Status: Inactive

I'll Be The Brightest Someday

I'm In Love, But Not For Long~

Kellin's P.O.V

I went to Vic's house and went upstairs to Mike's room. I already knew where it was from when I walked past it to take Vic to the hospital the other night. His door was open and I walked over to it, staying propped up against the frame in the doorway looking at him. He looked up at me from playing some video game.
"Hey, I'm ready to go just let me turn this off and I'll help you get Vic's shit together," I nodded at him and he turned off the game console and we walked into Vic's room, which was right next to Mike's. Vic's room still looked like hell with everything scattered across the floor, glass lying on the spot of the carpet that still had Vic's blood stained on it from when he fell over. If someone walked in here they'd probably think a murder happened there. I sighed at the horrible thoughts shoving the frightening memory out of my head. I walked over and grabbed Vic's backpack, sitting it on the bed so I'd remember to grab it because he'd definitely need it whenever he went back to school. Mike dragged a large duffle bag out of Vic's closet and began filling it with all his clothes and a few pairs of shoes that he wore often other than the ones he currently had with him. I guess it's a good thing I was getting Vic's stuff with Mike because I would have no idea what all he needed other than clothes and shoes and other everyday necessities.
"I think that's everything Vic would want and need. If not we can come back and pick something up if he needed us to," Mike said as we finished shoving Vic's things into the duffle bag.
"Okay, I'll text him and ask if there's anything else he'd need that we'd probably forgot to grab," I texted Vic while finishing my sentence and Mike double checked Vic's bedroom and bathroom for anything else he could possibly request. Then he realized he had forgotten something Vic hadn't mentioned but would probably want, his guitar. I didn't even know Vic could play guitar, but now I want to hear him.
Vic texted back a few seconds later, I hoped I hadn't woken him up if he had already gone to sleep which wasn't likely because it had only been about 8 minutes since I left.
From Vic: Uh, there's a black box under my bed. Can you grab it but please don't open it, it's fragile...
To Vic: Okay, I found it, I just put it in the duffle bag with the rest of your stuff. I didn't wake you up, did I?
From Vic: No, I just got a bottle of water after you left and just now walked upstairs. I'm about to go to sleep now though.
To Vic: Okay, I'll be home in a little bit with Mike. I'll leave you alone when I get there so you can sleep peacefully lol.
From Vic: Thanks Kellin.
To Vic: No problem. Night Vic.
From Vic: Night Kells.
He called me Kells again and I blushed just like last time he let the nickname slip out of his mouth. He was so cute and I hope that nickname for me becomes a habit because I can't help but love it.
I grabbed Vic's stuff and Mike grabbed his own and we slid everything into the trunk of my car. I got in the car and started it, Mike jumped into the passenger seat seconds after me. When I started the car Me and Mike both jumped a little because the stereo was blaring A Day To Remember at nearly full volume through my subs. I quickly fumbled for the volume knob and turned it down. I looked over at Mike who was smiling at the incident.
"Sorry, I forgot to turn that down before I got out of the car earlier," I chuckled.
"It's alright dude. That's a great band," Mike chuckled too and I was surprised Mike was being normal and cool with me for the past few days, considering I was usually know as the enemy, which at some point to Vic I was although it doesn't seem like it now. I'm sure Mike had hated me before for that if he doesn't still have the little bit of hatred for me.
"Yeah, at least we like the same kind of music."
"True, people wouldn't exactly expect you to be into this kind of music since you're like popular and stuff."
"It's really not as great as everyone makes it out to be, I kinda hate it actually. It's just causing me more problems currently..."
"Because you can't be with my brother at school and shit," he smiled with a look of satisfaction when I looked at him with a shocked expression. How did he know? Did Vic tell him or did we really make it that obvious? We couldn't have made it obvious, Mike hasn't been around me and Vic, except for when Vic was in the hospital and Mike came to visit him, but Vic was asleep so that wasn't a give away.
"H-how did you, u-uh, know?" I stuttered sounding like an idiot as usual. Dammit.
"Well one, you both made it obvious when you were texting him, you blush a lot. Two, why else would my brother suddenly trust you and like you. He's falling for you fast and hard and it's obvious to me."
V-Vic likes me back? He really does trust me?"
"Yes, but be warned Kellin, you better be careful with my brother because I won't let you hurt him and get away with it. You cheat on him, hurt him really bad, hit him, etc. you're going to regret it because his life could be gone within minutes of it happening. He tends to act on impulse."
"I won't hurt Vic, I can't. I'm so scared for when he goes back to school... what am I going to do when Jack and Gabe try to go after him, Mike? I can't watch him get hurt, it will kill me. But I also can't just tell them to stop because they won't listen to me and they'll know if I do say something. I just don't know what to do," I confessed to Mike, my voice cracking in the middle of my last sentence.
Shit, I can't cry in front of Mike.
"I don't know, Kellin. I'll tell Vic to keep a low profile for a while until you situate your shit and I'll keep an eye on him at all times outside of class so I can get Jack and Gabe to back off."
"Thanks Mike," I smiled at him.
"No problem, Kellin," He returned with a small smile.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry that it's kinda late guys. I had to work on my art project and just now got to type this.
For my art project I'm carving the sleeping with sirens with ears to see and eyes to hear album into a piece of linoleum and printing it on a paper with ink. It looks so cool so far c:
Also, i'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm a chapter behind on writing so I won't be able to update in the morning :c Sorrryyyy lovelies, don't hate me ;c </3