An Unchecked Love Story

Gentle Breeze

My locker was a pigsty. I came to school early, so I had enough time to sort things out. I looked down the hallways and I wasn’t sure if that was Stacey coming my way. It must be –she had a white mini skirt on and a pink top from Hollister. What could she want from me? She stopped at my locker and surprisingly smiled.

“Hi Isabelle!” She said, in her perky voice.
“Uh, hi Stacey.”
“So, how are you and Auden?”
“Fine, I guess.”
“You guys are dating right?”
“Well, yes we are.” Auden said, cutting me off, appearing out of nowhere.

I looked at him and he just smiled.

“Aw, aren’t you guys the cutest things? You guys should come by and sit at my lunch table sometime. Toodles!” Stacey said, skipping through the hallway.

Well, that was awkward. Since when did Stacey Cobbler want me to sit with her? It must be Auden. Apparently, Auden and I were also dating.

He stood on the side of me, flawlessly waiting.

“Ready to go to Math?” He questioned.
“You bet!” I said sarcastically.

Math was a drag. So was the rest of the school day. Auden and I decided to sit at our little table, in the corner. We were the center of attention –well, Auden was. Everybody was shocked, out of all people; Auden hangs out with the quiet girl who barely talked to anyone. Auden drove me home from school, my mother had no problem with it. She really liked Auden, for a reason I was not aware of.

“So, aren’t you going to introduce me to your parents?” He asked.
“You want to meet my parents?”

He nodded.

“Um, okay. Well come on in than.” I said, opening my door.

My mother was on the couch watching The Ellen Degenres Show. She looked over at Auden and then me. She smiled at us both.

“Hey honey, how was school?”
“Great. Mother, this is Auden,” I said pointing to Auden, “And Auden, this is my mom.”

They both exchanged hellos and we went upstairs to my bedroom. I put my bag down on the hardwood floor. Auden was out on the porch wandering around. That was probably my favorite part of my room. I had a porch that I could go out of anytime. It was very relaxing and I adored the outside. When I first moved here, my mom did not think it was such a good idea – she thought I’d sneak boys up in my room. How absurd. My room was actually clean for a chance. I remembered to do my bed. My turquoise sheets were neatly spread on my bed. My clothes were in my hamper too. I rearranged the stuffed animals on my bed from biggest to smallest.

“What are you cleaning for?”
“Why not?”
“Well, I’m here. So you have better things to do.”

We were both standing, in the middle of my room. Hands and eyes locked. We gazed into each other’s eyes, for what seemed to be forever. He slowly moved his head down, until his lips met mine. Our tongues, carefully caressing each other.

I laid my head on his chest, his arms securely wrapped around my torso.

There was a knock on my door. I quickly pulled away from Auden. It was my mother –wow, way to kill the moment.

“Hi! Are you two hungry? And is Auden staying over for dinner?”
“No mom, I’m not hungry. Auden, are you?” I said, turning to Auden.
“Sure, if you don’t mind.”
“Don’t be silly! You’re welcomed here anytime.” My mother said jokingly.
Auden smiled and said, “Thank you.”

My mother gave us some privacy and closed the door. I grabbed Auden’s hand.

“Just follow me.” I said confidently.

He did as I said. I brought him to my backyard.

My backyard was somewhat plain, nothing exciting. There were patches of dead grass here and there. My swing set was just about to break, very rusty and old –surprised it’s still up. I could tell Auden was confused as to why I brought him here. We kept walking until we reached the end of my backyard –the forest. My father always wanted to build a fence, I insisted not. I liked the forest very much, it was soothing. I always went there when I was having a bad day or if I felt like crap. I brought him to a little wooden bench –I made my father build it for me. We sat down; a gentle breeze swayed our hair.

He turned to me and moved my bangs out of my eyes –I could see his nearly, flawless face even better.

“I don’t get it.” I said.
“Don’t get what?”
“Why do you like me?”
“You’re such a silly girl.”

He chuckled my favorite chuckle.

“I’m serious.”
“I can’t explain it, Isabelle. The first time I laid eyes on you, my heart just melted. I knew you were something special.”
“Well that helps a lot.”
“Oh fine. Tell me why you like me?”
“Well to start things off, you’re gorgeous. Second, you make me feel special –I’ve never felt like this.”
“You’re a beautiful girl –inside and out. I bet you didn’t know that.”
“You’re right, I didn’t”

I laid my head on his shoulder, hoping this moment would never end.
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i'm sorry if the plot is kind of slow. I promise there will be conflict soon :]