Beetlejuice and Lydia

Chapter Ten

We went back to the town where the courthouse was located, looking for an apartment to live in. Afterall, Beetlejuice had citizenship to gain in the afterlife for the next five years.

"Well Beetle, you got your wish. You can now stay in the afterlife." I moaned, walking out of the eleventh apartment building. It was funny; The afterlife seemed to have no sense of time whatsoever. What should have felt like a full day only was a few hours, and a few minutes were actually a few days. Everything was so backwards and I was having a hard time trying to get used to it. Is this what happens when you die? You loose track of time and it slips through your fingers like grains of sand?

"Oh come on, will you stop being so melodramatic?" He said, continuing to walk on. I grabbed my stomach, my face pinching up as I bent over and threw up more ectoplasm. Gross. That's another thing that should have taken time to feel was the baby, but within a short period of time I could already feel it growing and evolving. Beetlejuice's demon spawn was already nudging me.

Completely oblivious that I had stopped in the middle of a busy street to throw up more, Beetlejuice was walking through a townhouse door with a 'For Sale' sign above it. As soon as I could regain my composure I stood up, walking up the steps to the door. I paused, my handle on the doorknob as I wondered if I could just walk right through like the other ghosts floating around. I mean, technically I was a ghost right now, wasn't I?

I took a step back, trying to get my mind focused on feeling weightless. I visualized myself as a feather, floating above the steps and as light as air. I walked headfirst toward the door and stepped right inside. Grinning to myself, I noticed the steps that led to an upstairs, and the bare room to my right. Beetlejuice was talking to a realtor dressed in post-World War I clothes.

"This house looks bea-u-ti-ful from the outside." Beetlejuice was obviously trying to butter up the Realtor like he had tried with countless landlords and realtors today. I hung in the doorway, watching the Realtor look interested in Beetlejuice's compliments. Maybe this guy with rimmed horn glasses was interested. With any hopes, Beetlejuice could resist insulting him before this was all said and done with. "How much were you looking to sell the house for?"

"Actually, we had just put it on the market. The house owners before had crossed over, so it was just handed to us yesterday." The Realtor said, looking around the place. "Name your price."

Beetlejuice grabbed his chest as if suffering from a heart attack. "Name your price? Is this the Price is Right? Are you kidding me right now? I get to Name my Price?"

The man shrugged, not knowing what to say to this.

"I suppose, as long as it's within reason. I can't exactly just give the house to you."

"Sure, sure." Beetlejuice reached into his pocket. Crunching, chattering, and growling sounds erupted from his pocket, but he kept on digging in until he was above his elbows. Finally, he pulled out a black wallet.

"Do you take checks?" He asked. "Of course, I haven't used my checking account since Napoleon seized power in France, but I'm sure it's still open."

"I would prefer cash, Sir." The Realtor said. Beetlejuice pulled out a stack of bills that made the Realtor's and my mouth fall open. He placed the money into the man's palm.

"That should cover the expenses, right?" The Realtor soundlessly nodded, counting the money as he walked out the door. The baby nudged me as the guy walked out. I touched it, watching Beetlejuice do a 360 degree turn in the middle of the floor, examining the house. I laughed and he turned around.

"What?" He asked.

"You gave the man a wad of cash." I said.

"Yeah so? I have more." I rolled my eyes.

"You're impossible."

"So are you." Beetlejuice came toward me, wrapping me in his arms. I didn't fight back. I let him lean down and kiss me. This surprised him more than it should have.

"Woah, you let me kiss you again." He said, stunned. I awkwardly shuffled my feet, not knowing what to say to this. I grabbed his hand.

"Do you want to explore the rest of the house?" Before he could give me an answer I was already shooting around the house. The house was abundantly spacious for being a townhouse. There was three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a fireplace in the back living room, a parlor, and a kitchenette. I was already in love with the house more than my own. Should I be feeling guilty for not missing my own house?

"No, especially with Adam and Barbara gone." I decided. Beetlejuice left almost as soon as we were finished touring to pick up furniture. I would've went with him...if I had known he was going.

"I had my back turned for half a second." I huffed, rubbing my lower back. My stomach let out a ferocious growl, and I had the sudden urge to eat.

"What would you like?" I asked my stomach. The baby kicked my hand, making me giggle from the feeling. She was going to be bossy, like her mother. I decided I could handle the spirit world on my own without Beetlejuice for guidance, and with that I was out. I was barely passed the wrought iron fence when I moaned in appreciation.

"What is that smell? It smells delicious." I turned my head from side to side like a hungry dog, my nose pointed up in the air. I made a left, following the tantalizing scent. Maybe it was baked beans mixed with lime green jello and sushi...oh yes, sushi. It was something fishy smelling, with an underlying smell. I wandered deeper into town and came to a halt just outside a small diner. My feat floated in, barely brushing the steps. The place was packed, but even the crowd didn't stop me. As soon as I was inside I was steered into the back of the room and jackpot. I could almost hear the hallelujah chorus as I saw the all you can eat buffet.

I grabbed a tray and ripped two plates down from a stack, starving. I piled my plates high with these otherworldly delicacies. There was boned trout, pumpkin spice cake, some sort of red gelatin, rice, spinach, pasta. Almost anything I could possibly crave was right there waiting for me to gather on my plate, and so I did.

I floated back to a booth and set my plates down when I noticed I had forgotten a drink. Distressed, I ran back for punch, practically snarling at an elderly passerby when he came too close to my plates. I sat down, licked my lips once and dug in to everything at once. It all tasted so delicious, I had to eat it all at once. There was no other possible way. After I was done with those plates, I went back for a third and forth.

"Hello Ma'am, welcome to Grizzly's. I'm Grizzly Evan, and I was wondering if I could bring you anything?" A cheery man with a red face and bright orange hair said in a pleasant voice. I must have looked like I was starved, the way I was delving into my plate.

"Oh, no. Thank you." I said with a smile as I scooped up shrimp and gelatin onto my spoon.

"Well then may I interest you in a bill?" He asked, not as pleasant. I slapped my head. How could I have forgotten I needed to pay? Great, Beetlejuice had all of the money.

"I..I...I don't have any money--"

"I'll take the tab." An attractive and familiar looking man interrupted from the booth in front of mine. Judge Devora from the courthouse.

"Oh, thank you sir. Thank you very much." Grizzly Evan said, bowing his head. Judge Devora waved him off as he counted bills before pressing them in the palm of Grizzly's hand with a charming smile. Grizzly smiled back, and then smiled at me.

"You're welcome here anytime, kid." The owner disappeared right before our eyes. Judge Devora was looking at me now.

"Thanks, that was very nice of you."

"No problem. You probably have your hands full with Beetlejuice." He rose from his booth. He had on black dress slacks and a white buttoned up shirt, with the collar a bit disarrayed. He lent out his hand.

"It was pleasant running into you Lydia but I must go. My next case starts in fifteen minutes." I shook his hand, trying hard not to blush as he said my name.

"Same to you Judge."

"Please. Call me Valence." He said before disappearing out the door.
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It's been a while since I updated any stories, though I was partly done with this chapter about a month ago.

I also realized I change out Betlegeuse and Beetlejuice quite often...I'm sorry about that guys, my old Word Processor used to make me correct it in the earlier chapters and then I guess I switched back to the Tim Burton spelling a couple of chapters back, so I'll be going back and changing it.