An Unchecked Love Story

A Half

"Isabelle!" My mother called.
"Yes, mother?"
"Come down stairs."

It seems like I haven't talked to her in forever, ever since our fight about Auden.

She smiled at me, I didn't return it. I was still mad at her, she still never revealed why she didn't want me to be with Auden.

"Honey, I know you really like Auden, and you don't understand why, it's better if you stay away from him. But can you just please believe me, and do what I say?"
"Maybe I would, if you tell me why." Knowing I wouldn't.

She rolled her eyes in frustration.

"I'm sorry, Bell, I can't do that."
"Oh my god. I don't care anymore. You know what? I really don't want to hear another word from you!" I screamed, walking up the stairs.
"Isabelle, don't be like that. Please."
"No mom! I am going to be like that. You're being unfair. Why can't you just tell me?"
"Fine Bella! You really want to know?"
"Yes, mother, I kind of do!"
"He's dangerous! He's not like us."
"Not like us?"
"Come down here and sit me. I'll explain more."

I took a seat, sitting in front of my mother.

"Your father and I didn't want to tell you until the time was right. But since, you're being awfully stubborn right now, I guess I have to."

I sat down, not moving a muscle, listening to every word coming out of her mouth.

"Maybe, I should've said he's not like your father and I. You see, your father and I, we are .. we are .. we are not humans.
"What do you mean? Of course you're humans - look at you."
"Bella, have you ever seen us eat?"
"Of course I have! You guys eat take out every day.."
"No Isabelle, we go out but we never really eat take out."

Thinking about it, I really have never seen my parents eat. They’ve always made dinner and all, but I can’t recall them ever eating. No, it can't be - I had to have seen them eat before.

"We don't eat food at least. We drink."
"We drink bl-blood."

I started laughing.

"Ha ha, real funny mom."
"Isabelle, this is not a laughing matter. I am serious."

She really was serious. There was no sign of a giggle popping out of her.

"So, you're a vampire?" The words seemed funny, coming out of my mouth. For some reason I wasn't scared of the thought, that my parents were vampires.
"Shh, don't say that. Technically we are, but we don't suck human blood. We never have."

"How though?"
"How what?"
"How did you become vampires?"
"Oh, sorry." Remembering her “shh”.
"Okay, I'll tell you the whole story. But it's not to be told to anyone."
"Okay." I agreed.
"Your father and I, in high school, we were in love. We had a senior class trip to go camping, in the mountains. Your father and I were obviously partners. Him and his friends went out into the woods. I told him not to go, but being him - he went. I always believed the stories of vampires and werewolves being true - he thought it was non-sense. When he came back, he was pale and looked sick - a vampire had bitten him. He didn't know what to do. So, he went to talk to my grandfather - who was all about vampires, legends, and werewolves, he was very superstitious. He told Ben that sucking human blood wasn't the only choice - animals were an alternative. That's why we go camping every weekend."
"But only Dad got bitten, how are you a vampire?"
"I sacrificed everything to be with him - including my mortality."
"We were in love. I wasn't going to live without him."

I instantly thought of Auden.

"What does that have to with Auden and I?"
"Auden.. Auden.. isn't human either..."

My mouth dropped open.

"Excuse me?"
"He's not human, well his parents aren't."
"What, has this world gone insane on me?"
"No Bella, don't say that."
"Next thing you know, the president's going to be a fairy."

She laughed.

"I don't know if fairies exist, but I sure do know that vampires and werewolves do. And werewolves, are exactly what Auden's parents are."

Werewolves? No way.

"You know that werewolves are our enemies."
"Not ours, yours."
"I don't think Auden is a werewolf - yet."
"What do you mean yet?"
"Yet, Bella. Just like how you aren't a vampire yet."
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i think i'm going to stop writing this story.