Status: Inactive

I'll Be The Brightest Someday

You're Leaving Me Just When I Thought You Were Mine~

Vic’s P.O.V

Kellin’s back bedroom window led to a small roof over his back deck that wasn’t very high. I climbed through the window and onto the small roof, I dropped my stuff onto the deck from where I was and closed Kellin’s window so he wouldn’t notice my escape as easily. I slid down the pole from the small roof onto Kellin’s deck. I probably looked like a hooker but who cares. I grabbed my bags and jogged down the steps off of Kellin’s deck.
I planned on going back to school tomorrow instead of Friday because for one, I didn’t want to sit around and be bored all day and two, I wanted to torture Kellin with the fact that I was mad at him. I didn’t really have a plan of where to go currently because I definitely wasn’t going back to Kellin’s when I just left there and if I went back to my house my dad would beat me more than usual, maybe killing me. Doesn’t sound like a bad idea after all. I could always just go back to my house and climb in through my bedroom window and my dad wouldn’t know I was there as long as I’m quiet. Seems easy enough. I walked around the side of Kellin’s giant house and got into my car quietly. It’s a good thing my car is damn near silent otherwise Kellin surely would have heard it when I started. He shouldn’t have even noticed I was gone yet considering I finished with my shower nearly 20 minutes earlier than planned and he had gone downstairs to watch TV. I pulled out of the driveway and began driving towards the store. I know it seems like a strange first trip but I figured I should grab some food and drinks, since I wouldn’t be able to go downstairs in my house to get any, for my new heartbroken adventure on my own.

Kellin’s P.O.V

It was about 25 minutes later after I went downstairs. Vic said he would have been out by now, why hasn’t he come down here? Maybe he’s still getting ready and stuff, he could be straightening his hair or something even though he doesn’t do it often. I really didn’t want to go to school tomorrow but I knew that I had to. I didn’t particularly want to go to Jack’s party either. I figured I’d give Vic another 10 minutes before I went up to check and make sure he’s okay. I still feel horrible for practically agreeing with Gabe about the mean things he said about Vic. I would never really mean them though. Watching TV was becoming extremely uninteresting without Vic down here for me to cuddle with so I got up and went to the kitchen to get something to drink. I walked up the steps and into my room, Vic wasn’t in there so I checked the bathroom and he wasn’t there either.
What the hell? Is he playing hide and seek or what?
“You can come out now, Vic!” I received no response, just silence.
“Come on Vic, I don’t feel like playing hide and seek right now,” still no response.
I had checked every room in the house by now, still calling out for Vic yet receiving nothing from him. I was beginning to get worried, I ran back up to my room again, muttering things under my breath attempting to reassure myself that he was fine, but failing miserably.
I checked under my bed. Not there.
I checked my bedroom closet. Nope.
“Okay, Vic. Seriously, it’s not funny anymore, come on!” I was full blown freaking out now. I looked around my room, his phone wasn’t on the table like it usually is, he never really moved his phone or used it. I called his phone and listened for his ringtone or any sound of vibration in case he was hiding and had his phone volume on or on vibrate. He ignored my call after the second ring. What the fuck? He never ignores my calls and he’s obviously not in the house. I looked out of my bedroom window and looked up and down the street as far as I could see. His car is gone? Shit, his car is gone! I looked in the corner of my room where his stuff used to be, but it was gone now too.
He left.
Why would he leave?
We were so happy.
Did he hear Gabe and I talking and thought I was being serious?
I hope not, plus, he couldn’t have, I could have swore he was in the shower still.
Fuck, fuck, fuck, what have I done.
Fuck it, I’m going to look for him.
I practically jumped down the steps, grabbed my keys, and ran out he front door to my car, starting it before I even took a breath. I closed my door and pulled out of the driveway and sped down the street.
First stop, Vic’s house
♠ ♠ ♠
Welllll, sorry shit's been really sad in my story recently.... buuuuuuut, it's not over lol. Aaaaaand more sadness to come but eventually it will be happy again, sorta.
I'm typing 17 now so BE PREPARED FOR ANOTHER UPDATE TONIGHT. Cuz I haven't felt good lately and I'm slacking /: