Status: Inactive

I'll Be The Brightest Someday

We're All 50 Shades Of ***ed Up~

Kellin's P.O.V

Mike and I were walking towards the steps slowly but anxiously at the same time after I'd told about the gunshot. He claimed it was probably just to scare me and make me think he's gone. I know Mike told me that so I would calm down and stop crying because I could see the fear hidden in his brown eyes. Mike started up the steps, extremely slowly, but I couldn't blame him. I followed closely, going even slower if that was possible. We reached the top of the steps and Mike creeped around the corner in front of Vic's door. I was still standing at the edge of the top step because there was blood everywhere and I couldn't stop staring at it. The blood up here was even worse, there weren't just footprints anymore. Up here there was a large mark that look like someone was dragged out of Vic's room and at the steps it stopped and became the same footprints. The bloody footprints were made up of three different sets of shoe designs. One of them I happened to recognize very clearly, the other two I did not. That's when I tried to convince myself that Vic really was alive. The one set of footprints I did recognize was a pair of bloody diamond patterned shoe tracks which were obviously left by Vic's black Vans. Seeing Vic's bloody shoe prints gave me all the hope I needed to believe he could be alive. When I heard Mike gasp I immediately snapped back to attention, looking in Mike's direction. Past his shoulders I could see everything. The whole room was practically painted in blood. If we do get Vic back alive, he definitely won't be in the greatest shape or condition. Mike looked back at me, he looked absolutely terrified.
"Don't worry, Mike. He's alive, they don't cover their tracks too well. Literally." I pointed to the tracks on the floor and Mike growled.
"I'm going to kill these bastards."
"That goes for the both of us."

Vic's P.O.V

The man that had kidnapped me pulled out a small phone and started pressing buttons, I wasn't sure what he was doing. I know he doesn't have Kellin's number so he can't call him to meet up and hurt him like he threatened, not to mention they were dumb enough to leave my phone sitting out after he'd called Kellin with it from my house. Fucking amateurs. I watched the man put the phone to his ear, he looked out the small window on the wall that faced a backyard of the building. There was a car pulling up. A quite familiar car that actually left me shocked. I couldn't even fucking believe what I'm seeing right now.

Kellin's P.O.V

Mike walked around the room examining practically everything.
"Kellin, I'm positive that he's still alive. These people are horrible at kidnapping and covering their tracks. I'll be able to find them soon enough with your help."
"So does that mean we can leave now? I don't feel the greatest."
"Give me a couple more minutes to look around. You can wait in the car if you want," Mike told me.
I was thankful that Mike offered for me to sit in the car because being in that room was making me feel really nauseas even though the fact that Vic was still alive was good news. I was practically desperate to see him, but who could blame me? About a minute or two later Mike came back out to the car. Just as he was opening the door my phone vibrated and I was hoping it was Vic because I needed some form of contact from him right now but I doubted he'd be able to keep his phone. Luckily, my doubts were wrong and it was a text message from Vic.
-Kellin, I can't fucking believe it but my dad is behind the whole thing! I think they're holding me in one of my dad's warehouses. Tell Mike. Help, please, as soon as you can. I love you, Kell.<3
I fucking knew it. One thing that was really bothering me though is that his message sounded like a goodbye message, and that's never a good thing...

Vic's P.O.V

As soon as my father walked in everything started to make more sense. Where I was, how they knew about Kellin, why I would get attacked randomly. I should have know my father was behind all of this.
"Ah, Victor, my unwanted faggot of a son," he smirked.
I gritted my teeth as he continued, "you didn't think I would actually let you be happy with a boy, did you? No son of mine will ever be gay," he sneered.
"Well I am," I muttered.
"Not for long," he chuckled. My head snapped up to glare at him although I'm sure my expression faltered because I was honestly terrified. The two men from earlier started walking toward me and I panicked. I was writhing around trying to get my hands loose but it was no use. As soon as they were in front of me I shut my eyes tightly, trying to pretend this wasn't happening. There was a loud screeching outside like car tires and then a crash next and I wasn't sure if I was imagining it or not. There was dust flying around and the men grabbed my arms and stood me up against the pole. I reluctantly opened my eyes, afraid of what I'd see. I gasped because there was a SUV halfway through the doorway of the building and I could spot Kellin, Mike, Jaime, Tony, and someone who I guessed to be one of Kellin's friends, stumbling out of the van. As soon as Tony, Mike, and Jaime regained their ability to stand up straight they were all pinning my father and one of the men who kidnapped me to the wall. The other man who had held me down had gotten stuck under the SUV and I'm sure he was dead. Jaime was holding my father to the wall while Mike was screaming in his face. I was so busy processing what was going on that I didn't realize Kellin and his friend untying me from the pole. As soon as Kellin gotten me untied he hugged me. He pulled back and stared at me. He just stared at me for a minute, probably taking in how horrible I looked. My face was most likely unidentifiable judging by how badly it hurt and how hard they'd hit me. They definitely didn't have any mercy so my father must have really wanted me gone. Kellin was trying to get my attention and he was panicking because I wasn't responding.
"Huh?" I muttered.
"I was saying get up, I need to get you home," Kellin said a bit frantically. I looked around again and saw a blurry Mike yelling at our father while Jaime held him down. Tony was blurry two but I could make out that he was beating the shit out of the other man that kidnapped me. Everything as blurry and I could almost hardly tell who was who. I looked back to Kellin who was pulling on my arm and I was seeing double. Usually seeing double Kellin would be double perfection but not when my vision was making my head hurt this much. I tried to move but my body was numb. After another minute or so of me attempting to move Kellin kneeled beside me and slipped an arm around my back and another under my knees and he lifted me up, carrying me to his car outside. Kellin sat me in the backseat and his friend got into the passenger side. Kellin kissed my forehead and went to get into the driver's seat. After that everything started to dim down and it kept getting darker and I think I fell asleep. I vaguely remember being carried into Kellin's house.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's been forever, I'm so sorry guys. Fucking school though. But you get chapter 26 tomorrow. I SWEAR ON MY ENTIRE EXISTENCE. Or you can lock me in the TARDIS & send me to the edge of the universe.
You're all amazing.
I love you all.

Title Credit: Join The Club - Bring Me The Horizon