Do You Know?

My Heart

Everyone sits around me while we watch “The Nightmare Before Christmas.” Mikey is chewing on his thumb, what a weird boy. Ray and Bob vacuum the popcorn with their mouths. Gerard is hugging a pillow with big eyes. I, well, I’m currently staring at everyone else instead of the TV. I’m Frank Iero and this is my life. Hanging with my four best friends and watching movies. I, for in fact, have grown feelings for one of my best friends. If your thinking Mikey because of his weirdness, no. Its my beloved Gerard. I’ve always been in love with him, but never admitted to my sexuality

As soon as the movie is almost at its close, I decide to get a jar of peanut butter and a spoon. Yes! I love peanut butter! So, I jump off the couch and head toward the kitchen. “Its finally finished!” Mikey exclaims. I roll my eyes and sit my butt back on the couch. I start chowing down and wait for Mikey to pop I another movie. I look at Gerard and he rolls his eyes over my peanut butter frenzy. I blush and continue my process of pure peanut butter seduction.
“Why don’t we play a game or go outside, Im bored as fuck, “ Mikey suggests. I nod my head in agreement and set down my delicious delight. I stand up and stretch, making groaning noises while at it. “Lets go outside,” I finally say. Ray, Bob, and Gerard groan. “Come on you lazy fucks!” Mikey states. I laugh and run to my room to find my shoes. I walk back out and see the guys are all ready. I smile and me and Mikey bolt for the door. Mikey of course wins. Hes way taller than me. I pout and punch is arm. “Ow! Its not my fault you’re a short shit!” he shouts. Everyone laughs but me. I quickly got over it and follow Mikey outside with the others behind me.

“What shall we do?” Mikey asks. I shrug my shoulders and wait for suggestions. He starts petting my head for no reason. Im telling you this is seriously a weird kid! “When are you gonna dye your sides red?” Mikey asks me. My hair is shaved at the sides and bleached blond and I have a makeshift black Mohawk in the middle. The tip of the Mohawk fringes onto my face making it cup my cheek and cover my right eye. “I dunno,” I reply. He stops petting me and walks toward Gerard. “What do you suggest, big brotha?” Mikey asks him. “uh…” all that comes out of Gerards mouth. I giggle and he blushes. HE looks down at his feet embarrassed. “Hey!” I shout making everyone jump. “Lets cause trouble!” I finally suggest. I see Mikeys face glow with the biggest grin ever. I knew he would like it. “Fuckyeah!” Ray and Bob say in unison. Gerard looked unsure, we all waited for his answer. “ I guess,” he stammers out. We all jump in joy and I grab Gerards hand without thinking. I felt him tense up, but I didn’t care because of my excitement. I pull him going anywhere with people that hates teenagers. We go toward town and see a cosmetic store. I stare at Bob and both of us smile. I finally let go of Gerards sweaty hand and walk into the store with pride. The guys laugh at me wondering what im going to do.

I walk in and see rows and shelves with make-up and perfumes. There were also women in there. I stood there trying to figure out what t to do. I casually walk to the samples and started to try them out. The women, obviously way older than me, stared at me in shock with gaping mouths. I smirked and pretended to ignore them. I then quit putting make-up on myself and walked up to a lady.
“Excuse me, miss?” I say innocently. She looks down and smiles at me. I love being short, I must look like a child, being short has its advantages and its disadvantages.
“What size bra do you wear?” I smirk. Her soft face turned into contorted anger. “Young man! How dare you!” she exclaims, “that is no way to talk to a lady!” she lectures. I couldn’t hold in the laugh. I was being a soldier though. I burst out laughing and that pushed her button. She started beating me with her purse. “Ow! What the Hell!” I shout.
“Well, don’t EVER talk to a woman like that. Have some respect.” she says. She hit me with her purse again. “Perv!” she shouts. I rub my shoulder. “What the fuck?! You got vibrators up in there?!” I shoot back. She gasps and calls for assistance. I bolt for the door when a woman grabbed me. “Let Go of me!” I shout. “She was trying to touch me!” I yell. The lady gave me a shocked look. “Who?” she asks. I showed and pointed her to the woman I pissed off. She walked up to her and I took off for the door.
“Hey! Get back here you brat!” the lady screams. Too late I’m out the door laughing so hard. The guys look at me funny. “What did you do?” Mikey asks. Just then the two ladies I interfered with came out of the store. “There he is!” one of them points me out. “Fuck Shit!! Run!!” I shout. We all ran for it, having a thrill. “Stupid kids! Never come back or I’ll call the cops!” they shout. We finally got far enough that we all start laughing. “Only Frankie Boy!” Ray states. My laughing fit ended and my stomach was hurting. I smile at my stupidity and wait for someone to do something.
“Wait a minute,” Mikey says. So we wait while he goes in some store and walks out with a shake in hand. “Whats that for?” Gerard asks. We were all wondering. “Youll see,” he replies. He has the hugest grin on his face. Come to say, im kinda scared of him. He walks toward the curb and gets in a stance. We watch him in awe. He holds the shake back and launches into the flood of cars. We all gasp. The shake landed right on a police cars window shield. “Fucking Fuck!” Mikey hisses. We stand there shocked. “Guys, walk it off, walk it off,” Mikey says calmly. We obey and hold in our laughs. “Now who the fuck threw that!” the policeman yells. We start walking faster almost running. Once we were far enough, we ran straight to my house. We walk in and burst out laughing our asses off like madmen.
“What you guys laughing at?” my mom asks. We all stop and stared at her wide eyed. She gave us a weird look. “You boys, I don’t know about you,” she says shaking her head. She walks back into her room. We all sighed and didn’t even know we were holding our breaths.

