Status: ON HOLD

Blue Eyes Don't Lie

Breathe For The First Time Now

Rebirthing now
I wanna live for love, wanna live for you and me
Breathe for the first time now
I come alive somehow

~ Skillet


Remember what I said about not caring what Jordan Staal does with his life? Yeah, that was apparently a lie. Not that I didn't want it to be.

Believe me, my recent 'obsession' with Jordan is not something I decided on, it just happened for some reason. Now I actually think about him quite a few times during the day, thankfully it's not always good things. But I can't help wondering why he never tried to get in touch with me. I know that sounds unbelievably bratty, though I don't know what else to do.

And I am not going to ask Duper for Jordan's number after properly meeting the guy like twice. I'm just not comfortable with that. And it'd be way too stalkerish.

While this discovery made me quite uncomfortable and irritated, Karen was having a field day. She was only further convinced that I secretly was in love with Jordan when I'd apparently been unusually distant during a couple of days. I blame it on trouble sleeping and some extra rowdy kids at work.

I hadn't been to a single game since Jordan gave me tickets and his jersey, but I still couldn't stop watching them on TV. Before, when I'd been busy with school and work, I'd forgotten just how much I loved the game. Now I spent almost every night on my couch, watching the Pens while wearing my #11 jersey.

Though I had to admit, I was slightly bummed about Jordan being injured. Something he never said anything about, and I had to find out through the commentators when I watched my first game on TV. Don't ask me why I never registered it when Karen and I saw them live, 'cause I don't know why. Was probably distracted by something or another.

Nevertheless, I tried to distract myself with work and with taking care of Kit. After almost three weeks, we seemed to have reached an agreement. I feed her, take care of her litterbox and brush her fur, while she doesn't hurt me or my furniture anymore. My couch probably couldn't have handled any more abuse from Kit's claws.

"Have you called him yet?"

I looked away from the TV screen and turned to Karen, who was sitting next to me on the couch. This was one of the rare nights when we'd watch hockey at my place instead of at Karen's. Since she was allergic, Kit had been locked inside the spare room with some food and her box. I had a feeling I was going to get scratched or something later, though.

"No, Kare. Why would I have?"

"Do I have to tell you again? You've seen the guy, you've met the guy and you like the guy. So, why the hell not?" She questioned and stared at me as if everything was crystal clear.

"So?" I asked.

"Uhm... Hello?! You call him and then you jump his bones the first chance you get!" By now, Karen's eyebrows were almost one with her hairline and her brown eyes were cartoon wide.

I stared at her for a second. "Are you sure you want me to jump him?"

"Oh hell no! If it weren't you, I'd already seen all of that amazing physique more than once," Karen responded, winked and turned back to the TV.

A couple of more days passed and I realized; I really have to deal with my 'Jordan issue'. I'd come to the conclusion that the reason I couldn't get Jordan out of my head was because I felt guilty about both ignoring him and slapping him with my purse.

So, at ten in the morning on a Saturday, I made my way to the IceoPlex where the Pens were having a practice according to Karen who got her information from Max Talbot apparently. A pro of being a kindergarten teacher: my body quickly got used to waking up early in the mornings even though it wasn't needed.

After parking my car in the lot outside, I made my way inside. It took some time and little help, but in the end I managed to find the gym where Jordan was supposed to be instead of out on the ice.

The giant blond wasn't alone when I found him, but I tried not to get intimidated by Evgeni Malkin and Brooks Orpik as I crossed the room. If Jordan noticed me, he made no move showing that he did, and continued running on the treadmill. He still didn't stop when I was standing in front of him.


Didn't acknowledge me.

"Okay, I see what you're doing," I said. "You're getting back at me by ignoring me, just like I did with you."

When Jordan once again didn't even look at me, both Geno and Brooks looked over at us. Stopping what he was doing, the defenceman came over.

"Hi, excuse me... But, who are you?"

Aw, he seems so awkward. I mean, I can certainly understand him since I know I would have been awkward approaching someone I'd never met before who was trying not to get ignored by one of my teammates.

"I'm Hayden, nice to meet you," I said and held out my hand. It was the only polite thing to do.

"I'm Brooks."

"I am Geno." Geno had popped up beside Brooks, also holding out his hand to me.

"It's nice to meet the both of you," I told them and couldn't help but smile. They were both so charming that if only one more Pen would have been in the room, I would have forgotten all about apologizing to Jordan. But that wasn't the current case.

"Jordan, come on. I just need to talk to you. It wont take more than a minute," I tried to talk him into not ignoring me without a change in his behaviour.

"We'll give you some privacy," Brooks said and dragged Geno with him to the other side of the gym.

I stayed in front of Jordan for a few minutes, just staring. He didn't seem to have a problem with ignoring me since his eyelevel was way above the top of my head, meaning that he wouldn't have to look at me.

"Okay, I give up," I started. "I guess I'll just say it; I'm sorry. I'm sorry about ignoring you and I'm sorry for hitting you in the face with my purse."

I stopped there since I didn't know how to continue after that. Jordan stayed silent for a little while longer, but spoke up when I turned and moved towards the door.


Furrowing my brows, I turned back to look at him. "Okay?"

Slowing to a stop and stepping off the treadmill, Jordan approached me in all his tall, muscular, sweaty glory. Was 'okay' all he was going to say? Nothing else? When he was close enough, Jordan leaned down until we were eyelevel and gave me a quick peck on the lips.


And then he walked past me and out the door, while I could feel my cheeks heat up. Freeing my head from it's cloudy state, I realized that Brooks and Geno still were on the other side of the room and had seen the whole thing. Managing a weak wave of my hand, something they both returned, I followed Jordan's example and walked out of the gym.

What the hell was that?!

Safely back in my car, I let out a groan and put my head on the steering wheel.

I really need a drink.

And drink I did. After only ten minutes inside my apartment, I was finishing off my second glass of wine. I really needed to think things over, which is why I didn't even bother calling Karen since all she would do would be to squeal and fangirl over Jordan kissing me.

It wasn't even a real kiss, I thought as I poured myself a third glass of wine. It was just a short peck.

I found that the alcohol helped loosening my thoughts, but that it also made me start talking to the cat. It really helped with falling asleep on the couch as well, wine has always had that affect on me.

I believe that this wasn't one of my more glorious days.
♠ ♠ ♠
One bad thing about having Tumblr; spoilers. The spoiler from TWD made me freak the fuck out, like, NO! WHY! And now I don't know if I'll be able to handle watching the episode...

UPDATE: I was not able to watch that episode without crying. Poor, poor Daryl...

Title credit: Rebirthing - Skillet.