Status: Hope you're still reading

She Had the Most Amazing Smile

Little Things

Prom is two weeks away and everyone had their dates, well everyone except John. This was unusual since John never had a problem with asking a girl out. He could have any girl he wants but the thing is.. the girl he wants to ask out is already taken.

"Dude, don't tell me you're gonna be dateless for prom" Jared laughed
"Shut up" John grunted
"But seriously though, who are you gonna ask out?" Halvo asked
"I don't know" he mumbled
"Dude, prom's just 2 weeks away. Make up your mind"
"I don't know who to ask out, okay?" he said
"Really now? You don't know who to ask?" Jared asked "Or the girl you wanna ask out is already taken?"
"Dude, shut up" John said angrily. Jared was right, he knew pretty well that he wants to ask Elle out but the thing is, she's going with someone else, and it's his best friend
"Dude, why are you so angry about this?" Jared asked
"I just" John started and he took a deep breath "Just don't pressure me. I'm gonna ask someone out okay? Just shut up for now"
"Okay, sorry dude" Jared apologized. Jared knew John so well and he could see right through him, he knew something was going on, he knew something was wrong.

John had Chemistry class after lunch and of course he had that class with Elle. John was always excited for chemistry class now a days since he's seated next to her
"Hey" Elle waved at him as he walked to his seat
"Hi" he smiled as he sat down
"So, have you asked someone out already?" she asked
"Ughh, not again" John grunted
"Aww, I'm sorry. Were they asking you the same thing?"
"Yeah" he sighed
"What's the matter?" she asked
"It's just that, I know who I want to ask out already" he said
"That's good" she nodded
"No, because the thing is.... she's going out with someone else" he sighed
"Awww" she pouted "Mind to tell me who this lucky girl is?"
"Well, I can't tell you who she is" John said, of course he couldn't tell her that he likes her, it would ruin everything "But I can tell you what she's like"
"Yayyy" she cheered
"Well first of all, she's cute and pretty and I love it whenever she pout and laugh and giggle, I love it when she slaps my shoulder when we're having fun, I like the way her eyes sparkle and I love her smile, she has the most amazing smile" he said as he looked intently at her, hoping that she wouldn't see right through him
"Awwwwww, you're so cute when you're in love" she giggled "Really wish, I could know her name"
"Well, you can't" John laughed
"But whyyy" she pouted
"It's complicated"
"Okay" she sighed "But if you're ready to tell me who she is.... I'm all ears, okay?"
"Okay" he nodded

As Mr. Popper discussed, John couldn't stop looking at her from time to time. He loves her serious face whenever Mr. Popper discussed things. He loves everything about her, even the little things. It makes her special, it makes her different. He's in love with these little things


After school Jared waited for John at his locker, he knew something was wrong and he had to know what it is.
"Hey" John said as he walked to his locker "Why are you guarding my locker?" he laughed
"Dude, I'm gonna be frank with you" Jared said seriously
"Okay?" John said
"What's wrong, dude? Something's wrong with you" Jared asked
"Nothing's wrong. What makes you say that?" John said nervously
"Something's bothering you, bro. I know you. What is it?"
"Nothing bro, just.. girl problems I guess" John said
"Dude, who's the girl?" Jared asked
"John, stop making this so hard. Who's the girl who broke your heart?"
"No one broke my heart" John said
"Then what the hell is wrong with you these past few days?" Jared asked
"Okay fine" John said as he slammed his locker "I'm in love with someone and she's in love with someone else. I try to deny that I'm in love with her but I just can't. And I can't tell her how I feel because it'll ruin everything and I was the one who helped her with him in the first place. It's just so hard, man. You wouldn't understand because it's not happening to you, and if I told you who she is you would tell me to stop feeling for her"
"John" Jared sighed
"Now you know why I'm so down lately. But you can't do anything to help me" John said as he walked away from his friend.

Jared was speechless, he didn't expect John to have girl problems since he was a playboy, Jared knew that John could get any girl he wants and one girl changed that. He knew the whoever that girl is.... John loves her.
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read, comment and subsrcibbbeeee!! so umm. how's the story so far, guys? mind if you tell me?