Status: Of course...


The Life

It was roughly six in the morning on a Thursday. There was no light coming in through the curtains that hung on my bedroom window across the room from my bed. I was awoken by the sound of my telephone ringing at full volume on my nightstand. Honestly, I was thinking about just ignoring it. When the phone stopped ringing, I felt a wash of relief come over me. I wasn’t prepared to face the outside world yet, it was too early. As I slowly began to drift off to sleep again, my phone went off for the second time. This time, I couldn’t avoid it. I was going to have to get out of bed if I wanted to or not. With a slow motion, I reached over and put my hand on the nightstand trying to attempt to find my phone. I pat the nightstand in an attempt to find my incredibly loud cell phone. When I was finally able to read the caller ID, I scowled when I saw who it was calling me; it was my boss. Every time he called me, it meant I had to go investigate a new crime scene. I answered in a quiet voice and said hello.

“I’m sorry I called you this early Jennifer, but we just got a call for what seems like a gruesome murder. I’m on my way there now.” My boss said nearly yelling. His voice was filling my dead quiet apartment with noise. It was too early was all I could keep thinking while he talked. I wasn’t paying attention to a single word he was saying. All I could say was okay and hang up.

I rolled into the middle of my queen sized bed and put my soft blanket over my head. I was exhausted. Last night I stayed in the office finishing paperwork on a previous murder, and I didn’t get back to my apartment until about one a.m. The last few days were rough, but I kept telling myself I could handle this. Finally I sat up on the edge of my bed. It felt like I couldn’t move; I was way too worn-out. When I finally gathered the strength to get out of bed, I walked over to the bathroom and turned on the light. I looked at myself in the mirror and didn’t know who the person staring back at me was. The woman’s chocolate colored hair was everywhere, like a sign that she had had a rough night of sleep. There appeared to be bags under both of her stunning yet creepy hazel eyes. Her cheeks were still a bright rose even though she had sleeping imprints on one cheek. Specks of black and brown makeup remained on the women’s eyelids. I decided not to focus on this stranger in the mirror any longer. It was just discouraging.

After I got out of the shower, I got dressed, and I was ready to leave. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. The walk to my car felt like the longest ever. The entire parking unit was quiet. All I could hear was the sound of my high heels clicking on the concrete floor. Most of the cars were already gone since most people in this building left for work by six. Once I was in the car, I called my boss again. When he called earlier, I wasn’t actually paying attention, so I had no clue where this crime scene was.

“Hello?” I heard my boss say. He sounded distressed. I didn’t know if it was due to my late call, or the murder he claimed was gruesome. I’m sure that the murder wasn’t that bad, I mean it never was before.

“I need the address again,” I said. I was nervous. Would he think I didn’t care the first time he asked since I’m asking again? No, I would just tell the truth and tell him that I was tired when he called. “I was tired when you called the first time, sorry.”

I heard him sigh. Not a frustrated sigh, but it was more of a forgiving sigh. I was sitting in my car in an empty parking lot. I felt awkward. “Go to 1453 Holloway Drive.” My boss muttered and hung up.

I started driving to the location my boss gave me. The streets were extremely packed even though it was only seven in the morning. The closer I got to the address, the more I thought I was lost. I continued to follow Holloway Drive until I was almost out in the middle of nowhere. There were only a few abandoned houses on the way, Even though I thought I had went the wrong direction, I continued to drive towards the address my boss gave to me. After driving for nearly ten minutes, I found a sign that said 1453 in faded print and Factory under it. I was baffled, but I drove into the driveway. It appeared as if the drive way was just about one mile long. In the distance I could see what looked like every police officer in the city here at this abandoned factory. What is going on?
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I hope you like it!