Status: Inactive

I'll Be The Brightest Someday

And The Miracle Of Resurrection~

Vic's P.O.V

I walked to my first class which luckily I had with Jaime, my other best friend. I sat down next to him in the back of the classroom. He was writing what looked like song lyrics in a notebook. I looked at the top of the page and sure enough he was writing lyrics for some song called "Anatome". He looked up at me when he saw me.
"Hey man," Jaime said, looking at me with a half smile, he really looked bored.
"Hey Hime-time, bored or what?" He looked at me and chuckled at his nickname and the my accuracy at guessing his mood.
"Yeah nothing like 'taking notes' in chemistry. I hate this class," he said using his fingers to air quote taking notes because he wasn't.
He looked at me with nearly no emotion and then I saw the sad worried look flare up in his eyes and I immediately knew what he was staring at. A lump grew in my throat, which hurt considering my throat felt swollen and felt like it had no room for the lump, let alone air. I didn't want him to say anything. Jaime knew about my dad hitting me too.
He found out by pulling my dad off of me one morning after he stayed the night the night before with me and Mike and was woken up the next morning by my dad's screaming. Every time he saw a new bruise or scar he got really pissed off about my dad and I could see his fists clenching and then relaxing again out of the corner of my eye.
"Vic, it's not okay for him to-" I cut him off in the middle of his sentence telling him that I already knew and he didn't have to tell me again.
"Jaime, I know but there's nothing I can do to stop it. I'm not leaving Mikey, San Diego, or you and Tony. It's not happening."
"Has Tone seen it yet?" I just nodded my head and looked up from the floor to him, he was staring at me with a sympathetic look covering his face and I looked away continuing to write some lyrics I had started when I walked in and sat down, even though I always wrote horrible lyrics. They could never form a could song because I was terrible at it. I was horrible at everything I did. I had no talent. The only thing I could do was fuck up my life and everything else. I just want someone to save me from myself. Is that so much to ask for? Apparently.
I was shaken out of my depressive pathetic thoughts when the bell for next class rang. After talking to Jaime, that class went really fast and it surprised me when the bell rang.
I was walking to my locker. I was right in front of it when someone grabbed my back pack off my shoulder and threw my all books on the floor. I looked down at them already knowing who did it. I bent down to pick them up and someone snickered in front of me. I looked up at them to see Jack and Gabe high-fiving each other while Kellin just stood there watching me. Kellin never even did anything except call me names or laugh at a joke Jack or Gabe made about me. But Jack and Gabe hit me, kicked me, yelled at me, called me names, made rude comments, told me to kill myself. Kellin just stood there, called me a few names, and left with them. But this time he said and did nothing, just stood and watched as I started to text tony while the other two were busy high-fiving and telling each other about how gay and pathetic I am.
To Tony: Help. Jack and other. My locker.
I slid my phone in my pocket, starting to continue collecting my books off the floor on my knees. Jack and Gabe finally looked down at me and Jack kicked me in the side, right at my already injured ribs, knocking me onto my ass completely but I just continued to ignore them and grab my books and slide them in my back pack while they spat names and comments at me. They just laughed at how pathetic I was. I looked around looking for Tony, who was still no where to be found. He was probably trying to get to me as quickly as possible. I looked up to see Kellin staring at my ribs. Shit, I didn't realize I was still holding my ribs after Jack had kicked them. Kellin almost had a sympathetic, sorry look in his eyes. Like he cared about me being hurt or something. They've been hurting me for years now, with his help. Why would he care. I immediately shook the thought out of my head, knowing that's impossible.
Kellin then glanced at my neck and I already knew he saw the hand print shaped bruise on my neck because of how wide his eyes went.
Shit he knows that Jack didn't do this, neither did Gabe. They only attack me if all three of them are together. I could see him thinking because of his face scrunching up a little. He was probably trying to think of who could have done this to me if they hadn't.
I scrambled to my feet putting the last notebook in my bag and grabbing one I needed for my next class out of my locker. When I turned around to walk away they pushed me back against my locker and spat names in my face. I received one from all of them.
"You're a faggot, Fuentes," from Jack.
"I'm sorry," I replied.
"You're pathetic, just kill yourself already," from Gabe.
"I know, I should," I replied to him as well.
"You're a loser," from Kellin, but he wouldn't look me in the eyes when he said it.
"I know," I replied to Kellin. When I said I know he looked up at me like he was sorry. Kellin was seriously confusing me.
They walked off leaving me there, after Jack punched me in the jaw a couple times, slouched in front of my locker not wanting to move. I was all of those things they called me, even in my father's eyes.
I walked to my next class, gripping my ribs. I could hardly breathe. Tony had finally texted me back and he felt like shit for not being able to help me. He told me he got into an argument with his English teacher and called him a dick sucking little bitch and that he got in school suspension for it.
My algebra II teacher came in and greeted everyone with a smile and I already wanted to punch her in the face because there's nothing to fucking smile about. I had no friends in that class and every one in it hated me, so it was boring although to my surprise it too went quickly like chemistry had.
After school I went to my locker to put my books in it before I left but when I opened it there was a note inside which really shocked me considering I already knew it wasn't Tony, Jaime or Mikey. They would have texted and Tony was at in school. I opened the note to find neat handwriting. It was still a boy's handwriting but it was neat and they tiniest bit feminine. I read it quietly to myself even though there was no one else in the hallway now.
"Hey Vic, we need to talk as soon as possible because I have some stuff to tell you and some stuff I want you to tell me. Text me"
So this was meant to be put in my locker since it had my name in it. So its not an accident. Who could this possibly be?

I texted the number.

"Hey, who is this?"

I'm so confused.
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I think this one is kinda longer c: I just wanna update & update & update but I can't update too fast :c
Hope you guys like it <3
Okay, im done.