Status: Of course...



“What’s wrong Jennifer?” My boss asked in a surprisingly soft tone.

After a lot of thought, I figured that I couldn’t quit on this case. I knew it was going to be difficult, but I also knew that I had a strong desire to find the sick bastard that did this. I simply shook my head at my boss and staggered away. My mind was occupied with a million feelings that I couldn’t possibly process at once. There wasn’t much else I could do at the crime scene, so I decided it was time to head back to the office and begin the paperwork for this gruesome case.

The entire drive back to the office seemed automatic. I wasn’t processing what was going on or where I was going, my body just knew where to go. There were loads of questions running through my mind about who the slaughterer could be. I was trying to profile the man, but what he did was just so bizarre and uncommon I had no clue where to start. When I arrived at the office, I sat at my mahogany desk and I continuously tapped the pen on the table. I leaned back in my swivel chair when I could no longer think of anything else to write about the vicious killer.

Ring! Ring! My phone ringing nearly gave me a heart attack. Who would be calling me?

“Hello?” I said quietly into my phone receiver.

“You need to get down here. Now.” Dr. O’Connell said urgently and hung up. Honestly I loved seeing him although I wish it was under better circumstances. He was extremely attractive, but I knew office relationships weren’t a good idea and I wasn’t stupid enough to try it -yet.

I was extremely curious and worried. Never before had I gotten a call from the doctor to come by and look at the autopsy. Immediately I went to Dr. O’Connell. When I entered the white, almost modern looking room, I saw him looking at a clipboard with his glasses nearly on the tip of his nose. As I walked closer, he focused his view on me and gave me a half smile. He dashed over to the table with the covered body on it and motioned for me to come over.

“You’ll never believe what I found.” He uttered in such a sure way.

“Surprise me.” I instructed him, it couldn’t be that bad. I had witnessed just about every sick and twisted thing in this world.

“Jane Doe here is filled with stuffing,” He stated with a disgusted look on his face “she’s got puppet fabricator inside her body instead of main vital organs.”

My face turned white, I could feel it and my mouth fell open. Never before had I dealt with something this sickening. Dr. O’Connell gave me an I-told-you-so look. This case was bringing forth a lot of firsts for me. I had never before had a “princess” case or a young woman with stuffing inside her body instead of her vital organs.

“Thank you for the update,” I whispered with a blank look on my face “did she feel pain?” my voice cracked when I asked that part.

Dr. O’Connell simply nodded and turned away. There was nothing else I could get from him without causing myself more pain. It was nearly noon now and my mind was too occupied to focus on writing anything else up for this case. I needed to actually get out and start looking for clues. A good place to start looking could be any place that sells a dress like that. I wasn’t sure how exactly to find out who the girl was. I really needed to find this killer before he snatches up another girl and brutally murders her.
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This chapter isn't the best. Sorry guys