Status: Not active, thinking of rewriting

Daughter of a Fabulous Killjoy


ok, so I know I only like 2 readers and like 1 sub, but to those who are reading this I have good news and bad news. Bad news is, I WONT'T be able to continue this story:( I am so sorry if you actually liked this story, but I just can't write it!!! Whenever I come to writing this, I get total writers block!! I hope you guys understand. Anyway, bad news aside, time for good news!!! I will be starting another MCR fanfic:) I am deciding on a story with MCR in highschool, or bandit being kidnapped and reunite with Gerard and Lyn-z on her 13th b-day. That or something else, I'm not totally sure yet. So anyway I hope you guys understand. See ya in the stories:)

Xx Peace, Love, and REVENGE xX