Status: Comments motivate me greatly: And do you like the new layout?

I Need to Know, Is This Real Love?

I Would Die For You

**Ashley's P.O.V.**
Gerard grabbed Andy off the floor and left the room, Frank followed. We all sat back down in our seats, waiting for some other dom teacher to come and watch us. But for some reason CC came in, Jake immediately getting up and going alongside him as his dom. "Why are you here, CC?" I asked, CC sighed.
"My history teacher sent me, for some reason. But Jake is here so I knew it'd be okay! I'm in charge of watching you guys, apparently." Eventually CC just sat on Jake's lap in Mr. Way's chair, laughing and giggling as Jake kissed him on the neck and tickled him. I sighed, imagining Andy and I doing that. He has such a beautiful voice, and his body.....
I blinked a few times, stop imagining him naked. You don't want a huge boner in fertile protection class, happily I didn't get one. The bell finally rang, all the doms filing out to leave. Jake and CC left hand in hand, and Jake holding CC's books for him. I was last to leave, alone.
I walked to the nurse's office, I wanted to see if Andy was okay. The nurse was a fertile woman, she saw me and nodded me in. I walked in and saw Mr. Way and Frank around Andy's still unconscious body. I walked over, "Is Andy okay?" I asked, Frank surprisingly looked up.
"Sorry, Ashley you just scared me. I'm not sure, he's still asleep. Maybe it was because he knew the human, or because of all the doms."
Gerard nodded, "Ashley, why do you care so much about Andy?" He honestly asked me, I sighed.
"I want him to be my mate, I have this tingly feeling in me whenever I'm around him and every time I see him it's like the first time. But it seems like he's scared of me."
Frank gave a light smile, "He's gonna have to explain that to you. Let's go Gee, we'll have Ashley watch him now." Gerard nodded and left hand and hand with Frank.
I sat down on the chair Frank was in, Andy was softly breathing. I moved his hair from his face, he was so beautiful. I leaned down, I just really wanted to kiss him. Just when I was going to I felt someone push me away. "YOU THINK IT'S ALRIGHT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME WHEN I'M ASLEEP!" Andy screamed at me, covering his body with his arms. Tears started streaming down his face, the nurse came over to make sure he was okay.
"Andy, I didn't want to do that. I-" I said calmly, but he interrupted.
"STAY AWAY FROM ME! YOU'RE JUST LIKE EVERY OTHER DOM! JUST TRYING TO GET INTO MY PANTS AND THEN HURT ME! LIKE HE DID!" He still kept screaming, but he was confusing me. Who was the dom that hurt me? What was he even talking about?
The nurse was holding him, but he was trying to claw away from her. She was bleeding from how sharp his claws were, tears still streaming down his delicate features. I ran off, I couldn't see him anymore. I ran to the bathroom, I wasn't crying. But..... I had just ruined all chances with my mate. Because I couldn't keep my hands off of him, and our mating ceremony was in three months. Which meant that if I wasn't mated by then we could be separated. Then what would I do?
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DAH DAH DAH! Sorry about not updating since.....TUESDAY I BELIEVE! I've been really tired and have immediately gone to bed after finishing my hw late. But I'm sick at home today so I'm trying to catch up for you guys! Chapter title credit to Black Veil Brides (YET AGAIN!) and their song "Die For You" obviously. I really need to think of better chapter title, :(. Till next time, HAVE AN AWESOME TIME!