Status: Hope you're still reading

She Had the Most Amazing Smile


Throughout the weekend, John didn't interact with anyone other than his family. He didn't reply to any of his friends' texts, didn't pick up his phone, didn't return calls, didn't answer through email, he didn't talk to any of his friends at all.

On Monday, he was thinking if he should go to school. They didn't have classes anymore, just the releasing of their grades and graduation practices. He went to school at lunch time when everyone was at the cafeteria.

"Holy shit" Jared gasped as soon as he saw the cafeteria door open
"What?" his friends asked
"It's John you fuckers!" Jared shouted as he got off his seat and ran to his friend
"Shit, John!" Halvo followed and everyone else did as well
John didn't even knew why they were overreacting when they saw him
"What the hell is your problem" John asked as he sat down
"What the hell is our problem?" Jared said sarcastically
"You disappeared after your performance at prom" Halvo said
"We were trying to contact you all throughout the weekend" Peter added
"And you weren't picking up!" Garrett sighed
"And you're gonna ask us what our problem is?" Pat tried to sound angry but of course it didn't work
"Wow" Garrett complimented his bestfriend
"I tried" Pat sighed "But anyway.... What the fuck, John"
"I'm sorry" John sighed "I-I.. I just.. it's very hard to explain and I don't wanna explain. So all I'm saying right now is I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ignored you guys" John apologized
"Dude, what's going on?" Jared asked as they sat
"Yeah bro, you've been off these past few days" Peter said
"Weeks" Halvo corrected
"Nothing, just nothing" he shook his head "I don't wanna talk about it"
"John, you know were always here for you and--" Jared started but he was interrupted by someone
"JOHN!" Kennedy shouted as he ran to their table, he was with Elle of course
"Great" John whispered to himself, no one heard
"Where the hell have you been, we've been contacting you and shit" Kenny asked
"I'm fine. Can't you see? I'm here" John said in an irritated tone, he knows that it wasn't right to talk to his friend in that manner but he couldn't help it
"Bro, what's going on? We're all worried about you" Kennedy asked
"How many more fucking times do I have to fucking say that nothing is fucking wrong" he shouted quietly "I'm sorry, but you can't help me. I can't even help myself" he said as he got off his seat and walked out the cafeteria.
His friends watched him walk away, clueless on what was going on. But Halvo and Jared had it all figured out although they chose not to come after him, they figured it wasn't the right time to confront John.
"What the hell is his problem? Was he that cranky awhile ago? Kenny asked
"Nope" Garrett shook his head
"Kenny, I think John needs time alone, okay? Just don't bother him" Jared advised
"Umm" Elle, who was quiet, finally made a sound "Do you think he's gonna be fine?"
"I'm not sure, Elle" Halvo answered "But we all know John, he's strong. Jared and I will talk to him later
"Can I talk to him too?" she asked "Maybe, just the two of us? I mean, I know you guys are his bestfriends but he's my bestfriend too so.."
Before they could answer, Jared and Halvo looked at each other, sending mental notes.
"Yeah" Halvo smiled at her
"I think that would be a great idea, Elle" Jared nodded
"Cool!" she smiled "Hey Kenny, I'll just go talk to him, okay?"
"Sure beautiful" he smiled


Elle looked everywhere for John, she didn't attend to graduation practice just to look for him, she tried to text and call him but he didn't answer.
"Where the hell could you be" she whispered to herself, she thought about it intently. There was one more place that she didn't went to, the football field.

Elle walked through the field to the bleachers and she saw him there, just sitting, looking at no where, thinking about something serious.
"John?" she said as she walked to him in the last bleacher
"Hey" he smiled, although it was quite obvious that she interrupted him "What are you.. what are you doing here?"
"I came here to talk to you" she smiled as she sat down beside him "You okay?"
"Yeah" John nodded "yeah"
"John" she sighed "What's wrong? Please just tell me"
"I can't, Elle" he frowned "I just can't"
"Why not?"
"It's complicated
"Life is complicated and y'know.. sometimes all you need is a little help" she said and he remained silent "Is it about the anonymous girl again?" she asked and he nodded "What's with?"
"I can't love her" he sighed
"Why not?"
"Because, she will never love me back. I mean I know that she loves me as a friend but she will never love me more than that"
"What if she does?"
"She won't" he shook his head
"Have you even tried telling her that you love her?" she asked and he shook his head "See? Let's try, Go!"
"What are we gonna do?" he asked
"Pretend that I'm her" she smiled "Just do it! It'll help"
"Elle" he groaned and looked down
"C'mon now, John" she laughed and she made him look at her "Let's just practice"
"Okay" he sighed "I-I love you?"
"Don't say like you're unsure, say it like you mean it, Go!"
"Elle" he groaned again
"C'mon now" she smiled
"Fine, here goes nothing" he said and cleared his throat "Elle"
"Yes John?" she grinned
"Elle, I love you" he said intently "I love you so much, I will always love you even if you won't love me back because.... I love you" he continued and they were just looking at each other's eyes
"I-I...." Elle started "I love you too, John. I love you too. I just.... I love you" she said, and just as they were about to lean forward and kiss.... John's phone rang
"Shit" he grunted
"Go answer it" she smiled
"It's Jared" he said and put the phone against his ears "Hey bro!" as John talked to his friend, Elle's phone beeped. It was Kennedy, she felt something between her and John but she was reminded that her heart belonged to someone else
"So uh, where were we?" John smiled as he hung up his phone
"I-I.... I think we need to go" she smiled awkwardly
"Why is that?" he asked
"I just got a text and we really need to attend practice"
"Who texted you?"
"Oh" John nodded "You go ahead, I won't attend"
"Johh, you have to" she insisted
"I don't want to"
"John, you're right. I shouldn't have convinced you to rehearse that I love you thing. I'm sorry, okay?"
"No, it's fine. I was kinda getting on the hang of saying I love you to her. So thanks"
"We shouldn't rehearse it because.... you should tell it to her. Not to anyone else"
"Okay" he nodded feeling upset because he also felt something between them.
"I'll see you later okay?" she said "We have a lot more to talk about"
"Okay, text you later" he nodded "Oh, Elle!"
"Yeah?" she stopped walking
"Elle, I really do love you" he smiled, he couldn't take it anymore. He had to tell her
"I-I" she started "I love you too, John" and she started walking down the bleachers.

She felt it, the butterflies in her stomach, the feeling that she just wants to scream because the feeling that she's feeling inside is un-explainable. She felt her heart beating faster than usual. She found herself smiling as she went to the school gym for their grad practice and it felt like it was the happiest moments in her life.
"Hey!" Kennedy interrupted her thoughts and kissed her cheeks
"Hi" she smiled nervously

'Snap out of it, snap out of it. This isn't right, Elle' was all she kept on saying in her mind.

She knew she was falling for John. But she also knew that it wasn't right
♠ ♠ ♠
please comment and tell me what you think!! please?:-) really hope you like it though!