Status: Inactive

I'll Be The Brightest Someday

An Addiction Out Of Style~

“Kell! What the fuck happened to you?!” I grabbed his hand and used my other hand to hold two fingers to his neck checking his pulse, it was a little more faint than usual but from my own experience, he’ll live. I put my hands on each side of his face, forcing him to look at me. He looked so weak, like he could hardly hold his body weight. He’s obviously never done this before because he’s clearly warn out. He opened his eyes to look at me and closed them again. They looked so glassy almost like he was dead. I looked over his body looking for the source of all the blood and my eyes stopped at his wrist. Why would he do this? Since when has he been doing this? My poor baby…
“V-Vic… I, I, help me. I n-need you,” his voice was hoarse.
“I know baby, I know you do,” I told him, letting my own tears run down my face as I held the beautiful yet broken masterpiece I had destroyed.
“Kell, why?” I whimpered.
“Because I’m not good enough. I will never be good enough. I’ll turn into the piece of shit kind of person my father was. I’m so sorry for putting you through all of this. I’m just so fucking sorry… for everything, over the past three years…” he trailed off the end of his sentence.
“No Kellin! I’m not letting you go! I need you more than you could ever know!”
“W-why? I’m just hurting you. That’s the only thing I can do, all I can do is hurt people.”
“Kellin,” I sighed, “the only reason you hurt me is because I’m an insecure piece of shit.”
“Vic that’s not true, you’re perfect and I’m nothing. But I still want you. I’ve always wanted you. I’ve always wanted something I can’t have…” he whimpered.
“But you can have me, Kellin,” his face lit up a little when I sort of leaked my decision into my sentence to save this poor boy’s self esteem.
“Wait, r-really?” he was stuttering like crazy but it was so adorable when it was rolling off his tongue.
“Y-yes, K-Kellin,” I stuttered purposely, making fun of him. He blushed and smiled, looking away after attempting to punch me in the arm but I hardly felt anything due to how weak he was in his current state.
“Hey don’t make fun of me!” He tried to yell but actually just came out normal volume since he was really just talking about a whisper before.
“Sorry, Kell.”
“It’s okay,” the bell rand at the end of Kellin’s sentence causing him to jump and then groan into my chest.
“Alright baby, since you’re obviously in no condition to stay in school for the rest of the day, although class is just no starting, why don’t we get you home and clean you up,” I suggested.
“Well I can’t exactly go out there covered in blood…”
“Okay, so I’m an idiot, good point. Uhhh, we’ll just clean you up here and take you home then we’ll bandage this mess up,” I motioned toward his arm at the last part of my sentence. Kellin laughed awkwardly and nodded. We got off the bathroom floor and he sat on the edge of one of the sinks, being skinny and light enough to actually not break it in the process. For Kellin being popular, so to speak, I’m really surprised he resorted to this. I grabbed a paper towel, got it wet, and walked back over to Kellin who was looking down, examining his bloody hands and wrists. He looked ashamed for what he’d done.
“Hey,” he looked up at me through his hair, “it’s okay, don’t feel ashamed.” I had obviously interrupted him from his thoughts by how quickly his head snapped up in alert.
“Okay,” he replied, his voice cracking from the emotion hiding behind it.
“This is going to hurt. Like, a lot. So bear with me, okay?” I told him so he knew what was in store. He just nodded and look down again.
“Kells, you’re fine, don’t feel ashamed or insecure of yourself.”
“Vic, I almost killed myself,” he blurted out. I dropped the paper towel in the sink between his legs and he looked up at me with scared, wide eyes. My mouth was hanging open and my eyes were wide staring back into his.

Vic's P.O.V

"I'm sorry Vic," Kellin said, sliding off the sink and falling to the floor on his hands and knees. I had to pull myself out of my current state of shock to kneel down next to him on the floor.
", why?"
"I-I...Vic, I felt hopeless, useless, invisible, like I didn't exist anymore. Like I don't matter. I'm so sorry I told you not to do it anymore when I couldn't even keep myself from doing it. I'm such a hypocrite. I hate who I am," Kellin confessed through sobs.
"Me too," he looked at me with a confused expression. I pulled up the sleeves of my hoodie revealing the hideous cuts and scars to him. He gasped and closed his eyes, not wanting to believe they were real.
"V-Vic, why are they so deep? Is that all of them," Kellin asked, opening his eyes again and frowning that they were really there and he wasn't hallucinating.
"No there's more. I didn't want to feel anything. I wanted to die but I woke up," I told him, then my sentence went to below a whisper for the last word,"unfortunately." Of course somehow Kellin heard it no matter how much I didn't want him to.
"Vic, don't say that. Please, don't ever say that. I never want to hear that, it breaks my heart," Kellin whispered.
"I'm sorry," I looked down and helped Kellin back up onto the sink. I began cleaning off his hands and certain parts of his arms, saving the painful parts for last. I finished with the easy parts and he looked up at me, his lip quivering.
"I'll try to be easy baby."
"Okay," Kellin whimpered.
I slowly pressed the paper towel down on the new marks that his skin was not used to. They were nearly finished bleeding, luckily, so we wouldn't need to take longer to get the bleeding to stop. Kellin cringed and cried out at the pressure on his fresh wounds.
"Sorry darling," he continued to whimper at the pain as I attempted my apologies to him for hurting him, unintentionally.
"It's okay, Vic," he nearly cried, "it just hurts, a lot."
"I know love, I'm very sorry."
"Ow," Kellin whimpered once more. I continued to wipe away all the blood that seemed to be endless, almost like we were in a horror movie considering how much blood there was. I finished and threw away the paper towels while Kellin slid off the sink again and frowned at his arm.
"Vic, how am I supposed to cover these?"
"Wear a hoodie, like all the time," I replied.
"But it's like 87 degrees outside!"
"Well, unfortunately, you can either do that or let everyone see them."
"Oh hell no! But I don't have a hoodie with me," Kellin frowned.
"Here," my words were muffled by my hoodie being pulled over my face to give to Kellin. My shirt raised up slightly and I felt extremely self-conscious at that moment and I immediately jerked it back down and handed Kellin my hoodie.
"But then everyone will see yours," Kellin gave me a worried look.
"Yeah, well, I don't have a reputation to keep up and everyone already hates me anyway." Kellin frowned at my statement again but slipped my hoodie over his head and onto his slim body, adjusting it around his waist.
"Meet me at my car in 2 minutes."
"Why can't I walk with you?" Kellin whined and pouted.
"Because, I wouldn't want anyone to see you with me, unless you're trying to set yourself up for social suicide," I told him.
"Ugh, I hate that. Fine, Vicky."
"You are the only person who can call me that and I won't punch them in the face," I laughed.
"Good, because that'd be domestic violence and that'd hurt," Kellin frowned again thinking about me hitting him or hurting him physically.
"Okay, 2 minutes Kells," I reminded him and walked out of the bathroom and headed to my car to wait for Kellin.

2 minutes, Kellin should be here any second.

4 minutes, "where the fuck is he?" I was getting worried now. Kellin should have been here by now...
♠ ♠ ♠
It's fucking 12:30 and i'm tired and injured so I'm sorry, i shall sleep now. I MIGHT update tomorrow too. Idk i have 2 art projects due thursday, whoops lol.