Status: Inactive

I'll Be The Brightest Someday

This Remedy Is Worse Than The Disease And It's Slowly Killing Me~

Kellin’s P.O.V

When Mike and I pulled up to my house he had less of a reaction than Vic but still had some shock. He looked back and forth between me and the house with wide eyes and it looked like he was thinking a thousand thoughts all at once.
“Nice place man, why don’t you ever throw parties here?”
“I don’t know actually, I mean my parents are never home so I could if I wanted to with no problem. But that’s a good question,” I laughed.
“Well if this place is as huge on the inside as it looks on the outside then you should definitely start partying.”
“Okay, but you’re helping with everything,” we both laughed and Mike nodded with the biggest smile I’ve ever seen plastered across his face.
We got out of the car and grabbed the stuff out of the back and began walking up the steps to the house. I unlocked the door and let Mike walk in ahead of me. I walked in after and he followed me up the steps and I sat Vic’s things outside my door and showed my where his room was. He sat his things on the bed and let out a sigh, falling back onto the bed.
“Damn, even the guest room is huge, this is literally bigger than like a master bedroom in a normal sized house.”
“Yeah, I guess, so I assume there’s no questioning you on whether you like it or not,” I chuckled through my sentence.
“Hell yeah dude, one question, am I allowed to smoke in the house?”
“Cigarettes, yes. Weed, no. Sorry, my parents will smell it but you can always go out in the backyard and do that if you want.”
“That’s cool, I understand, just thought I’d ask. Thanks Kellin,” Mike shot me a small smile and I returned it.
“No problem, I’m gonna go put Vic’s stuff in our room and check on him.” Mike nodded and I walked out, shutting the door behind me.
I walked across the hall to my room and picked up Vic’s bags and opened my door. There was Vic being adorable absentmindedly, in his sleep. I sat Vic’s bags on the floor in the corner of the room and looked back over to him and smiled. He was so cute when he’s sleeping, I just want to crawl in bed next to him, holding him, cuddling with him forever.
I walked over to him to pull the blankets over him because it was pretty cold in the house but when I got closer sheer panic flooded my body and I almost screamed when I reached for the blankets because I saw his arm laying there next to him, covered in blood. I looked for the object he’d used to hurt himself and caught sight of it on the table next to my bed. I panicked and didn’t know what to do. I climbed on top of Vic and started searching for any sign of life to make sure he’s okay. I checked his pulse, it was there, beating slowly. Then I felt him breathing underneath me, he was still alive, thank god.
“He’s okay, Kellin. Calm down,” I whispered to myself trying to lower my heart rate that was beating out of control currently. Vic twitched underneath me, causing our bodies to rub against each other a little. I fought back the hormones running through me after that. I picked up Vic’s arm and examined it carefully.
Why would he do this?
Was it my fault, something I did?
Why would someone as beautiful as Vic do such a painful to themselves?
Why is he hurting?
I slowly laid Vic’s arm back down on the bed, trying not to wake him up. Vic shifted under my weight to get more comfortable and I could feel myself beginning to get aroused so I knew I’d have to wake him up sooner or later or he’d continue making my pants tighter, it’s funny he doesn’t even realize what he’s causing to happen to me right now. I could feel my hormones going crazy underneath these tight pants and had to focus my attention back to a sleeping Vic.
I leaned over to the side of the bedside table to grab Vic’s water and a couple tissues. I covered the top of the water bottle with the folded tissue, getting it wet. I picked up Vic’s arm again, carefully, and slowly wiped away the blood off his arm and new cuts he’d given himself. He flinched underneath me, from the pain I assumed, so I began to clean his arm more carefully than before if that was possible. His movement was not making my problem down south any easier.
I continued wiping away the blood as he stayed in a deep sleep and cringed every once in a while from the burning sensation of the water on his cuts. I knew how that felt, I went through what he was right now. Once I’d finished I lifted myself off of Vic, trying my hardest to fight the urge to crawl right back over him and lay next to him, drifting off to sleep with him in my arms. I wanted that more than anything and the thought made me want our friendship, gradually changing to relationship, to move a little faster so I had Vic’s consent to do that. I threw away the tissue I’d used and left him to sleep because there was no way I could wake him out of this adorable state.

Vic’s P.O.V

I woke up and the sun was already setting. How long was I fucking sleeping? Damn, I obviously slept for a while. Is Kellin home? Is Mike home now too? I guess I’ll have to get up to get an answer to my questions. I rolled over and instantly stopped my movement when I felt the pain in my arm that I had just rolled over top of. I looked at my recently destroyed arm to see that it was clean now. I remember it still bleeding when I passed out?
Then a horrid thought popped into my head…
Oh god, did Kellin see it? Was he the one who cleaned it? If he did he was probably terrified I was dead. Now I felt bad for the fear and pain I could have caused him, I hope he didn’t see. Especially because if he had seen it, he’d now know how much of a disgusting mess I was. I bet Kellin would think I’m a freak and would want nothing to do with me if he had seen. Dammit, I ruined everything good that came into my life…
I jumped out of the bed, earning a few curse words to slip out of my mouth at my bad idea of sudden movement, the sharp pain shot through my back and I remembered the other night when I had gotten my back injury that I had just now cause to grow worse and more painful. I stepped over a little to grab the ‘Anthem Made’ hoodie Kellin had given me off the table to slip it back on over my head to hide my arm from the eyes of anyone else, especially Kellin in case he hadn’t seen it yet. I walked over to the door and took a few steps down the hallway and started making my way down the steps slowly. I walking into the living room to find Mike and Kellin on the couch playing some game on Xbox. When I stepped into the room Kellin immediately paused the game and looked at me with scared eyes. That’s not a good sign. Kellin and Mike greeted me, I gulped and greeted them back with my voice failing to mask my fear. Kellin continued to stare at me as I walked over to them, tugging the edges of the hoodie sleeves down over my hands in case the sleeve slipped up and revealed my hideous self hatred, and sat on the only spot left on the couch which was in between Kellin and Mike of course. Mike interrogated me as they continued on with their game, asking me if I was okay now, and that he’s sorry dad took it this far. Kellin scooted a little closer to me, our shoulders touching. I blushed a little and I hoped it wasn’t obvious. They played the game for about another 10 minutes until the match ended and Kellin had beaten Mike, hardly. I tensed up when Kellin stood up and looked at me expectantly.
“Vic, can I talk to you for a minute?”
Those were a few phrases I was praying didn’t leave his lips, but to my dismay, there they were, ringing through my ears causing me to start shaking slightly.
“U-uh, sure, okay…”
Well, this ought to be an interesting conversation…
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Sorry it's kinda late guys :p
Enjoy with a cliffhanger c;