Status: Inactive

I'll Be The Brightest Someday

I Think I'd Give You Another Chance If You Deserved One~

Kellin's P.O.V

To Vic: I'm sorry, I just can't lose you when I just got you. I swear on my life I didn't mean any of it. Please believe me.
From Vic: How the fuck am I supposed to believe you? Look where it got me last time.
To Vic: I'm so sorry. Please just give me one more chance, Vic. Please.
From Vic: Why the fuck should I? I wouldn't even be able to be happy in a relationship with you until we're out of school because of your stupid fucking reputation! I give up! You can go back to your normal amazing life, helping Jack and Gabe beat the shit out of me everyday and inch me closer and closer to suicide until the three of you can finally be happy I'm gone. Have a nice life helping them hurt me because we all now damn well you're good at doing that.
That hurt. A whole fucking lot. He's breaking my heart just by telling me his true thoughts and feelings on my personality. I'm the biggest asshole in the fucking world. What the fuck am I doing?
To Vic: I'm so so so sorry Vic. I hate what they do to you and I would never be happy if you killed yourself because I need you. I's probably kill myself too if you were gone. I'd take my life just to spend my afterlife with you and I mean that. I need you baby. Please, you can be happy before we finish school, I'll throw away everything for you. I'll tell Jack and Gabe if that's what you want. I'll let them beat me up everyday instead so they won't hurt you anymore. I'll let go of my reputation just to be with you. Please, I mean it. Every word.
From Vic: I can't even do this right now. Maybe we'll talk later, bye Kellin.
I feel like the biggest ass in the world right now. I can't lose Vic. I hope he really thinks about what I told him. I honestly meant all of it. I need Vic, without him I'm a wreck and it's only going to get harder on both of us. I can't wait to see him on Friday though, we have like four classes together so I'll get to see him for most of the school day. I wiped away my tears even though more just continued to fall anyway. I started my car and drove back home even though it was killing me to know where Vic was and that he was okay. I knew he didn't want me to bother him again after what happened today. I pulled into the drive way and walked upstairs to my room and laid on my bed. A few minutes later Mike poked his head in through the crack of my door.
"Where's Vi- Dude, what's wrong?" Mike asked, walking over and sitting next to me on my bed and resting a hand on my shoulder. I didn't even care that I was crying in front of Mike right now.
"V-Vic heard someone knock on the door I guess and I thought he was still in the shower and I guess he was listening from upstairs but I didn't know that and I opened the door and it was Gabe. I was talking to him for a little bit and he said that Vic's been like hiding from him and Jack the past few days or something because they haven't seen him around and he said that now that I was gonna be back at school tomorrow because tomorrow is Jack's birthday so Gabe said I had to go, but he said since we'll all three be there tomorrow we can look for Vic and he said we can kick his ass and he called Vic a pussy and I laughed to cover our relationship so they wouldn't suspect anything and when Gabe left Vic was gone. I texted him and he replied but he wouldn't tell me where he was," I was a stuttering mess throughout my entire story, I handed Mike my phone so he could read the messages from me and Vic's heartbreaking conversation. Mike read them and gave me a sad look and an apology for something he had nothing to do with.
"I'm sorry man, Vic has trust issues, obviously, and he's not going to believe you very easily but I'll tell him that you're not lying about all of this tomorrow. Obviously you aren't lying when you're this broken up about it. I'll find Vic tomorrow which shouldn't be hard since our dad put tracking devices on our phones in case we ran away," Mike told me, "if I tell Vic he'll believe me for obvious reasons of being brothers and he knows I wouldn't lie to him."
I just nodded at him and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder in some sort of a side hug for comfort. I smiled weakly at him, "Thanks Mike."
"No problem, I'll be in my room if you need m or if you get any more info on Vic's whereabouts. I'll try to text him and talk to him," Mike walked to the door and I nodded at him, he walked out, closing the door behind him. I guess I understand why Vic hurts himself now, because I want to hurt myself too...
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's kinda short and it's late but I had a friend over so I was busy. YES A FRIEND. I HAVE A FRIEND GUYS.
Anyway, enough with my personal problems. 19 should be up later today. Maybe 20 if I feel nice. but probably not considering 20 is 6 pages of writing. ooopss i got carried away.
anyway, enough rambling.

Title Credit ~ Memphis May Fire - Red In Tooth and Claw