well y’know” Elle grinned as she lifted her shoulders “We were casually eating our frozen yogurt, revealed things and….. he asked me out to prom” Elle cheered
“Oh baby girl” Haley cheered as they hugged Elle
“Our little girl’s all grown up” Cristine teased
“Haha, whatever” Elle laughed as she rolled her eyes playfully “But none of this would happen if it wasn’t for John”
“Yeah. You kinda owe him big time” Cristine agreed
“Prom night will be so awesome, I’m so stoked” Haley giggled
“Yeahhhhhhh” Elle agreed “Welp, gotta go go go!! See ya bitches later” she smiled
“Bye!!” they said then they separated and went to their classes.
It was a Thursday so Elle had chemistry class again. She remembered how it all started in chemistry class, John being her lab partner and being the same person who helped her with Kennedy. She expected that he’d be late because he’s always late for Popper’s class but surprisingly he got there before her
“You’re early” she laughed as she sat beside John
“Yeah well, that’s what you call progress” John grinned
“Where’s Kennedy?” Elle asked as she looked around the room
“I don’t know, I’m always late remember?” John laughed “But he’s probably on his way”
“Oh” she said as she nodded slowly
“What’s wrong?”
“To be honest, I’m nervous to see him” she sighed
“What? Why?” John asked
“Well, he asked me to prom remember?” she said
“Yeah, so?”
“Will this thing between the two of us last?” she asked “Or is it just because he wants to have a date for prom or he just wants to complete his high school mission”
“Hey now” John said as he pulled her chair nearer to his “How many more times do I have to tell you? Don’t be so negative. Kennedy likes you, a lot” he smiled
“You really think so? I mean, I know I always ask that but, do you really think so?”
“This may seem cliché but I don’t think so, I know so” John smiled
“Thanks, John” she nodded “Thanks for everything”
“No problem” he grinned “Oh look there’s Kennedy!” he said as he pointed to his friend walking in class “Hey Kenny!!” he greeted and Kenny waved back and smiled sweetly at Elle which made her blush of course
“Aww, you’re blushing. Eeeeeee” John giggled
“Shut up. I’m not” Elle smiled as she covered his cheeks.
Soon Popper walked in the room and everyone got quiet
“So class” Popper began “Today you’re gonna test your lab partner and how reliable they are”
“Shit” John whispered “I’m sorry I’m your lab partner” he said and Elle giggled quietly
“I will not teach for a week!” Popper explained “You will help each other, teach each other and be there for each other. Friday next week, I’m going to give you a test and we will see how reliable your partner is” Popper grinned
“Why is he even doing this” John grunted quietly
“It’s okay, we’ll get through this” Elle smiled
“Oh Ms. Marshall, you unfortunate human being” Popper said as he walked to them “Being paired up with Mr. O’Callaghan is.. let’s just say it’s.. kind of a curse”
“Not at all Mr. Popper” Elle smiled proudly “John over here is a good lab partner and I think you just got him all wrong”
“Trust me, you don’t want to teach.... that” Popper gave John a nasty look
“Well, with all due respect, sir. I pass in your class” John said
“Oh so a C is good enough for you?” Popper raised an eyebrow
“Isn’t it?” John asked and Elle remained silent
“Here’s the deal, you two. If John gets an A, you two are exempted on the last semester. You only have a few time left. Goodluck with him, Ms. Marshall” Popper smirked
“Deal” John nodded and Mr. Popper scoffed as he walked away “Holy shit what have I done?” John gasped
“What?” Elle asked
“I can’t get an A. Ugh, I can’t do this. I’m dragging you into this shit, I’m sorry”
“No it’s okay” Elle smiled “Tell you what, I tutor you for free”
“Do you have high grades in this class?”
“Not bragging but.. straight A’s” she laughed
“Damn” John said
“So, you in?” she asked
“Fuck yes” he nodded “If it’s okay with you”
“Of course it is” she laughed
♠ ♠ ♠
School's sports fest this week. So I'm prolly gonna update later this week.. not unless my laptop crashes. So yeah, been working on this story, hope you guys read it and be patient haha. Subscribe and comment! Thanks!