Status: Inactive

I'll Be The Brightest Someday

The Person That You'd Take A Bullet For Is Behind The Trigger~

Kellin's P.O.V

10 more minutes until I have to pick Mike up and I've still concluded to having no fucking clue of how I'm going to tell him about Vic being dead now. I can practically feel my emotions to hit me like waves against a cliff. Once I try to tell Mike, I'm probably just going to break down into tears because my emotions always come out at the worse time possible. I sighed and grabbed my keys, walking out the door and to my car because I knew I had to get this over with sooner or later. It was a slow drive to the school since I left a couple minutes earlier than I should have so I could get away from the silence that was allowing bad thoughts to swirl around in my head. I finally pulled up to our shit hole school and rolled down my window waiting for Mike.
After sitting there for 7 minutes, anxiously, Mike finally walked out with Tony and Jaime.
"Hey Mikey!" I called out to get his attention as he was walking past my car.
"Aye, where's Vic?" Mike asked? Oh shit, what should I say.
"Uh, we uh, I'll tell you later," I started to choke up on my words. Mike just gave me a confused and curious look and walked closer to the window.
"Kellin, what's wrong? What happened to Vic?" Mike asked hesitantly.
"Just get in the car, I need to show you something," I replied, holding back tears like I guessed I would be.
"Alright. I'll see you guys later," he waved to Tony and Jaime. He slipped into the passenger seat side and stared at me worriedly.
"Kellin, please, just tell me."
"I, Vic, uh, can I just show you?"
Mike sighed, "Sure, just make this quick, I'm too scared and curious to have much patience right now."
I nodded and drove away, faster than usual, heading towards Mike and Vic's house. The thought of Vic being gone was agonizing and it was really starting to hit me now that he's gone, he's dead, he's not coming back. Finally, we pulled up to their house and I could feel the panic rising in me.
Mike looked at me with anger filling his brown eyes, "I swear to god, if he did anything to Vic..."
"It wasn't your dad," I blurted out and he stared at me again looking more confused than before, "I didn't recognize the person's voice," I admitted, "but what I heard on the other end of the call wasn't good... I didn't know what to do, so I came here while they were still on the phone but while I was driving they hung up. When I got here there was blood on the steps and I knew I wouldn't be able to handle what was upstairs so I turned around and left and waited for you," I was in full blown out tears by now.
"What!? You're going up there with me..." Mike was even crying by now. I sighed reluctantly but still nodded and got out of the car with Mike, We walked up to the door without hesitation and opened it. Mike saw the steps and muttered an almost silent "what the fuck" under his breath.
"My dad's not here... that's not normal. He has to have something to do with this," Mike informed me, walking towards the stairs.
"Mike, I'm scared. What if he's gone," I cried.
"Kellin," he said walking back over to me by the door and pulling me into a reassuring hug, "sh, shh it's okay. Calm down, don't cry. Vic's not dead. He can't be," Mike whispered.
"I-I, this is all my fault. He went back to get his stuff, I should've have stopped him," I tried to say through my sobs. Even though my words were hardly audible and muffled from my crying and Mike's shoulder, he still heard me.
"Shh, don't say that Kellin. You didn't know this would happen," Mike tried to comfort me.
"He said 10 minutes! He said he'd be back in 10 minutes! He promised!" I shouted into Mike's shoulder, "and now he's gone..." I whispered.
"Kellin, stop, you don't know that."
"But why else would there have been a gunshot at the end of that call and blood everywhere?!" I yelled into Mike's shoulder again. Mike held me out at arms length to look at me.
"What gunshot?" he asked.

Vic's P.O.V

It's been hours and these strangers only came back once and that was to ask me where Kellin is. I didn't know and I told them that but apparently they weren't satisfied with my answer. They came in, took my blindfold off, pulled me up by my hair and threw me down to the floor, holding me down with a foot.
"Where's your little faggot boyfriend?" one of the strangers snarled next to my ear and pulled my head up by my hair again while the other man pressed down harder on my back with his boy weight leaning on his one foot. I cringed at the way my ribs and chest were being crushed and pressed harshly into the floor.
"I-I don't know where he is," I admitted.
"Yes you do! Don't fucking lie to us!" he retorted. The man holding me down pressed harder causing me to whimper.
"Tell me or I really will kill you," he whispered next to my face and I had to turn my head away from him because of how foul his breath smelled. Somebody definitely liked whiskey and fast food.
"I told you I don't fucking know! How am I supposed to know when I'm locked in this hell hole!" the floor muffled my yell.
"Fine, I'll call him and tell him you're not dead. Would you prefer I set up a time to meet up with your little faggot? I have no problem telling him where we are so he can come see for himself, that just means I get to kill both of you," he laughed, smirking.
"You wouldn't," I spat, staring at him angrily.
"You just fucking watch me," he grinned evilly.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know guys, it's been fucking forever and I'm sorry, but I was moving and then I had to get school grades up & shiiit. But I'm back, and I love you, and I'm so sorry. Here's chapter 24, hope you guys still like this story c: Stay lovely<3

Title Credit - Miss Missing You - Fall Out Boy <3
The new album is perf, just saying <3 c: ~