Status: Inactive

I'll Be The Brightest Someday

You Never Fail To Feel Hollow, Now Hush And Let The Dark Swallow~

Kellin's P.O.V

When we got to the warehouse Mike, Tony, and Jaime tried to bust through the main upstairs but couldn't even make a dent in it. So then Jaime got the idea to go down the alley to the back and ram the SUV through the basement doors, and yeah of course it worked, but I think we were all a little terrified. I tried to jump out and get to Vic as fast as I could but my ability to stand and see straight was messing that up for me. Vic looked horrible. As mean as it sounds it was true, unfortunately. It didn't matter though because I would always love him no matter what he looked like. Vic was perfect on the inside and that's who I was in love with. I finally got over to the pole Vic was tied to and he looked like he was in excruciating pain but he tried to smile anyway. I knew he was happy I was there though. I kept trying to shake his arm to get his attention but he seemed like he couldn't focus on me, or anything for that matter. I gave up and decided to untie him just as Gabe came over to help me. I looked over to Mike and he looked extremely pissed off and it was definitely intimidating to see him like that, screaming at his father. it gave me a reminder to never hurt Vic. Although, I didn't even need a reminder because I don't think I could ever hurt Vic again anyway.

Vic's P.O.V

I woke up again and it seemed like I was in Kellin's house judging by the fact that the bed I was in smelled like him but it was hard to tell because the clothes that were on me definitely weren't mine, they were just a little bit tighter than mine. I looked around the room and I was sure I was at Kellin's now because to my right there was a picture of Kellin and I on the wall next to his bed. Of course he'd have a picture of us on the wall, I still smiled at it anyway. I saw my phone on the bedside table and the first thing I did when I picked it up was slide the lock screen up to the camera to look at my face. I looked like I'd gotten hit by a bus and then I immediately hoped my brother brought me here and Kellin hadn't seen me like this but I knew that wasn't very likely. I would never want Kellin to see me like this , I was hideous. There were blue and purple bruises everywhere on my face, my lip was busted , and I had a black eye. I could never be in the presence od someone as beautiful as Kellin when I looked like this. Of course as soon as I thought that someone was knocking on the bedroom door.
"Go away," I called out.
"Sorry Vicky. I just wanted to know if you're thirsty or hungry or something." Of course it was Kellin, now I felt bad.
"No thanks, Kell."
"Oh, okay." He sounded so disappointed. Ugh, I'm such an asshole. I just don't want him to see me like this again but he probably didn't know that and I probably should have let him know that. I'd go out there and tell him but then he'd see how messed up I am and I don't think I can even move anyway because everything hurts so much. Ugh, this sucks, I hate my father so fucking much. How could I expect anything less from him though. I've always known he hated me but I never thought he'd go as far as to try and kill me, let alone kill Kellin too. He'd do anything to have me gone.

Kellin's P.O.V

I'm so anxious right now. Vic doesn't want to see me. Mike's in his room, well the guest room, whatever. I think Mike's just as scared and worried as I am but he's not showing it. He finally came back to my house after an hour or two, I didn't even want to know what they all did with Vic and Mike's dad and the other two men, hell one of them was dead from what I saw. I heard a groan come from upstairs. I didn't want to bother Vic but what if he needed help? I can't just ignore that. I crept up the stairs so Vic wouldn't hear me coming because he would probably act like he's fine and doesn't need anything. I reached the top of the stairs and hesitated before turning the door knob and peeking into my bedroom. Vic was laying sideways, burying his face in the blankets where I couldn't see it.
"Vic?" I asked quietly.
"What?" He mumbled.
"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" I was hoping he'd at least say he needed something so I could have an excuse to talk to him.
"Some confidence would be nice," He mumbled quieter than before . I don't think I was meant to hear him but I did.
"Why do you need confidence, baby?" I was actually quite confused to be honest.
"Because I can't even look at you!" He shouted into the pillow, "I don't even deserve to be in your presence. I'm so messed up and I look I was hit by a truck but you stay beautiful as always. You always look like an angel and I always look like the ugliest thing to walk the planet!" He cried into the pillow. I could barely what he was saying but I knew none of it was true.
"Victor Vincent Fuentes, don't you dare say that. Don't ever lie to yourself or me like that again. You are anything and everything but ugly. You are the most gorgeous thing to ever walk this planet. If I'm an angel, then that makes you a god because you will always be more beautiful than me because beauty needs an animal to breathe and I am that animal. You are beauty itself and I could never compare. I am so grateful that you have these feelings for me because there is no one in this entire universe that is as amazing as you. No matter how many scars and bruises the can litter on your skin, you are beauty and nothing will ever change that. The stars in the sky shine because you're beautiful. The day you die will be the day the stars don't shine anymore because they shine for you and they'd have no beauty to shine for anymore. Don't you ever forget that because I would never lie to you. I know my words are true, and you will too."
Vic finally looked at me, he was in tears but he was smiling. I know Vic is amazing and now he does too. He motioned for me to come over to him, I crawled across the bed and sat at the top, leaning against the headboard. I held Vic in my arms until his crying subsided.
"I love you, so much. I'm sorry I didn't want you to come in earlier, I just didn't want you to see me like this," Vic said, staring down and playing with the blanket.
"It's fine babe, I completely understand now."
I kissed the top of his head and rubbed my thumb over his shoulder, trying to calm him down.
"Nice picture," Vic commented smiling.
"Shut up," I blushed and went to take it down but Vic stopped me.
"No really, I like it."
"Good, cuz it's staying there forever."
Vic smiled and hugged me from the side, "hey Kelly-cat..." Vic whined playfully.
"What Vicky," I replied in an exaggerated groan.
"Can you get me some food?" I sighed, I knew he wanted something.
"Of course, as long as you never call me that again," we both chuckled.
"No promises," he grinned.
"Ugh, whatever," I replied and got up to sit at the edge of the bed to put my shoes on, "what do you want to eat babe?"
"I think you know," he said through giggles.
"Taco Bell it is," I said as I picked up my keys, walked out of my bedroom. down the stairs and out to my car.
"Freaking Mexican," I laughed to myself and drove off.
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Now I gotta write chapter 27 still so idk when I'll update probs next weekend. Sorry, exams