Wasted Youth

Chapter One

I can still remember the day my brother told my parents that he wasn't going to
college and he was going off to be in a band. There was lots of yelling and
fighting about if a band was something that could support him. my parents still
support him and everything. I mean the band he's in is popular and he's got lots
of fans. Now he's got hardly any time to keep contact with his family. It's like
we're his second family, oh the feeling is great, being second.... not...

"Jaime!?" I heard my mother and I listened closely. "Oh baby, you barely call
anymore, we miss you very much here." Ha, what a joke. "Do you plan in coming
home to see your family anytime soon?" Her voice got serious. "She's doing fine,
you didn't answer my question." She was irritated now and they were definitely
talking about me. I started down the stairs and made sure to make my presence
known. "Oh uh.." My mother looked at me and smiled. " Do you want to talk to
your brother Rose?" I rolled my eyes. "Why would I want to talk to him?" I
frowned grabbing a water from the fridge. "Ma, don't make her get on the phone.
I'll just talk to you later alright?" I was standing close enough to hear Jaime
on the other line now. My mother sighed. "I love you, Jaime." she looked at me.
"Love you too mom." then the line was dead. "I don't understand Rose. You and
your brother used to be so close! Just because he's touring doesn't mean you
can't love him." She said frustrated. "You wouldn't understand ma." I shook my
head going back up to my room.

I'm three years younger than my brother, he used to watch me a lot as a kid and
as I got older we actually got really close. A couple nights before my brother
left when he was eighteen I was fifteen, he was "babysitting" me. Not really but
my mom just didn't want me to have anyone over. Not like he was getting payed or
anything but he decided he could have a couple friends over. Of course they all
got drunk and long story short some drunk bastard raped me. My brother didn't
believe me. I never told my parents either. That's the point in my life when I
decided I didn't want my bother in my life.
He's only been home a couple times since being in his first band. Now in his
second band he's only been home once. Just too busy for us. My mom still acts
like we're one big happy family, my dad doesn't bother anymore and neither do I.

"Where are you going?" My mother stopped me before I walked out the door. "Ma,
I'm 22 years old. I don't need to tell you where I'm going." She glared at me.
"We'll if you're going to that damn bar you better not come home drunk, your
father will kill you." I rolled my eyes and walked out the door.
Once I got to the bar the only thing on my mind was getting laid tonight. I
sighed as I sat down and the bartender looked at me. "You look like you need a
drink." I laughed. "Yep, that would probably be good." The bartender nodded with
a smile and I watched him put some ice in a cup and pour some vodka in.
"Perfect." I smiled at him and I watched someone sit down next to me. "Hey, I've
got it. I'll pay for her drinks tonight." The bartender nodded. "Thanks." The
man put his hand on my thigh.
It was about an hour later and too many drinks to count. This guy was
practically sober I swear and I was too drunk to function. He was laughing at
me. What did I say again? Fuck. I watched as the doors to the bar open and oh,
is that my brother? No... He's home? I stared at him and the other guys that
walked in with him in confusion. The guy siting next to me was laughing. "Rose,
you okay? You wanna go back to my place." I looked at him and took a sip of my
drink. "Th-that's my brother!" I pointed towards Jaime. The guy looked over
towards Jaime. "Oh." He nodded his head. I slid off the bar stool and tried to
steady myself as I walked towards Jaime. I felt a hand under my elbow and looked
to see the man who's name I forgot guiding me. "Hime!" I walked over and grabbed
my brother by his shirt. "R-Rose?" He looked at me confused. "Jeez, you look
trashed." He let out a small laugh and all his friends stared at me. "So you
come home and can't even come see mom? Just make her happy Hime?" My words were
slurred and I was surprised he understood me. "I was going to stop by tomorrow,
we just got in tonight." My head was staring to hurt. "Fuck you Hime." Jaime
whispered something in the guys ear that was holding me up. Jaime passed him
some money and the guy walked away and Jaime had a hold of me now. "Let go of
me!" I tried to pull away. "I'll see you guys later alright." Jaime said turning
away from his friends. They all nodded and the group broke into quiet murmurs.

My head was throbbing when I woke up. I groaned and rolled over in the bed
expecting someone else to be in it but no one was there. The smell of breakfast
food filled the air. I hope he wasn't expecting me to stay....
I grabbed my shoes off the floor and began to quietly make my way towards the front door but stopped as I was passing the kitchen and my eyes met with Jaime's. Shit. Why am I at Jaime's. "You're awake." He smiled at me and I shook my head. "Wheres..." I hesitated as I tried to think of the guys name from last night. "Jake?" Jaime raised an eyebrow. "Y-yeah." I looked at him confused. "Yeah I talked to him, he was pretty stuck on taking you back to his place but I told him I would take care of you." Jaime shrugged. "Jaime!" I sighed in frustration. "Take me home, now." I glared and he nodded. "I was just looking out for you." He closed the front door behind him. "Whatever." I stood in the parking lot, realizing I didn't know which car was his. "That one." He pointed and I stormed towards the car, getting in the passengers side.
Jaime and I didn't speak on the way to my parents house. I rushed into the house and straight up to my room. My mother began to speak to me but I moved to fast. I could hear her and Jaime while in my room. I buried my head under the pillow eventually falling asleep.