Status: Hope you're still reading

She Had the Most Amazing Smile

Everyone Is Different

The days passed and the topics in Chemistry class were getting more and more complicated, Elle and John had to spend more time together

It was a Sunday afternoon and they were studying at the park for a quiz tomorrow

"Shit. This is too hard" John grunted as he closed his chemistry book
"Hey, at least you get it. Right?" Elle smiled as she patted him on the back
"I need to pass the quiz, bro" John sighed
"And you're gonna" she smiled again and he smiled back, the two were staring at each other but it it didn't last long since Elle's cellphone rang "It's Kenny. Be right back" she said as she got off the park bench. John watched as she walked away, he saw her smiling and it made him smile. For the past few days all John could ever think of was her smile, he loved every single second with her and he wouldn't exchange it for anything, she makes him so happy and she makes his day but sad to say, he doesn't make her's.

Elle walked back to John and sat beside him and sighed

"Is everything alright?" he asked
"Yeah, it's just.. Kenny and I haven't seen each other this weekend"
"I'm sorry you had to tutor me. I feel like this is all my fault" he frowned
"Hey now. It's not" Elle slapped his shoulder "If it wasn't for you this whole thing wouldn't happen, remember?"
"Right" he mumbled
"What's wrong?" she asked
"Yes there is, c'mon now John" she pouted
"It's just that" he said, thinking if he should go on
"I feel like I'm not meant for somebody" he said
"Why?" she asked "You had a lot of girlfriends already"
"Yeah, but they were just using me" he sighed
"What do you mean?"
"They just wanted to go out with me because they wanted to be closer to Kennedy?" he frowned as he remembered every single failed relationship he had
"All of them?" she asked
"All of them" he nodded
"Hey" she said as she moved closer to him and she gave him a hug "Someday, the right girl will come along, she won't hurt you like the rest of them and she'll love you for being you, okay?" she smiled
"Okay" he nodded as they pulled away "But, what is it with Kenny though? Everyone likes him more than me, from girlfriends to my parents. Everyone"
"Not everyone. John, you're one of my best friends and I love you and Kenny equally" she smiled
"But what's in him that's not in me? I know he's smart but brains aren't everything right?"
"I don't know" she said "He's Kennedy and you're John. Stop comparing yourself to him"
"But I just can't help it" he said "He's lucky to be Kennedy"
"And you're lucky because you're John" she said "John, stop bringing yourself down. You're an amazing person, believe me"
"Kennedy's lucky to have you" he smiled
"Yeah, if I had a girlfriend, I want her to be just like you" he said
"But everyone's different. There's no one out there who's just like me because I'm different from all of them" she laughed
"Yeah" he nodded but deep down inside, what that meant was 'if I had a girlfriend.... I want it to be you' but of course John didn't had the guts to say that.


"Hey guys" Kennedy smiled as he walked to their lunch tables
"Yo" they said in unison
"Hey, John" Kennedy said as he pulled a chair and sat on it
"Dude, you gotta help me" Kennedy said
"Elle and I fought, man. And it was my fault. I got a little bit disappointed with her because we didn't get to see each other last weekend and it totally pissed her off" he sighed
"Dude, she's tutoring me. You know that" John said
"I know I know. I'm sorry. She has every right to be mad at me"
"Okay so, how can I help you?"
"I want you to lead her to the football field later but don't act all suspicious okay? I have a surprise for her" Kennedy said "You game?"
"Yeah, I'll do it" John nodded
"Thanks, bro. You're the best" Kennedy smiled as he patted John's back.


It was dismissal time and John did what Kennedy asked him to do. He waited outside Elle's classroom and walked with her

"So I heard you guys fought" John said
"Yeah we did" she nodded "But he doesn't understand, he knows that I need to tutor you and he got all disappointed and shit because we didn't see each other last weekend. So stupid" she rolled her eyes
"Hey now. He just wants to spend more time with you, that's all" he said
"Yeah but he doesn't have to act all disappointed and all. I want to spend time with him too y'know?"
"I'm really sorry you had to tutor me. I know I say that a lot but it's because I really am"
"Don't be, it totally payed off didn't it? You passed! And besides, I want to tutor you" she smiled
"Wait, one question though. Why are we going to the football field?"
"You'll see" John smiled
"John" she whined
"Just.. wait" he said as they walked, as soon as they got there, Jared, Peter, Halvo, Garrett and Pat walked to them with Daisies and they gave it to Elle. John took out something from his bag and gave her a Daisy too and walked away with his friends but of course they didn't really walk away, they hid and watched as Kennedy walked to her with a lot more Daisies. John couldn't hear what Kennedy was saying but one thing's for sure, she forgave him, the next thing he saw was Kennedy and Elle hugging and he gave her a kiss on the cheek which made her giggle. The sight made John sick, he didn't like it one bit. John knew he was starting to have feelings for Elle but he did his best to deny it, even to himself.