Status: Inactive

I'll Be The Brightest Someday

I Fall Apart And It Figures, It's Just The Way I've Always Been~

Kellin’s P.O.V

I immediately knew it was his father by how aggressively the door was flung open and by how wide Vic’s eyes were. They were filled with pure fear. Fear for himself and me because he knew his father was going to hurt him, even with an audience, and Vic new I was going to intervene because I told him his father wouldn’t hurt him anymore on my watch. Which meant that I would probably get hurt somehow in the process of it all, I didn’t care if it meant I was saving Vic from pain, although Vic obviously cared about my safety. Vic looked at me with panic and fear flooding his face. I knew what his dad was here for and I knew he stopped to think when he saw me sitting there with Vic. He walked over and grabbed Vic by his newly injured and still bleeding wrist, causing him to cry out in pain. With out any thought whatsoever, I jumped from my spot on the bed and tackled his father to the ground wailing punches on him.

Vic’s P.O.V

I noticed how heavy Kellin was breathing when I let him in through the window. That helped explain why he got here so early and caught me in the middle of my act of self hatred and pity, he obviously ran. Aside from that, what was happening right now in front of me if what put me in real shock…
Kellin was on top of my dad on my bedroom floor, punching him continuously with no mercy. Kellin’s in control right now and he’s winning the fight but I can’t stand seeing him get hurt if the tables turn but what am I going to do if that happens? My thoughts were interrupted when I heard Kellin yelp in pain and I snapped my head down to see what happened and sure enough as my thoughts were preparing me there he was underneath my father as the tables in fact had turned. Seeing my father punching Kellin made me furious and I’m assuming it was adrenaline that had filled my body because with out any thought I immediately ran over and pushed my dad off of Kellin. I whimpered and fell over when I bent down to see if Kellin was okay because it sent a sharp pain shooting up through my ribs when I bent over. I crawled to Kellin as quickly as I possibly could. His breathing was ragged and he was already getting a few dark bruises on his face. One by his left eye near his temple, one his jaw, and his lip was busted and a purplish red color. It broke my heart to see him in so much pain because of me. I looked at him, scared, and he found my hand on the floor near his side and he put his hand on top of mine.
“I’m so sorry, are you going to be okay?” I whispered down to him, ignoring my dad groaning in the back ground at the pain in his face from Kellin’s punches. Kellin just nodded at my question and his eyes went wide with fear as he whispered something back to me.
“Run” and before I knew what exactly he meant by that there was a loud groan behind me and then something crashed across my back. I yelped in pain and toppled over next to Kellin but I landed on multiple sharp objects instead of the carpeted floor. Whatever my father had just smashed across my back was glass that shattered. I could feel the sharp pieces of glass penetrating my skin as I lay there motionless. I couldn’t move because I started to go numb and things started to spin.
Maybe this is it.
Maybe I’ll bleed out and everything will end here.
Even though I do feel bad that Kellin has to just sit there and watch me slowly fading out of consciousness to my death. I opened my eyes as much as I could when I felt a pair of arms snake their way underneath my body and lift me off the ground. Kellin had pushed my dad out of the way and into the bathroom where he stumbled backward into the bathtub.
Everything seemed to be whirring past me because I didn’t know where we were or where we were going anymore. It was dark and Kellin stumbled and almost fell a couple times. I realized Kellin was opening the front door and I felt the cool air from outside hit my face and Kellin walked down the steps and down the drive way to my car. He opened the door to the backseat, which luckily the car was unlocked, and he slid me into the back of the car and he stared at me with a questioning look.
“Vic, will you be okay until we get to the hospital? Can you stay awake for me?”
I shook my head in response to Kellin’s question and he looked scared and began to panic.
“Where are you car keys?”
“Right inside the door, hanging on the wall,” I mumbled.
He immediately ran back inside the house and back out with my car keys in his hand. Then I got worried when I saw my dad a few feet behind Kellin, following him out the door and towards the car. I started to panic and yell for Kellin but I wasn’t even sure if I was actually yelling or not because I was starting to slip in and out of consciousness. Kellin walked over to me and grabbed my hand which comforted me. Then he let go of my hand and turned around to face my father. He swung his arm forward with my keys balled up in his fist to make the punch more painful. He hit my dad straight in the jaw, nearly knocking him out. My dad fell backward into the grass, groaning at the pain in his jaw and he didn’t make any effort to get up and stop Kellin from closing the back door and hopping in the front seat of the car. Kellin started up the car and put it in reverse quickly backing out of the drive way. He sped down the street making the tires screech when we had pulled out. After that everything went black and I couldn’t hear anyone or anything except my own horrid thoughts.
Am I dead?

Kellin’s P. O. V

Vic’s dad was really pissing me off. Everything hurt but I didn’t care. All I cared about was Vic right now. He was my first priority. He was bleeding a lot and that made me so scared. I’m pretty sure I was speeding the whole way to the hospital and ran 3 red lights. Vic can’t die. Especially not with me, I won’t let him.
I finally pulled up to the hospital. I glanced back at Vic to see he was either unconscious or dead so I panicked and grabbed Vic out of the back seat and carried him into the Emergency Room. God he was so gorgeous and fragile. Seeing him so hurt and in so much pain made me want to cry and just kiss him over and over again until he felt better but I knew I couldn’t, not when he’s unconscious. I hit his dad so many time, how the fuck is he not unconscious? I was so furious at his dad and how he treats Vic. I really did want to fucking kill him, but I had to restrain myself because Vic is the most important thing to me and if I killed his dad Vic and Mike would have to go to live with another family member or go to an orphanage and that means he’d leave San Diego and I couldn’t let that happen or Vic would have bled to much and died because I didn’t rush him to a hospital because I was too busy killing his father for doing this to him. I couldn’t let either of those things happen.
When I walked into the E.R. 4 nurses ran up to me from behind the desk panicking at Vic’s condition. People in the waiting room stared at us in shock and curiosity to know what happened to Vic. One of the nurses left us to go down the hall to get doctors. The doctors sat Vic on a hospital bed and wheeled him into a room, which to my surprise they let me stay in there with him while they helped him stay alive because I’m not family so I’m technically not aloud to stay in here. They began hooking things like IV’s into his arms and putting a mask on his face. When they put the oxygen mask on him his eyes fluttered but never opened causing my heart to sink to my stomach and I began crying silently at the thought of losing Vic like this. I was terrified that I was going to lose him and he wasn’t even mine. I knew it was going to be hard but I would get him to trust me. I care too much about him to let him go on not trusting me and not believing the things I tell him and confess to him. Once I get that trust from Vic, I will never break it. I can’t risk losing him once I have him. I just want to hold him, hug him, cuddle with him, kiss him, fall asleep next to him at night and then wake up the next morning to see his beautiful face lying next to me. I wanted to be with him so badly. Longer than forever. And I’m definitely not leaving his side. The nurses told me he’d be fine and said there was nothing to worry about. Even with that news I’m not leaving this chair next to his hospital bed. They can tell me to leave and try to drag me out of here all they want. I won’t leave. I love Vic and I’m never leaving him.
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Wellllllll this one's a bit longer. Chapter 9 is like 5 pages long, written. So be prepared after Chapter 8 in the morning c: I hope you guys like it <3