Status: Inactive

I'll Be The Brightest Someday

I Know That I Should Walk Away, But I Can't Bring Myself To Quit This Game~

Kellin’s P.O.V

The next few days went by pretty uneventfully except for Vic and I carrying on our perfect relationship of cuddling and what not. There was only one problem, the little break from school we received from authorization of the hospital for Mike, Vic and I ended this Thursday, which is tomorrow. Vic has to return to school fearing for his existence and safety everyday and I have to be the one to watch Jack and Gabe and make sure they leave my poor baby alone. I feel horrible, I really do, but I don’t know how to stop it without making anything obvious and fucking everything up. I don’t want to go back to school but I know we have to.
I took this opportunity to write some lyrics, or at least try, in my spare time while Vic had just gotten in the shower. I grabbed my notebook out of my dresser drawer, where I had hid it from Vic because my lyrics were personal, and began writing.

I see all your plans as they unravel in your hands,
they’re falling from your palms to your finger tips,
to the floor, wasting no time.
You've got your own future suicide laying right next to you.
Don’t go just yet, take my hand and let’s escape this hell.

Nope, those were shitty. Let’s try something else then.

What are you going to do?
Take my hand and throw it all away,
or swallow it whole and slowly waste away.
Don’t give up so soon, I still need you here.
Without you by my side, I’d be missing out on everything.

Still not good enough. Dammit, why has it been so hard for me to write decent shit lately? After a few more minutes of unsuccessful writing and verses that still didn’t cut it, I decided to give up. I went downstairs to watch TV while Vic was still in the shower. I put my notebook back in my dresser drawer and walked down the steps. I had just turned on the TV when someone knocked on my front door.
Who the fuck is knocking on my door at 11am on a Wednesday?
I sluggishly slid off the couch and walked over to the door and opened it. My heart fell into my stomach when I saw who it was.
Shit, what was he doing here?

Vic’s P.O.V

I was stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around my waste, shivering from the cold air that was outside of the shower curtain that hit my hot skin like a smack in the face. Someone was knocking on the door downstairs. I had finished about five to ten minutes faster than I usually would so Kellin would have expected me to still be in the shower. I fumbled around trying to put my skinny jeans and a band tee on as quickly as possible which was very difficult considering my wet condition and how steamy the bathroom still was. I picked up my dirty clothes and quietly made my way to Kellin’s room to put them in the basket of dirty clothes since they were his anyway. I turned the corner and sat against the wall next to the steps around the corner so no one would be able to see me but I could still hear the conversation clearly.
“Hey man, where you been?” I instantly felt fear bubble up inside me and I tensed up at the voice. I’d know that voice from anywhere, Gabe’s downstairs in Kellin’s doorway and I’m sitting 15 feet up steps away from him and he hates me with every thing he can and yet for no logical reason at all.
“Just chillin’ here, didn’t feel like going to school this week,” Kellin replied, his voice trembling, not enough for Gabe to notice but I could.
“Nice, well you better be at school tomorrow because it’s Jack’s birthday.”
“Yeah, I was just gonna text him and say Happy Birthday and whatever but I guess he would want me to be there tomorrow.”
“Especially since you gotta chill with us after school to get Jack’s party set up and party with us!”
Oh great, Kellin’s going to be gone all day with those assholes. Guess it’s just gonna be me and Mikey tomorrow. Oh well, I guess I can’t blame Kellin for having friends and a social life, unlike me.
“Oh yeah, sure dude, I’ll be there.”
“Alright and hey, now that you’ll be back we can kick that Fuentes kid’s ass. I think he’s been hiding from us for the past couple days. Either way, it’s funnier when you’re there because he’s obviously gay for you by the way he stares at you.”
“Oh really? He must be scared Jack’s gonna kill him,” I could practically hear the lump in Kellin’s throat when he said that.
“Yeah, he’s such a pussy,” Gabe replied, and Kellin laughed.
Not just a fake, cover up laugh.
A genuine laugh like he actually thought that was fucking funny.
He fucking LAUGHED.
Yeah, that just broke my heart a little… or a lot.
I got up and went back into Kellin’s room, slamming the door behind me and started pacing back and forth, pissed off and upset. I was crying but I didn’t care. I threw my phone at the wall and the glass screen shattered but it still worked. I started punching Kellin’s bed to keep myself from breaking anything else or punching a hole in his wall. I knew I shouldn’t have trusted him. Why is the negative side of me always right?
I could still hear them through Kellin’s bedroom door and continued to torture myself by listening to whatever else they’d have to say about me.
“What was that,” Gabe asked Kellin.
“Probably just my sister having a bitch fit about something between her and her boyfriend. I don’t know, I should probably go and check to make sure she doesn’t break shit again so I’ll see you at school tomorrow dude,” Kellin told him, like it was nothing.
“Alright bro, you go check on crazy bitch and I’ll see you later,” Gabe told Kellin while they exchanged their bro hugs or whatever the fuck they call them.
But before Gabe had even said bye to Kellin I was already climbing out of his bedroom window with my backpack and duffle bag slung over my shoulders and my guitar case in hand, closing his window behind me to cover my escape somewhat.
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Sorry I'm a day late with 15 and 16. I'll try my best to get 16 and 17 up tomorrow so 17 might be kinda short /:
But, this week has really sucked for me so sorry guys.

Title Credit: To The Stage - Asking Alexandria~
^New favorite song, fucking obsessed. Seriously, unhealthy.