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I Need to Know, Is This Real Love?

One Dream, One Soul, One Prize, One Goal

**Andy P.O.V.**
I slowly opened my eyes to see Ashley still asleep next to me, I was so happy. A happiness I had never felt before. I saw Ashley still asleep, and I was trapped underneath his strong grip on me. "Ashley." I mumbled trying to get out from under him, "You're crushing me!" He immediately woke up, he sat up.
"I'm so sorry Andy baby, you okay!?"
I giggled, "Just fine, you had me trapped under your arm though."
Ashley smirked, "You little cute thing." He started tickling me, I was laughing so hard. I started breathing heavy from lack of air and he stopped. "Too adorable. Today we get to spend the whole day together, since it's Saturday."
I was so happy, I've never felt anything like this. "Ashley baby... I was wondering, can we consider mating soon?"
Ashley smiled, "Oh course baby, it's whenever you're ready. Let's get ready though, we also need to go shopping."
"For who?"
"You, silly. You look sexy in my clothes and momma's and all, but they aren't all your character." I laughed with Ashley, he was right.
"Okay, can we eat now? I'm hungry."
Ashley smiled, "What type of dom am I to leave my fertile hungry? Let's go get you some breakfast." Ashley grabbed me and slung me over his shoulder, "Hey!" I squealed, in response he slapped my butt. "Ashley!" I screamed, he didn't let go. I pouted and let him carry me to the kitchen, his mamma greeted us.
"Hi Andy! Hi Ashley!" He cheered, a smile all over his face. Joey was setting sausage, waffles, toast on a plates, "Want some breakfast?"
"Of course!" Ashley screamed, he put me down gently in a chair. "Eat up, Andy. There's plenty more where that came from."
Ashley stared at me as I eat, I felt uncomfortable. "Ashley, you're kinda freaking me out." I laughed, Ashley laughed too.
"Sorry baby." Ashley said, we finished up and showered. I borrowed a pair of his momma's jeans and one of Ashley's black shirts and borrowed his sweatshirt.
We got into the mall, going to Hot Topic. Ashley and I went through a rack of pants when a looming voice was behind me.
"Hey, look who it is." I turned, it was Leo! He was with a few other guys, I heard Ashley growl behind me.
"Keep away from him." Ashley barked, going in front of me. "Just leave him alone already."
Leo smirked, "Let me guess, you mated? How sad, Andy is a piece of shit. I thought I already told you that though. Oh, I also have someone to see you Andy."
I felt like I couldn't breathe, I saw a so familiar face. The dark blue eyes, fire red hair, and big ear gauges.... They were so familiar. "Remember me?"
Suddenly it all came rushing back, it was Christopher! "Christopher?" I said breathless, Ashley shifted his vision to me.
"Who's this Christopher?"
Leo answered for me, "You could say Andy, him, and I hung out real often." I was downright frightened, "Right, Andy?" Leo said trying to touch me, Ashley slapped his hand.
"Don't you dare fucken touch him." He said, his eyes turning red. He was giving off rage, towards another dom! I know it was TOTALLY not the right time but I was getting turned on. "Let's go Andy." Ashley said guiding me out of the store, he suddenly brought me to the bathroom. Shoving me into a stall he started making out with me.
I moaned wantonly as we separated, breathing heavily. I have never felt this way before, I guess it was love. I can't describe it, it was just that... Magical. "I saw you getting turned on their baby." Ashley said, caressing my cheek. I was probably blushing five shades of red, "You're so beautiful Andy."
"C-C-Can we go home? I'm ready Ashley." I said, Ashley turned serious.
"Are you sure?"
"Completely." Ashley guided me to the car, speeding home. He sat me on the couch and beamed.
"Wait here Andy, I'm gonna get my room all perfect for you." He then sprinted upstairs, I felt butterflies in my stomach. I wonder what Ashley was doing in his room just for me?
♠ ♠ ♠
YOU PUMPED FOR THE SEX SCENE NEXT CHAPTER!!?? I know I am, ;3. SO SORRY ABOUT MORE LACK OF UPDATING! I was failing earth science.... And I had to do super studying. Also school is ending this week for me, so I'll be updating more after it ends. Chapter title credit to Queen, and their song, "A Kind of Magic". I will write the sex scene soon, I swear it this time!