Status: Inactive

I'll Be The Brightest Someday

I Want You To See It's Like My Heart Was Made To Be Broken~

Vic's P.O.V

There was blood everywhere, not because I'd been "shot", but because of the beating and torture this stranger put me through before he made me dial Kellin's number. The person that is torturing me only shot the gun to make Kellin think I was dead. My poor baby was probably heartbroken. I can just picture him bawling his eyes out right now, driving over to my house. I really hope he's not driving actually, if he gets into a car accident and dies, what the fuck am I going to do when I get away from these assholes who kidnapped me? I don't even know what to do right now, all I can do is sit and wait for this person to tell me what to do or something.
"Get up," the stranger ordered me.
"Who are you?! Kellin will find you and he'll fucking kill you!" I yelled back at the man.
"Yell at me again and I really will shoot you," he threatened, ignoring my question. The man smirked and jerked my arm forcing me to move again. He pulled me out of my bedroom and practically threw me down the stairs. He pushed me out the back door of my house and down the back alley to what I'm assuming was his car because it was the only one back here and I didn't recognize the black Escalade that was sloppily parked along side the alley way. Poor Kellin will be heartbroken when he comes here and I can't do a damn thing about it.

Kellin's P.O.V

When I finally got to Vic's house, completely ignoring his pleas for me not to come here, I didn't bother taking the keys out of the ignition when I jumped out of my car. I ran over to Vic's car that was still here and saw his phone in the passenger seat so I opened the door and grabbed it before running up the steps and into his house. When I got in his house everything looked the same except for the trail of bloody footprints traveling down the steps. No, this can't actually be happening. "It's not real, Kellin." What am I going to find up there? Nothing. I'm not going to find anything up there because I couldn't handle it so I turned around and walked straight back out the way I came. I'd rather be left in pure agony and horror with a beautiful image of Vic's smiling face from when we were in the car earlier than be left with a bloody, mangled person that probably wouldn't even remotely look like Vic anymore. For all I know the remains of Vic could be so messed up that the body wouldn't even be identifiable anymore. I'll just wait it out and be prepared for the news to come from school, or his father to thank me thinking I did it, or even the local news on TV or something. I probably sound like the worst person to walk this god forsaken planet. Hopefully I won't be saying that for long...

Vic's P.O.V

Come on, Kellin, can't you like magically appear here, wherever here is. I need him to come to my rescue like now. I don't even know where I am right now. I've been blindfolded since I was thrown into these fuckers' car. How the fuck do I expect Kellin to find me when I don't even know where I am? All I know is I'm in some cold room, sitting on a hard ass floor up against a cold wall, tied by my hands and ankles. They've got me in some dark practically empty room that smells extremely musty and like laundry detergent. The only place I've concluded to is the basement of my kidnapper's hideout because what other room would fit the criteria? I guess I can be thankful that they at least put me against a wall instead of in the middle of the room because then I'd have to hold my body weight up and if you didn't know before being kidnapped is exhausting and leaves you with little to no energy. I've been trying to get this damn blindfold off for at least an hour now with no success. I'd like to know who the fuck this person is and how they knew about me and Kellin . Why the fuck would someone want to kidnap me?

Kellin's P.O.V

Once I got back to my house, I realized what I was going to be in for when Mike gets home from school. What am I supposed to tell him?
"Oh yeah, sorry Mike but someone was holding Vic hostage when he went back to your house to get his stuff and he got shot."
I don't think that'll go over to well. I walked into the house trying to conjure up a way to tell Mike about this. I could always just tell Mike we have to make a stop before we go home, considering I'll be the one picking him up from school today since Vic obviously can't, and go to their house and show him the steps and let him go up there and look. That actually sounds really cruel now that I think about it but I'm really doubting that I'll be able to get the words to tell him out of my mouth in the first place.
I know that I should probably be crying over this right now, but I can't feel anything. Everything is so numb, I just can't feel a damn thing. Why did this happen? How could someone even do this? It seems like every time something good happens in my life, it backfires and blows up in my face, as usual.
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Okay, so I don’t know when I’m ending this story I just know it will be soon. and I partly only added this to make you all click the read more for even more anticipation before you saw the first paragraph. Sorry for the P.O.Vs going back and forth a lot. Sorry for being “Satan for a day” and destroying all your feels <3