Status: Inactive

I'll Be The Brightest Someday

Am I The Trigger Of Your Gun~

Vic’s P.O.V

When we got to Kellin’s car he held the passenger side door open for me and I smiled at him and climbed into the passenger seat, cringing at my sudden movement, I paid to attention to my injuries just then. My back was still killing me. I’m assuming Kellin drove my car back to his house and came back with his considering my car is no longer here and we’re leaving the hospital in his. Common sense of course. The car ride home was uneventful and quiet except for the stereo playing Bring Me The Horizon’s “Crucify Me” through the speakers. I was tapping my foot to the beat of the song lightly and Kellin turned it up a little bit louder for me. He looked at me watching me mouth the words to the song, glancing back at the road while doing so, and smiled at me.
“You can sing it if you want to”
“Uh, I’m not very good…”
“Neither am I but I’ll still sing along if you want to,” I laughed at his statement because I’m sure it wasn’t true. I’m sure Kellin’s voice was as beautiful as he is.
“O-okay, sure.”
We both smiled at each other and began singing the chorus to the song simultaneously, quietly at first but then we became more comfortable and sang louder until we were full out giving every bit of emotion and effort. That’s when I could really hear Kellin’s voice. Did he really think he was bad? I was in so much shock at how amazing his voice was, I abruptly stopped singing and stared at Kellin with wide eyes and my mouth hanging open. He seriously thought he wasn’t good, why in the fuck would he think that? He stopped singing when he realized I stopped and was staring at him and he sunk down in his seat a little. Sensing his insecurity about his voice I closed my mouth and still stared at him. His voice was pure perfection. He was staring straight ahead out at the road in front of him, his grip on the steering wheel tightening. He began to look upset but I wasn’t sure why, he was amazing.
“I’m sorry,” he choked out. WHY THE HELL WAS HE SORRY?!
“Because I’m horrible and I’m sorry you had to hear that…”
“Are you fucking serious right now, Kellin? You have the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard. You’re an amazing singer. I’m actually wishing you never stopped because now I miss the sound of your voice.” He smiled when I said that.
“Really? Everyone always told me I sounded bad and sounded like a girl…”
“You don’t sound like a girl to me. You just have a more middle and higher range than most guys and to me that’s pure talent. You’re voice is amazing. Don’t listen to anyone else, listen to me.”
“Thanks Vic, you know, you’re really good too.”
“Eh, I’m alright.”
“You sounded pretty fucking awesome for someone who just got out of the hospital. I can’t imagine how good you are when you’re not injured.” We both laughed.
“Yeah, I guess so,” I said through my laughs. Kellin was actually a really nice person. We pulled up to his house and he parked the car in the drive way. He got out and ran over to my side of the car to open the door for me and help me out without hurting myself. He was so sweet to me. He helped up the front steps to his huge house. I knew he was rich but not THAT rich. This house was huge. When I looked up to examine all the features of the outside of the house my mouth dropped open and I think my jaw hit the concrete steps, this house was fucking huge and so detailed. Kellin led me inside and I was in a daze of amazement once again.

Kellin’s P.O.V

What Vic had said in the car really made me happy. No one has ever told me I was a good singer. Hell, no one has ever complimented me in general. Everyone always just made fun of how girly my voice sounded when I sang. I loved it when Vic complimented. I think I liked it a lot more because it was coming from him, the boy I was falling hard for every minute I was with him.
I took Vic inside my lonely house and his mouth was hanging open wide with amazement again. I knew he’d react to my house like this because it’s so big and expensive. I really didn’t care about the size of my house, it didn’t matter anyway. Before we moved to San Diego and still lived in Oregon we had a normal sized house which was much smaller compared to this one, and even when we had a smaller house we were still a distant family and we’re even more distant now that our house is even bigger. This house is made for probably 2 families to live in. But even when my parents were home this house still felt lonely and I still felt alone all the time.
“This place is huge, Kellin.”
“Yeah, I know,” I said in a sad tone with a sigh at the end.
Vic shot me an apologetic look.
“You’re parents are always gone aren’t they…”
“Yeah, pretty much. Even when they are here I still feel alone either way.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be, it’s not your fault.”
“Well at least you’ll have me and Mike here to keep you company.”
“Yeah, I know. That’s why I was so excited to leave the hospital and bring you here.”
Vic nodded and we walked up the steps to go to my room so I could show Vic where he’d be sleeping and tour the house and show him where everything was so he could be comfortable here. I had an air mattress in the basement that I could bring up here to sleep on so the floor wouldn’t be as bad to sleep on. I knew sleeping on the floor was going to suck but I wouldn’t let Vic take the floor, especially in his broken condition. I felt so bad, I wished I could just fix him then and there. He needed someone to save him from all his problems, anxiety, and depression and I was going to try my best to be that someone.
After I gave Vic a tour of the entire house I was happy to know it was finally over. I hope I don’t have to give Mike a tour too. Shit, that reminds me, I have to go to their house to get Mike and pick up Vic’s stuff. I just hope his father isn’t there because I know that if he is then I won’t be making a quick trip in and back out like I planned. I texted Mike and told him I was about to leave to come get him and get Vic’s stuff and asked if his dad was there.
From Mike: Nah dude, he’s gone for now but I’ll be ready when you get here. Just come up to my room.
To Mike: Okay, be there in like 5 minutes.
I looked at Vic who was staring down at his feet, being shy, as usual. I walked over to him and leaned my back against the kitchen counter next to him to tell him I was leaving to get his stuff and Mike.
“Alright Vic, well I gotta go get your stuff and pick Mike up.”
“Okay, be careful, is my dad there?”
“Nope, Mike said he’s gone. While I go to your house you should go upstairs to my room and get some rest, you look exhausted.”
“I am. Thanks Kellin.”
“No problem, Vic. Do you need help going upstairs?”
“No, I’m fine, I can make it on my own.”
“Okay, well I’m leaving. Get some sleep.”
With that I smiled at Vic and walked out the door and to my car and off to Mike and Vic’s house.

Vic’s P.O.V

As soon as Kellin walked out the door i began walking up the steps to his room. Once I got in his room I sat on the edge of his bed looking at all the posters of bands I also liked. How could Kellin be so nice and sweet and then so mean to everyone else? What was going to happen at school when I went back? Was Kellin going to join in on the mean plots against me like he usually did before all of this? Or was he going to try to protect me? Maybe I’ve been looking at this the wrong way all along. I’m not the innocent one, I’m the pathetic, little faggot who deserves all the beatings and abuse he receives. Of course, that’d make so much more sense instead of people hitting me for no reason, I had it all figured out now.
I couldn’t resist it anymore, I pulled my phone out, took the back cover off and grabbed the object inside.
My old best friend.
My escape.
My only relief.
Relapse was a bitch, but that bitch was getting the best of me and I gave in.
Me and my old best friend had a nice little conversation across my wrist, each word carrying so much emotion dripping with blood.
Not long after I was numb and laid back in Kellin’s bed, passing out, still bleeding.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 10 woooo. Damn we're going fast.
welllll, gotta write chapter 11 today at school so yay c: