Status: Inactive

I'll Be The Brightest Someday

Were You Honest When You Said I Could Never Leave Your Bed~

Vic's P.O.V

I kept hugging Kellin for a while, making the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. It was pretty insane that he had this much control over my feelings but I didn't mind. I'm really thinking about giving him a chance. I do like him, a lot. And I know he likes me back and he makes me happy so I'm not sure what's stopping me from being with him. Maybe it's Jack and Gabe? What's Kellin supposed to do when I go back to school and they try to attack me? He obviously can't get them to stop without them finding out. School seems like it's going to be worse than ever but maybe I could just hide in the shadows and stay away from Jack and Gabe's attention.
Kellin finally let go of me and looked at me with fear clouding his eyes almost like he could hear the thoughts playing over and over in my head like a cd getting stuck on a scratch, playing the same line over and over again. I'm sure it was obvious that I was thinking terrifying things from my facial expressions.
"Vic, how much longer do I have to wait for you? If there's anything I can do to make up your mind and help you trust me that I'm never going to try to hurt you, please tell me, I'd do anything for you and to have you in my arms. I'd do anything in a heart beat without even thinking about it. If you said jump, I would do it without even asking how high because I don't care, if it's for you, I'd do it."
"Well Kells, I've been thinking about it, a lot. I want to, I really do, but what are you going to do about Jack and Gabe? I can't hide forever but I also can't handle the beatings I receive everyday or the emotional pain I'll receive if you just stand back and try not to watch or take part without being obviously attracted to me, not being able to help yourself from watching because you feel you have to check to make sure they haven't killed me yet, which at this point I almost wish they would..."
"V-Vic...I don't know what to do yet, I won't let them hurt you but I don't know how I'm going to stop them without them finding out. Please don't say you want them to kill you, I can't handle those thoughts running through my head because they already torture me on replay throughout the entire day already. I just need you to be strong and give me some time, maybe a week, a couple days, as long as you can. For me." Kellin was starting to tear up now, I could see his eyes straining to fight off the tears threatening to spill over.
"I'll try my hardest Kellin, but there's only so much I can take before I give up. But please, don't cry." I moved my body over, sitting next to Kellin so I could hug him from the side. Just seeing him like this, seeing both of us like this, I knew I had to answer his previous question. It was now or a long ass wait of pain and depression until never.
"Vic, please don't make me wait forever. I hate holding back all these feelings for you that I have to ignore and pretend aren't there when I know damn well that they're there and they're calling my name telling me to do things that I know you wouldn't respect considering you haven't told me anything about your ideas on your decision yet. I've been having dreams of us, happily together, kissing, hugging, cuddling, and all of the above. Most of all, it hurts knowing that you're sleeping alone less than ten feet away from me."
"I would never make you wait forever. I'm not even going to make you wait for my answer anymore because I'm just a paranoid mess. I'm giving in to the side of me that's telling me great things and how everything will be fine, not just fine but perfect. I'm ignoring the side of me that's scaring me and telling me that it's not safe, the other side of me that's telling me that we're going to be perfect is over-powering the side of me that's telling me we're going to fall apart and I'm going to be left in the dirt, heartbroken and depressed. I'm tired of thinking when all I want to do is hold you, hug you, cuddle with you, kiss you, and love you. I don't love you yet but I know I will soon enough judging by how fast and hard I'm falling for you when before all you did was join three people in torturing me for three years. You make me happy and I'm just putting away the bad thoughts like I'm going to get hurt and focusing on the good thoughts like getting to fall asleep in your arms and wake up to your beautiful face every day and night."
"Really?! If you're not sure I can completely wait a while longer. I don't want you to rush into something you don't want."
"I'm positive Kell, I've never wanted something more in my life than I want this."
"Well, the best way to start this off is by telling you what I think. You're amazing and perfect and adorable and you make me so so so so so happy and I'm running on sentences and rambling so much and so fast and I need to breathe now. Anyways, you're the best Vic, seriously."
"Thanks Kell, one condition though."
"You can never leave my bed."
"I would never," Kellin replied with the biggest smile I'd ever seen across his face. I could see that he was happy, more than happy, he was probably ecstatic. There was an unforgettable light shining in his eyes. He was seriously so beautiful.
Kellin yawned and I smiled at him, it was the cutest thing I had probably ever witnessed. I laughed, "Go to sleep Kells."
"Okay, promise me one thing though."
"Yes Kellin?"
"Stay here and sleep with me?"
"Of course, love."
Kellin laid back next to me and nuzzled his head into my neck. I wrapped my arms around him and we both fell into a loving slumber, cuddling with each other like we both had dreamed.
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Sorry it's kinda short guys. My cousin came over yesterday and was here today and I didn't want to type with her here cuz that'd be boring for her.
Anyway, better get writing 15 & 16 c: