An Unchecked Love Story

Not In A Million Years

When I got home, I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to be doing or how I was supposed to explain everything to Auden.

I heard a knocking on my balcony/porch door. I slowly walked to the mirror-like glass and pushed my silky turquoise curtain out of the way, only to see Auden cheerily grinning at me. Remembering how I wasn’t supposed to see him, I opened my window and he hopped in. He wrapped his arms around me and pressed his lips on my cheek. I took a seat on my bed and he joined me.

“So, why are you so down?” He asked, in a way that seemed me being down was contagious.
“Okay, so I might have figured out why we’re not supposed to be visiting each other.”
“To be dead honest Isabelle, I know what’s been going on.”
“You do?” I said, very shocked.
“Let me tell you the detailed version of why I moved here.”
“Sure thing.”
“So, I lived in Massachusetts with my grandparents because they’re not werewolves. I’m guessing you already know that by now.”

I nodded, wanting more lyrics to come out of his mouth to finish his song. I couldn’t get enough of his voice; it was as if he was always singing a lullaby to me.

“It all started with my mother. Her family is full of them, and I guess she chose to follow that path. My father wasn’t always a werewolf. He chose to be one only cause my mother, it’s crazy what love can do to you. My parents wanted me to become one; they said it wasn’t that bad. I rebelled against my parents wishes and chose to live with my father’s parents. I’m not really sure what werewolves are supposed to do, but I’ve heard stories and they don’t seem so nice. After my grandparents passed away, I had no other choice, but to live a life with my parents. My parents have been bugging me to be one of their kind, and still I refuse. They said it’s a tradition -a tradition I don’t want to be part of. So when my grandmother from my mother’s side came to visit the other day, she sensed something. She sensed vampires, which would be your parents of course. When you’re older I guess you can smell better. They automatically assumed you were one, so they said I couldn’t hang out with you anymore, but I didn’t think you were. Even if you were, I could never keep myself away from you. Never in a million years.”

Hearing the story was a life saver.

“So what do you say to that?” He asked, lifting my chin so we’d make eye contact.
“I say, we stop vampire and werewolf feuding.”
“That’s impossible. I mean vampires and werewolves haven’t gotten along for centuries. Two little humans can’t do anything about that.”
“That’s what you think.”
“Bells, we don’t need to change anything. I’m yours, your mine; nothing’s getting in the way of that.”
He placed his index finger over my lips, “But nothing, I love you Isabelle. Always-”
“And forever.” I finished.
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