Our Hopeless Fairytale

Magic & Miracles

I woke up to his big brown eyes staring into mine his flawless hair was as still as a picture, which is understandable seeing as I woke up to my new Luke Brooks poster being shoved in my face by Lianna.

"Lia, piss off! And give me that" I yelled as I ferociously grabbed the poster from her hands and stared lovingly into Lukes eyes.

"God you are so obsessed with that boy" Lia said as she giggled.

"Dad wants us downstairs"Our older sister Neve said as she put her red beats back on her ears and walked back out the door.

"I wonder what he wants..."Lia said curiously as she began to race me down the stairs, she clumsily slipped on the last stair and got back up with a giggle.

We sat down on the couch across from our father, he was a short cheerful man who had dark black hair, he looked to be of about 30 years old but he was 36.

"Hello daddy" I said with a smile

"Hello princess" he smiled back,

"Girls, I have to go away for a few days and your aunt will be coming to watch you, I cannot tell you where I am going but I want you to know that it will all make sense soon"He added with a bigger smile.

"So you are going away?"Neve said

"Yes, I'm going to need you to help your aunt look after the twins"He said to her

"Um hello we are 15 years old! Not 10 we can look after ourselves"Lianna said as she rolled her eyes.

After questioning my dad about leaving to go somewhere we found out absolutely nothing so we decided to go back up stairs to our rooms,

"But seriously Lissy its like he's trying to ruin our lives"Lianna said dramatically.

"Lia, he's going away for a couple of days, Calm yo tits woman"I said causing Lianna to uproar with laughter.

"It means there's no more bed times!"I added making her smile

"OMG YES! LIFE IS COMPLETE!"Lianna screamed with joy as she began doing a happy dance, I giggled at my younger twin's cuteness.

I decided to lie back on bed and check my twitter. My heart stopped because of what I saw, in my mentions I had over 100 new tweets, I scrolled through them all, they were saying how lucky I was, there was some hate too, I had no idea what was going on until I reached the first mention

"You are so beautiful. Check your dms"

My heartached as I screamed with joy, the tears rolled down my red cheeks and my throat began to make sobbing noises, it finally happened, Luke Brooks had noticed I existed and complimented me.

I frantically clicked buttons until I reached my direct messages and there it was, to any normal girl it would just been a message from a boy saying what's up but to me it was the entire universe to me it was as special as winning the lottery or finding a golden ticket. This was it, Luke knew who I was.

My hands shook wildly and I could barely see through the streams of salty tears that were coming from my eyes but I began to type back to Luke, "Hey, nothing much, you?". I threw my head back on my bed and cried softly with the biggest smile on my face. I think it was safe to say that by one small compliment from my idol all my insecurities seemed to wash away completely.

*BEEP* I heard coming from my iphone I jumped up and looked at my direct messages. I had a new message from Luke.

Luke; oh thank god you replied. And nothing I've been waiting all day for you to reply haha I'm pathetic.

I began to gasp for air. Luke actually wanted to speak with me, I couldn't believe it. It was like all my dreams had come true.

Me; ofcourse I replied, you almost killed me though, I'm still shaking and crying. Bad move Brooks -_- you'll regret this.

I giggled to myself after I sent that because I know I would never do anything to make him regret making my dreams come true.


Luke; aww shit please don't hurt me, I'm sorry. I just thought you were beautiful and I wanted to see if your personality was too.

I smiled massively and began to reply instantly.

Me; I won't hurt you :) and I don't know what my personality is like it just sort of exists :s

After I sent that I sat there thinking oh crap he's going to think I'm such a dumbass but I couldn't be more wrong.


Luke; I bet your personality is perfect just like the rest of you ;)

I blushed and began to type back as fast as I could

Me; you are such a flirt lol. I should tell you something, I am only 15.

I knew that he would hate me for that because I'm too young for him.


Luke; I don't care, age is just a number. If I like someone I will talk to them and nothing will stop me.

I began to sob again, he said he doesn't care. This means I could have a chance!

Me; omg are you serious? :o I always thought you'd only like girls who were like 17 or older.

Luke and I continued talking on until into the night, we got to know each other and realised that we both really got on and had a lot in common.