Our Hopeless Fairytale

Death & Heartache

*Lissy's POV*

Luke and I had spoken constantly for the past few days, we had became closer than I'd ever imagined! He even had pet names for me and said the most amazing things too me, he made me feel loved and like I mattered.

Lianna and I hadn't spoken much, when I tried to make conversation with her she just looked at me with hatred, because I proved her wrong. My father came home yesterday. He told me the reason he left is because he had to go on a business trip, his boss told him beforehand that if it went well then he would get a promotion.

"Hey"Neve said as she sat down beside me on my bed

"Hey"I replied cheerfully

"Lia and I are going to go to the movies, do you want to come or are you two still at war?"She said with a cheeky grin

"I'd rather stay at home and catch up with dad"I replied with a loud sigh, I didn't want to go and have my fun be ruined by my jealous twin sister.

Neve left seconds later and went to the cinema with Lianna, so I decided I would go see my dad.

"Hello"I said as I threw myself violently on the couch across from my father

"Hey Lissy-Lou"He said in his English accent with a smile that made his eyes crinkle at the corner. My dad called me Lissy-Lou because my middle name is Louisa after my dead grandmother, she died of breast cancer in the '90s just twelve days after Lianna and I were born.

"I got this new movie The Hunger Games and since the others have went out I was wondering if you want to watch it?"I said to my father

"Sure, I'll be back in a moment"My father said as he winced in pain and put his hand against his heart, I was about to ask him if he was alright when he rushed out of the door, seconds later a heard a loud crash in the hallway.

I leapt from the couch and ran to the hallway, my father was lying on the floor

"Dad?!"I screamed as I knelt down beside him, I checked his pulse but I could not find it, tears began to stream down my face as I screamed loudly. I removed my shaking hand from my fathers wrist and called for medical help, I didn't know how to do any first aid things and the hospital was the only thing I could do

"Hel-hello"I stuttered through vicious sobs

"Hello, how can I help you?"Said the lady on the phone

"I-i need an, an ambulance. My fa-fa-father isn't breathing"I said down the phone as I cried harder.

I gave the lady our address and moments later an ambulance turned up at our door and two paramedics got out, I stuggled to make my way to answer the door because my legs were shaking so much that whenever I tried to stand up ii fell to the floor.

The paramedics did everything they could but they could not save my dad. I went with the paramedics to the hospital and waited until my siblings arrived, A kind nurse in the hospital called them for me because I was struggling to put a sentence together.

My sisters turned up at the hospital with worried looks on their faces,

"What happened?!"They asked at the same time.

"H-hes dead"I stuttered as I continued to sob

"Dad?"Lianna asked as she sat beside me

I shook my head in response.

My sisters and I cried together for awhile when we were interupted by a woman from child services, she apologised for our loss and began to go on about feelings and letting out emotions like she thought it would help but it just made it worse.

"Now, because your father is gone you have no where to live, I am here to discuss your living arrangements with you, I know its hard but it has to be done, as you know, your Aunt Holly has a mental illness, which means that she cannot look after you permanently"Rebecca, the woman said

"I am going to allow you to live at your house with your Aunt for the next week just until we track some of your family members and you get everything packed and the funeral is over"Rebecca added as she led us to her car so that she could drive us home.

The car ride was silent, that night Lianna, Neve and I spent the night in the living room, none of us slept. We just sat there in silence.

A few days passed and it was the day of dads funeral, I wore a black dress that came down to my knees and back pumps, Lianna and Neve wore similar outfits.

We made our way to the car that our Aunt was driving.

The funeral was full of tears and strangers apologising for our loss, our Aunt told us that we would meet our God mother who we would live with, we could not live with our mother because no one could find her.

*Luke's POV*

Lissy hasn't spoken to me in a few days, when I text her she doesn't reply and when I call her she rejects the call, she doesn't go on twitter anymore, I'm really worried about her, what If she is hurt or she's mad at me? Maybe she doesn't want to be with me?

I don't know what I've done. I just want to make her happy but it appears that I have upset her because she is blocking out my existence.

I just wish there was a way to show her how much I love her, I hate distance. I wish I was with her now so I could hold her in my arms.

*Lissy's POV*

"Hello, I'm Jasmine, your God mother"A lady said as she extended her arm out, I shook her hand reluctantly

"I'm so sorry about your loss, your father meant a lot to me, he was my room mate in University."Jasmine said

"So we have to live with you?"Neve said with a sigh

"Yes, I live in Victoria, Australia. We leave on a flight tonight"Jasmine added

When she said Australia, Luke's face popped into my head. Not because we haven't spoken but because I know that even though I'll be in the same country as him I'm way to depressed about my father to still be in a relationship with Luke, it will only make him hate me.

The rest of the day went by slowly and before I knew it, it was 7 pm and we were leaving for the airport.