‹ Prequel: The Thickening.

The Sickening.


I shall eat this banana. I shall eat...this banana.

As many times as I went through with the statement in my head, it never pulled through. I knew for an evident fact that I would not be able to consume the banana, because it would spike a deadly chain reaction, rendering me unable to eat just a single banana. Along would fall its fleshy peel into my dry esophagus, and then the pantry would get jealous, calling out to me in misery. So what I have decided to do, ultimately, is to not eat that banana...But as we speak, it is already sliding wet and mushy down my craving throat.

Down, down, down spirals the yellow around. The peel is bitter and disgusting against my wet, pale tongue, but I don't stop to taste it; I just want it in me, and that is all that matters. Before I can even think in a few second's gulp, my hands are already greedily gripped around a pack of powdered, processed donuts, and all six file into my throat simultaneously, inconsiderate to be even crushed down into digestible crumbs. One last white, sugary donut is swallowed whole, succeeded by a king size bag of cheese covered puffs that don't even meet my hungry eyes before being devoured in less than two minutes, clogging with the rest of the mushy mush. My head is spinning, my eyes dilate, seeing more than my stomach. I don't even make it to the toilet seat, as two fingers dart out to irritate my uvula...chunks of pus-green and orange come pouring out like murky water, nasty and pungent.

Throw-up stains scatter in ugly spectrums all over the bathroom floor, forever sickening...