Our Hopeless Fairytale

Lissy's Introduction

A while back I came across these 5 crazy Aussie boys on twitter, after that I began watching their YouTube videos.
I started to slowly fall for the 'one with the dot on his nose' known as Luke Anthony Mark Brooks, since then I cannot look at a photo of him without getting butterflies in my tummy, I can't hear his voice without struggling to breathe.

Since then every day I check my followers, constantly, sometimes I'll sit and refresh the page for an hour just to see if he has noticed me or not, but he hasn't.

I know that we will probably never be together because I am not good enough for him and because I live in France, the pain I experience every time I even think about him is unbearable.

I have fallen for a boy that I have never even spoken to, Luke says in his advice video that 'it isn't love' if you haven't spoken to that person but I know 100% that I am in love with him and he will never understand how much.

I cry myself to sleep because I know that he will never love me back, I fall into daydreams and think about what our future together would be like.

I just wish there was something I could do to make him love me back, or atleast show him how much I love him.

My name is Lissy and I have fallen for a boy who has no idea who I am, I am fifteen years old which is another reason why Luke would never like me, I'm too young for him considering he is seventeen and so much more grown up than me, I've only ever had one boyfriend whereas I bet Luke has a different girl every week.

I live in France although I am English, I live in a 3 bedroom house with my Dad and siblings; Lianna my twin and Neve my older sister who is 16.

Our mother got remarried and moved to Mexico or something with her new family, so we are alone with out father. I get on great with my sisters they are my best friends.