“Alright, that’s it for me, im going home,” Ray says. “Me to” Bob adds. We say bye to each other until its me, Mikey and Gerard. “Hey, uh, im gonna go home, moms making chicken pot pie, are you coming or staying Gerard?” Mikey says. “ I guess I will stay,” Gerard replies. “OK! Ill tell mom.” Mikey answers back. Gerard nods and we hug Mikey bye. Now its just me and Gerard. “wanna watch An American Haunting?” I ask him. “ Fuck yes!” he exclaims. I laugh and walk into the living room. “Hey Frankie!” my mom calls me. “Comin!” I answer. “you know the drill Gee.” I say to him. He nods and finds the movie. “Frank, im not gonna be home tonight, I’ll be at Sams house,” she says. “OH! Okay, um, Gerard staying, is that cool?” I ask. She smiles, “Baby I don’t care, you know that, at least your not alone,” she answers. I smile and watch her walk out the garage door to her car. She waves and I wave back. I run back into the living room. Now its really just me and Gerard. I smile and wait for the movie to start.
“Just me and you bud,” I say to him. He smiles and nods. The movie begins and I already feel scared. I feel myself moving closer to Gerard. He just looks at me and shakes his head.
Thirty minutes into the movie and im shaking like a chihuaha. Gerards holding the pillow…again. God damn you pillow! That should be me!

The movie starts to get at its climax and I became even more terrified. Alas, a part that made me jump and gasp, that I magically fell into Gerards lap. Seriously not intended. He looked at me weird and then burst into laughter.
“that’s not funny!” I pouted. He continued laughing at me. “You should’ve seen your face!” he says. I crawled out of his lap and sat next to him. He was bursting with laughter. That made me tug a smile on my lips. Without the faintest idea in my head I leaned over him and kissed him to get him to shut up. He gasped and stared at me. I let go of him and shied away.
“I’m-I’m sorry,” I say ashamed. He just kept looking at me with a shocked face. I put my head down and got off the couch. I ran to my room with a shocked Gerard still on the couch. Frank your so fucking stupid. Stupid Stupid Stupid!!!
Just then I hear a knock on my door. “Frank?” I hear Gerards voice. “Frank please let me in?” he says. I walk to my door and slowly open it. I didn’t want him to look at me. I open it to a smiling Gerard.
“I knew it!” he says. My stomach drops, he rushes at me and grabs my face kissing me. My turn to gasp, but I gave in to his lips.
“Do you have any idea how long I have been waiting?’ Gerard says to me. I shake my head no.
“Forever…” he answers his own question.
I smile and stare into his eyes. I knew at the bottom of my heart he was the one for me.

-Years Later-
I finally snap out of my daydream. Ive been sitting on this couch every single day of the week. I visit the hospital every day. Twenty four seven. I slowly get off the couch and take a shower and get dressed. I make my way to my car. It’s the same routine every day.

I stare at my ring that I have on. I smile at it, remembering the day me and Gerard got married. After the twenty minute drive to the hospital. I walk into the office area where the receptionist is.
“Hello sir, how may I help you?” she asks me. Always the same question, they should know by now, but there are different receptionist every day at the counter.
“Here to see Mr. Gerard Iero-Way.” I reply.
She smiles and types away on her computer. Then her face became disheveled.
“Um, Mr. Iero-Way , im sorry he is not occupied here.” she says to me. I felt my face go pale.
“what-what do you mean not occupied?” I ask her.
“He past on last night, I’m sorry we were going to call you this morning, I am truly sorry for your loss of your husband.” she answers with a sympathetic face. I believe her sorrow.

My heart dropped and felt hot tears coming out.

The only question I ask myself. Do you have any idea how long I haven’t been waiting for this?
♠ ♠ ♠
im sorry its so sad :(
its my first one-shot so tell me if you like it or anything else ok?